"I heard Professor Sinister went to Australia." Albus Dumbledore said after putting down a white queen.

Pomona was looking at the chessboard intently, but was confused by his sudden question.

"How do you plan to spend your summer vacation?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the chessboard.

Pomona wanted to say "clear your mind," but she didn't think Dumbledore would be satisfied with that answer.

"Are you planning to go to London too?" Dumbledore then asked.

"No... I want to be clean and tidy in school. There were too many things in the last semester." Pomona said as she moved the black castle to the side, facing the white queen.

"Filius is indeed very busy. There are many areas in the castle and defensive magic that need repairing." Dumbledore said.

"That's great, I can help," Pomona said immediately.

"Don't you care about the launch plan of the Hubble Telescope?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Pomona asked confused.

"I heard that you and Sinistra wrote a letter asking about the European Space Agency's launch plans," Dumbledore said.

"Oh, you said this." Pomona breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't know what the Muggles have planned, but I don't think they will really postpone it indefinitely."

"Why do you think that?" Dumbledore asked.

"When they find the real cause of the accident, the space mission will continue. Curiosity is the driving force for human progress." Pomona said with a smirk, placing the black castle opposite the white queen.

If the Queen came to "eat" the castle at this time, she would be eaten by the Bishop of Pomona.

Professor Ruth said that the Inuit would make traps to catch wolves. They would dig a hole in the ice sheet, put the handle of a sharp knife into it, sprinkle a little snow on the knife, and then bury the knife with ice and snow. Okay, you're done.

Wolves foraging on the ice sheet will come to this trap after smelling the smell of blood. They will think that there is an animal or carcass that has been hunted by humans, such as a seal or a whale. Humans often only take away their oil. The rest will remain.

Then the wolves will use their tongues to lick the bloody ice. Although they can use their claws to peel away the blood, hunger prompts the wolves to taste the blood before eating the meat. According to the hierarchy of the wolf pack, if it really When someone finds prey, he must be the first to eat it.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, stimulating them to lick more and more. The cold numbs their tongues and causes them to mistake the bloody smell produced by frostbite on their tongues for delicious food.

Until their tongues licked the blade and were frozen by the iron. Some wolves would rather bite off their tongues to escape, but some wolves were unwilling to lose their tongues and kept wailing until they froze to death in the ice and snow, or were killed by the sound. The inuit caught him.

"I heard an interesting theory." Dumbledore said with a smile. "Do you know why the spacing of British railway tracks is four feet and eight and a half inches?"

"Including the Hogwarts Express?" Pomona asked nonchalantly, "I'm going to measure it later."

"The roads built by the ancient Romans were all of this width. A long time ago, let me think about it, it doesn't seem that long ago. When I was young, many long-distance roads were built with this width. This is exactly the width of two horses' butts. Width." Dumbledore said easily, "In those days, buses were all horse-drawn."

"Really?" Pomona said, pretending to be surprised.

"I heard that the space shuttle's rocket booster was transported by train, and it had to pass through some tunnels on the way. In other words, the width of the rocket booster was determined by the width of two horses' buttocks two thousand years ago."

After the initial shock, Pomona's first reaction was that Dumbledore was lying, but she did not dare to say it.

"Can't they send the thrusters to the launch center for assembly?" Pomona asked subconsciously.

"This is not the theory I want to say." Dumbledore said, commanding the White Bishop to move in front of the Black Knight.

Because of this bishop, Pomona's castle cannot move forward because it is against the rules of the game to do so unless she eats the bishop first, but then the White Queen can eat her castle.

"The choices people made in the past determine the choices they may make now and in the future. This mechanism makes us choose to go on a certain path, no matter it is good or bad, so that we want to It becomes very difficult to get rid of it completely. For us personally, when we decide to take a certain path, we should try to choose the starting point in a place with more chances of success. When Severus was young, like many people, he felt that joining the Death Eaters That path has a greater chance of success. In the theory of evolution, there is a 'stable strategy'. When most members of a population adopt a certain strategy, and the benefits of this strategy are unmatched by other strategies, this strategy is evolution. For an individual, the best strategy depends on what most members of the population are doing. After a major change in the environment, the population will have a brief unstable stage, and the individual will try to find the best way to adapt to survival. When an individual's strategy is accepted by most members, any different individual strategy will be regarded as abnormal behavior." Dumbledore said calmly, "In an environment full of 'saints', Severus His code of conduct was at odds with everyone else's, which gave him an advantage. But now he's in a different environment. London is full of opportunities for success, even more than at school, it seems."

"You want me to look at him?" Pomona asked.

"He is an adult, and I don't think it's time to interfere with his freedom." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I'm glad you didn't leave England this summer. There are a lot of things that need you here, Pomona."

"You think too highly of me." Pomona said coldly, taking a step forward with no move left.

"I don't think you are like us." Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at her through his half-moon glasses. "What you want is different from us."

"You know what I want? Dumbledore." Pomona laughed. "Did you use Legilimency on me?"

"You moved the Mirror of Erised back to the castle, why don't you keep it in the greenhouse?" Dumbledore asked.

Pomona dropped her smile.

"I think it's too dangerous for students," she said cautiously.

"People of different ages see different things in the mirror. Don't belittle yourself just because you see Bubble Pods in the mirror." Dumbledore said with a smile, "You have now cultivated many Bubble Pods just like in the mirror." Soak the pods.”

Not at all what you think.

Pomona thought, watching Albus command his knights to eat her soldiers.

She was terribly upset. Why did he bring up the mirror?

================================================== ======

Georgiana glared at the back of Lyla Brick, who was walking in front.

The way her "knight" appeared was so weird.

In the imaginary space, time does not stack up. Of course there is no problem if you don’t eat or drink, but returning to the "real" space is another matter...

Whether it was Phoebe who was trapped in the portrait or the people who were petrified by the basilisk, time seemed to have lost its effect on them. However, after returning to normal, they did not eat or drink. They had not eaten in the previous months. Everything you drink is "topped up".

Bill thought that Phoebe was trapped in the space expanded by the space expansion spell on the portrait, but Phoebe actually still existed in their space, but it had changed from "three-dimensional" to "flat".

The petrified people also existed in the same space, not only visible, but also in contact. Ron and Harry got a small note from Hermione's hand, and then got clues...

"What's your plan?" Brick asked.


"Your plan." Brick repeated.

Georgiana looked at Brick.

"I know you are still resenting me for not getting into that cabinet, but what we are encountering now is completely different from that."

"I understand," Georgiana said calmly. "Everyone has their own fears."

"I'm not afraid of that cabinet, I'm just... tell me your plan." Brick said after calming down his excitement.

Georgiana didn't know whether there were "King's Peace" regulations on the European continent like England's. The lord needed to leave an open space of two hundred feet on both sides of the "Royal Avenue".

Even if it once existed, it was abandoned due to the changing rulers of Belgium, especially Frederick the Great who regarded the road as a convenient way for enemy invasion. Even though they have not yet reached the road that was destroyed during the Revolutionary War, the road condition is already not very good, but the post road built by Louis XIV is still much better than the mud road, at least there is no need to worry about the wheels getting stuck.

The fork in the road she took just now was not suitable for carriages. Although the Low Countries are flat and not blocked by the Alps and the Rhine, there are dangers such as the Ardennes Forest.

"If you don't have a plan, I'll tell you mine," Brick said.

"Let me think about it," she said coldly.

In fact, Brick had seen it from above and had a better idea of ​​the ambush.

She doesn't really mind having to take command.

The trouble is that she doesn't want to leave her fate to him. In fact, it's not bad to act alone. Why does Brick follow her?

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