"Of course, Smith will not give up this opportunity to strengthen himself. I remember that he seemed to have two companions."

Severus said after knocking her over the head.

"He has companions?" Pomona tilted her head and thought.

"They look similar, but they are different 'people'." Severus said. "I assume he took this opportunity to report to the Matrix and take the power of the other two people into his own, so that he can have more power." The big force went to capture Neo."

"Why don't you call him the savior?" Pomona asked with a silly smile.

He ignored her question and continued, "Because Agent Smith has greater power, the matrix will rely on him more, but this is not the safest."

"Unless Morpheus doesn't get caught?" Pomona asked.

"No...look over there." Severus motioned Pomona to look not far away.

Pomona looked over and saw two London police officers, a man and a woman.

"Remember that scene Smith played with Neo in the interrogation room?" Severus asked.

"Of course I remember," Pomona said calmly.

"For some reason, they couldn't erase Neo's memory and could only make everything that happened in the interrogation room seem like a dream."

She didn't quite understand it, but she got the general idea.

"Unless it is formatted, the data stored on the computer will not disappear," Pomona said.

"And we have all seen that the matrix is ​​composed of many codes. Deleting codes means..."

"It contradicts its original intention of protecting itself," Pomona continued. "Deleting the code is a way to self-destruct."

"The Matrix won't do that, so this is the safest way for Agent Smith to maintain his presence," Severus said.

“Become part of the matrix,” Pomona said, “not an optional program.”

"And the Matrix dividing them into three must have a purpose. It may also give them three greater powers." Severus said.

"But still not part of the matrix," Pomona said.

Severus nodded.

"He will find a way to maintain his existence rather than obey orders to destroy himself," Severus said.

"It's like the Matrix," Pomona said.

"That's right," Severus said carefully.

Pomona looked him up and down.

"Do you know about the Delian League?" Pomona asked.

"Because they have a common foreign enemy, Greece takes this opportunity to strengthen itself?" Severus asked.

"First of all, we must clearly distinguish between ourselves and the enemy." Pomona adjusted his coat. "Like you, both sides suspect you, but they can't find any evidence of your betrayal."

"Then what?" Severus looked at her with a smile.

She stretched out her hand and twisted his nose.

"Do you know how weird it looks when you show up to the Order of the Phoenix?"

"Don't you doubt how strange I look when I appear among Death Eaters?" he asked somewhat defiantly. "Igor Karkarov is dead."

"Isn't there Wormtail with you?" Pomona said.

It was obvious that he didn't like this "partner".

From a certain perspective, bats and rats are quite annoying. They both carry many viruses and spread them around.

But bats are chiropterans, and they at least have wings to fly in the sky.

Human beings have had many dreams about flight. Muggles can even launch spacecraft into space. After the failure of the Challenger launch, the launch mission that was originally stopped "indefinitely" was later started. The Hubble Telescope finally went up. space.

She didn't like war. Even ignoring the damage caused to the ground by the British air battle, even flying finally became related to war. What else wouldn't be weaponized?

She sympathized with the soldiers who died in the war, but it was too rare for people to remain pure of heart after experiencing the First World War like Muggle Jacob, especially Queenie was a natural Legilimency. . Everything about him is invisible to Queenie. Unlike the double agent in front of him, Pomona, like Queenie, cannot read his thoughts because he is a master of Occlumency.

At first, you may find it interesting, testing and guessing your opponent's thoughts, just like playing chess.

But if you live together, you will feel a lot of inconveniences. Trust is the foundation of love. How can you love someone you can't trust at all?

At this time, she will feel that there is nothing wrong with finding an ordinary person. Even the god-like Odysseus cannot withstand the stormy waves of fate. How can she, a little girl, withstand it?

"Let's buy something and go back to eat tonight." Severus said, then took her hand and walked into a supermarket.

There was a dazzling array of food on display on the shelves, but she was in no mood.

"What's wrong?" He said to her in a very gentle tone.

She wanted to rely on him, but she was afraid that what he saw in front of her was her own illusion, just like the mathematician who invented game theory. He occasionally saw people and objects that only he could see.

"I can't deny it, but I won't apologize for Wormtail." He also said a little coldly, "Unless you want me to lie."

She wasn't in a bad mood because of Wormtail's problems.

"You know, there's a girl named Lydia in Pride and Prejudice," Pomona said. "She's married to William Ham in uniform."

"Then what?" He raised his voice.

"I don't want to be like her." Pomona said with a smile. "You know what I mean?"

He still couldn't understand what she meant, but Pomona felt much better and was in the mood for shopping.

"How about this?" Pomona asked him, holding up two ketchup cans.

The great Potions Master picked up one of the cans, which was emblazoned in bold Italian.

"Look at this." He pointed to her where it was produced.

"Spain?" Pomona said in surprise.

Then he put another can with English writing on it into the shopping basket.

They walked all the way from the sauce area to the fresh food area. Just as they were checking the shelf life of the milk, a young man covering his head with a ski hood came in.

"Robbery!" He held up an ax and threatened the old shopkeeper.

Other customers were shocked when they saw this scene, but no one came forward to help.

"You're not going to take action?" Pomona stared at Severus.

"What about you?" Severus asked, staring at her.

"There are patrols out there, don't take other people's jobs."

"I guess it's time for them to patrol elsewhere." Severus looked at the French window and said, "They are no longer where they were."

If there was a Gryffindor here, he would definitely step forward to stop the robbers, even if he would violate the International Statute of Secrecy and use magic in front of Muggles.

But the wizard can delete memories, although this means that no one will remember the good things he did.

"What are you thinking about?" Severus asked with a smile.

"I'm wondering whether to pay or not." Pomona said tangledly, staring at the items in the shopping basket.

When the robbers leave, the boss will definitely call the police. How can he have time to help Pomona pay the bill?

But if you just leave without paying, the boss will suffer even greater losses.

Then I saw Severus generously taking out 100 pounds and letting it float into the cashier drawer... I hope the robbers didn't find it later.

Then he took Pomona's hand and left the supermarket through the back door, with her shopping basket still in her hand.

In the movie, the prophet says to Neo "the afterlife."

This is a Buddhist concept, or the six paths of reincarnation.

Buddha believes in fate, things come together due to fate, and things disappear due to fate, which is called "impermanence".

A "bang" gunshot rang out in the supermarket. Pomona and Severus looked at each other and quickly left this place of right and wrong with their "trophies" in hand without exploring what happened inside.

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