Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3084 The Road to Heaven

The end time for Muggle primary and secondary schools is 3 p.m., and the streets are full of students after school.

Groups of children passed by them, and some students were picked up by their parents in private cars, but the cars they drove were not the cars parked in front of private primary and secondary schools, not to mention that the private schools were not out of school at this time.

Pomona couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

"What are you thinking about?" Severus said, looking at the students as well.

"Do you still remember that student who wanted to be sorted into Ravenclaw, Elaina Duncan?" Pomona said. "She almost entered the potions competition with you."

"What do you want her to do?" Severus asked.

"Thinking about the prisoner's dilemma," Pomona said.

"What?" He frowned in confusion.

"Elena told me that she doesn't like Muggle schools. If she has an accident, the others will only be secretly happy. There will be one less opponent to compete with her. Do you know how hard those children work?" Pomona explain.

"What does that have to do with the prisoner's dilemma?"

"If neither accomplice exposes the other, both will go to jail for a year due to lack of evidence, but if one exposes and the other remains silent, the accuser will be released immediately for meritorious service. If someone talks to those kids in private schools Say, you don’t need to work so hard, just enjoy your childhood. They will definitely think that person’s head was kicked by a donkey. If others don’t work hard and work hard yourself, then the person who works hard will surpass the person who doesn’t work hard and gain a competitive advantage. .”

"Like Miss Know-It-All, I remember she borrowed a time-turner," Severus said.

"I think Hermione is just curious," Pomona said dryly.

"I think I'm right." He said with a playful smile.

Pomona did not argue with him on this issue. "This is what I just lamented. In order to win, everyone is working hard."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" he said perfunctorily.

"I watched a variety show..."

"I don't watch TV." He interrupted her angrily.

"Okay, let's talk about Agent Smith in the movie just now." Pomona rolled her eyes in frustration. "Do you remember what Neo did when he first met them?"

"Follow the rabbit," Severus said.

"When the rabbits have been caught, what else does the owner need to do with the hunting dogs?"

"I thought you were going to have some unique insights." He said with a sneer.

"So smart hounds know to let the rabbits go at the right time, so that the owner will have endless rabbits and need hounds on standby at any time." Pomona smiled. "Do you really think Morpheus can be captured by Trinity?" Did they rescue them so easily?"

"Do you think they can get Morpheus out?" Severus smiled hypocritically. "What if they can't?"

"Want to go back and watch it?" Pomona asked, ready to go back to the theater at any time.

"What do you want to express?" Severus asked.

"Humanity created the Matrix and eventually became a prisoner of the Matrix. The Matrix created Smith. Do you think the Matrix will become a prisoner of Smith?"

He began to think.

Pomona took this opportunity to go to the ice cream truck on the roadside and queued behind the elementary school students to buy an ice cream.

Maybe there was a human being who participated in building the Tower of Babel, but he didn’t understand why God would stop human beings’ plan. Doesn’t God want human beings to get closer to Him?

Some things are too difficult to explain and are beyond the acceptable range of many people, just like someone who has seen the world outside the cave and turned around to tell the people in the cave that the world is not like this.

So the people in the cave killed the person who had come out of the cave. There were even people like Seve who wanted to return to the matrix after seeing the world outside the cave.

The tragedy of Sisyphus is that if the only thing in his world was the rock in front of him, he would keep pushing it. Even if he tried his best but failed, the boulder would always fall down when he pushed it to the top of the mountain, and he would not Feel unfortunate.

It was his knowledge that there were things more worthy of love besides pushing stones that made him suffer so much.

Human beings have destroyed the world, and with the current power of human beings, they cannot restore the earth to its original appearance.

Unless they can compromise with the machine, but in this case, Morpheus and his gang will be an obstacle.

Because they want to make people face "reality" and destroy the existing order. This is the most direct and convenient way to break the illusion of "status quo".

Taking the ice cream she had queued up to buy, Pomona returned to Severus, who looked at her with disgust.

"What's wrong?" she asked inexplicably.

"You're in line with a kid," he said, as if it was a shame.

"Do you want me to join the team of elementary school students?" Pomona asked, "Like you did in the movie theater?"

He didn't bother to talk to her, took her hand and left the place.

"Have you thought about the question just now?" Pomona asked while eating ice cream.

"Of course," he said lightly. "That's not going to happen."

Pomona continued to lick the ice cream, and he glared back at her.

"Well, why can't this happen?" Pomona asked, smiling.

"He's not so overestimating his abilities." Severus smiled hypocritically. "He understands how powerful he is, but the first two people in your question don't."

"You mean, the matrix and humans?" Pomona asked.

"When the 'machine' was created, the designer thought that it could replace himself, the omnipotent self." Severus explained, "And the Matrix thought that it could stop the 'gods' and prevent them from continuing to destroy the entire world." world."

"Bentham felt that pleasure and pain are the masters of human beings." Pomona looked up at the dark clouded sky. "But I saw a human being who wanted to win and pressed that button regardless of the consequences."

There was a buzzing sound in the distance. It turned out to be an airship, painted with bright advertisements, and flying in the sky with a long advertisement slogan behind it.

"Seven Muggles saw them." Severus also looked at the sky and said, as if he saw an invisible flying car. "If it had been anyone else, they would have been fired long ago."

"I don't think Harry and Ron feel like they can do anything," Pomona said.

He laughed. "I didn't say anything about them."

But that’s what you think.

Pomona thought.

In order to protect them, Albus Dumbledore used some of his personal connections with Connery Fudge, the Minister of Magic, but Arthur was not so lucky. Then Ron received the impressive letter at the table in the auditorium. Rant letter.

At that time, Harry still felt lucky not to be expelled from school.

Which is more terrifying, exams or death? Adults have one perspective, and these children, whom Nietzsche calls "supermen," have another perspective.

"Harry couldn't fully control his powers at that time, Severus, and expelling him would only keep him away from a kind of monster." Pomona said softly, "And leaving Hogwarts, where else is enough?" safe?"

He stared at her uncertainly.

"Don't think about another hypothesis." Pomona shook her head at him. "That's just a 'possibility'."

"Do you think I'm wrong?" He frowned, "because I tried to expel the great savior."

Pomona knew he was trying to scare them, to make the two adventurous boys realize how much trouble they had gotten into.

Although he somewhat sincerely wanted to do it, if it weren't for Phoenix's tears, Harry's life would have been lost that year.

But Severus is neither the headmaster nor the phoenix. He is just a low-key teacher. He can say nothing in front of the Minister of Magic and the Chief Wizard of Wizengamot.

"I want to sit on that balloon," Pomona said, pointing to the airship. "Can you take me there?"

Then Snape hit her on the head, regardless of whether she was a girl.

She was holding ice cream in one hand and covering the place where she was hit with the other. The old bat was really too much. No wonder he was so unpopular when he was "alive".

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