Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3080 Libation Bearer (11)

Judging from records in music history, ancient Greek arenas often had music projects. Athletic competition was originally an activity used to worship and worship gods. Musical performances gradually evolved from rituals to worship the god of wine. Although the scope of rituals and myths are not absolutely equivalent, they are a kind of reappearance of myths. Way.

In addition, outdoor activities such as religious ceremonies and folk weddings also have the nature of music squares. Although the degree of carnival is different, they are still carnivals.

In the fifth century BC, as the national power of ancient Greece became increasingly powerful, the ancient Greeks changed their past practical ideas in garden design and began to focus on enjoying life.

Of course, all this has to be paid. The purpose of the Delian League was to resist the Persians. The meeting stipulated which allies should pay money and which allies should hand over warships. However, some allies later felt that handing over warships was too troublesome, so they converted it into money. Delivered to the Athenian quaestor. The Athenians used the money to strengthen their navy, which caused some allies to find themselves at their wits' end when they wanted to break away from the alliance.

When the First Peloponnesian War broke out, it was the rebellions within their respective alliances that made Athens and Sparta stop the war. In order to suppress them and the eagerly eyeing Persia, Athens and Sparta had to sign an armistice agreement.

The early Delian League would review how much tribute the allies paid. Later, Athens reformed this model and replaced tribute with customs duties as the main income. Doing so would not only increase national tax revenue, but also reduce the burden on allies that were less reliant on commercial alliances.

Pericles not only held many festivals, but also built buildings such as the Parthenon in Athens, which enriched the lives of Athenians. And as long as you become an Athenian citizen, you not only don't have to pay tribute, but you can also enjoy all this, so everyone wants to become an "Athenian".

Pericles not only tightened the methods of obtaining Athenian citizenship, rituals could not only convey the authority of a country or organizational leader, but also express a person's rise in status. The patron saint of the ancient Greek city-states was the god of the territory and the god within the city walls. Unlike the God of the Hebrews, he was a "walking" god. The ancient Greeks did not have the custom of pilgrimage, but they would go to Olympia every four years. Hold competitive games.

In addition, there are "Pan-Hellenistic movements" such as the Athena Festival and the Great Dionysus Festival. Since the patron saint of a city-state only protects the responsibilities of the state, "strangers" are not protected, so "strangers" cannot be sacrificed. The patron saint of other countries.

This is like holding the Quidditch World Cup. Some people have a better position in the stadium, and some people didn't even buy tickets.

However, in the Great Dionysus Festival, the difference between "foreigners" and natives was partially eliminated. For example, male strangers could hold the bronze and silver plates for the sacrificial bread, their wives could carry the water jugs, and their daughters could carry the sacrificial cakes. Those Athenian women on a sacred mission shielded themselves from the sun. But these are all things done by servants. The most important ones in the Dionysian ceremony are those who direct the group dances, those who play the lyre in the orchestra, and those who sing specific hymns in the choir.

The good-tempered ones will have their wives and daughters crying after the ceremony is over; the bad-tempered ones will start beating and beating the men when they get home, accusing the men of being incompetent and not even being able to gain the status of an Athenian citizen.

In order to prove that he is "competent", the man must find a way to "solve" Pericles who restricted the access of Athenian citizens, and then replace it with a "more generous" one.

But the problem is that the total tax revenue of Athens is only so much. As the number of citizens increases, the cost of organizing events will be higher, unless the navy's military supplies are cut.

How is this possible? Almost all ancient Greek colonies were garrisoned by the navy. As the empire expanded, the cost of maintaining this system became higher and higher.

According to Cicero's account, the land in Sicily was very fertile in his time. Although the Attica mountainous area where Athens is located is not the plain of the Argives, it was still full of covetousness for the fertile land. Then during the second war The Sicilian War took place during the Peloponnesian War.

As soon as the news of Athens' defeat came out, the entire alliance, even the most powerless allies, rebelled against Athens with the help of Sparta. Within a year, all major regions rebelled, and it was impossible to suppress them.

Then without the support of its allies, Athens declined rapidly.

First of all, Pericles' policy was to never expand territory during the war. He proposed an expedition to Egypt on the premise of maintaining peace with Persia and Sparta through peace. Secondly, there was the power struggle within Athens. Although Pericles's successors were not like the aristocrats of Socrates' time who executed victorious generals for failing to save soldiers who fell into the water, they at least did not fully support those who went on an expedition. , leading to the disorganization of the military.

Trojan general Polydamas told Hector that as long as the city walls were defended, the Greeks would definitely encounter huge internal difficulties. This was the possibility of Troy's victory.

That kind of noisy situation where a group of people expressed their opinions and made a lot of noise gave Pomona a headache. People who didn't know it thought it was a vegetable market and not the Assembly of 500 people - the Mars Hill meeting that originally occupied an important place in Athens. The Council was also replaced by Pericles' reforms.

The Wizengamot is more like a people's court. It does not enact laws like Parliament, but more like a jury listening to the speeches of both the prosecution and the defense and deciding the case.

Pomona waited until midnight and made sure no one was coming before deciding to wash up and go to bed. The girls' tents were all inside the Quidditch pitch, and there were not so many mosquitoes compared to outside.

There is a word "Demoractia" in Herodotus's "History", and its meaning is relatively abstract. First of all, the rowers on the warships are lower-class civilians. They are important members. Not only can they provide power when the sea is calm, but it also means that if a close combat occurs on board the ship, they can take up arms at any time with other Athenian soldiers. Fight hard instead of taking the opportunity to jump into the sea and escape like slaves.

When this system was first established, it was based on dividends from silver mines. Later, civilians believed that they needed to be paid for serving at sea, which gave them a certain amount of power.

Then, with the reforms of the consuls, all official positions were gradually opened to civilians, except for a very small number of official positions that relied on talent. In the past, these positions were unpaid and were "obligated" to be performed by the wealthy class. After being paid, they can participate in more public affairs, especially festivals and military affairs.

The wife of a poor Athenian citizen could perform "sacred work" in the Dionysian sacrifice, while the daughter of a wealthy "stranger" could only hold an umbrella for her, and his wife had to pour her water.

This model is quite different from what Sulla and Pompey believed when they planned to resume the Council of Centuria: "The decisions of wealthy and cool-headed people are more reasonable than those of rash poor people." Although the Roman Republic had a certain "morality" Moraktia" nature.

The army of the early Roman Republic used free peasants, who were citizen soldiers like the Athenian navy. However, due to slavery and other reasons, the number of free peasants decreased, and the number of citizen soldiers also decreased.

Mercenaries have no loyalty. Even if Machiavelli did not write this, it can be observed. The greatest advantage of both the Roman Republic and the Athenian Democratic Empire is the loyal citizen soldiers. All the people of Sparta were soldiers. Without citizenship, there was no way to gain glory and reputation.

Pomona has always felt that she is a person who does not like fighting. Even if she loses her job as the dean, even if she does not open a restaurant, she can actually spend her life in her study without fighting against the world.

But one day, if she really has to face an inevitable battle, she will not back down.

Even if the opponent seems invincible.

Rita Lestrange is remembered as the hero who stopped Grindelwald from destroying Paris, as an Auror rather than as the unfortunate scandal surrounding her mother, and it's not just Yosef Karma who remembers her.

Although her body was reduced to ashes in the magical flames created by Grindelwald, she could not be buried.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

The horse people say that if humans could learn to treat everything as borrowed and sooner or later return it, rather than "owning it forever", they would be different.

Using the same wood as the wand wood, the Bowtruckle has a different attitude towards centaurs and humans.

In fact, now that I think about it, although Odysseus, a mortal, did not have the power to defeat Hydra like Hercules, he did not choose to sleep soundly in the arms of the goddess.

What he wants to defeat is another kind of "monster".

And Calypso did not stay on this island far away from the world voluntarily. Before Hermes came to her residence, she was humming and weaving in the cave. In addition to using a golden shuttle, she also Mortal women are no different.

"Why?" She couldn't help asking softly, tears streaming down her face unknowingly, like Odysseus on the seashore.

He had nothing to cry about, he was obviously living so happily.

Hermes said that Odysseus should not stay away from his relatives and flee to a foreign country. It was fate that he could see his relatives.

Where is the foreign country and where is the hometown?

Who are relatives? Who is the stranger?

Gods, you are too cruel, you only know how to bully a helpless orphan girl.

Calypso has a father, but Atlas is holding up the sky, and they are not afraid of him giving up.

Pomona wiped away tears.

Since Calypso is the daughter of Atlas, the tall man who held up the sky when it fell in the legend, she shouldn't cry like a mortal.

‘Didn’t you say that people are not statues, so they can cry? ’

Pomona turned back and looked into the empty void, as if he saw a ghost.

No, she has seen real ghosts too.

"What a hell." She whispered, thinking that the sound she just heard was an hallucination or a mishearing. Maybe it came from the tent next door.

But when she thought about it carefully, the Quidditch pitch was full of girls' tents. Could it be that some boys had sneaked in? And he's a French speaker.

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