Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3079 Libation Bearer (10)

According to ancient records, “Pericles handed over the reins to the people and implemented a policy of currying favor with the people. He constantly designed many festivals, plays, dinners, and parades for the people in Athens, and sent out 60 ships every year to carry many civilians out to sea. For 8 months, they were paid wages and allowed to learn and practice navigation knowledge.

There is such a description in the Odyssey: Odysseus happily sailed into the wind. He sat down and skillfully steered and adjusted the course. Sleep never fell on his upturned eyelids, watching the constellation Pleiades and the belated landing. Arcturus, as well as the group of Ursa Major constellations nicknamed the Big Dipper, operates in a self-centered manner, looking at Orion in the distance. It is the only star that does not go to the long river for bathing like other constellations. Calypso told him to always sail to the left of the star when crossing the sea.

Constellations not only have magnificent myths, but also have the function of identifying directions. This is common sense to modern people, but in ancient times, many navigators identified locations based on terrain.

The ancient Greek peninsula had a long coastline and dotted islands. It was the peninsula with the most islands in the Mediterranean. The inland land is less and more mountainous. Portugal, located in the Iberian Peninsula, has many inland mountains and coastal plains. However, it cannot develop advanced agriculture, so they have to take advantage of the convenient conditions for navigation and commerce.

When Pericles sent civilians to sail on the sea, of course he did not ask them to travel around. At least they had to describe the topography of the places they visited. This was considered part of their learning.

Navigation not only allows previously relatively independent countries and cities to establish connections through trade, but also allows for rapid cultural exchange. Compared with ancient Egypt, ancient Greek civilization appeared relatively late, but developed rapidly due to navigation.

Agamemnon is known as the third generation king of mankind, and the Mycenaean civilization happened to be in the Bronze Age of ancient Greece. Mycenae was an Aegean civilization city located on the Argos plain in the northeastern Peloponnese Peninsula. The Argives were named after the plain where they lived.

The Attica region where Athens is located is still some distance away, and they did not join the war at Troy, but they still integrated the Mycenaean civilization into their own civilization.

There is a general rule in the ancient Greek world that all neighboring city-states must distrust each other. Not only Corinth and Megara have territorial disputes, but also Sparta and Argos have been in conflict for hundreds of years over the Tyria dike. .

After all, myths are just myths. The Trojan War was a long-standing legend to the Spartans and ancient Greeks at that time. The city of Troy was destroyed, and no traces could be found to prove its existence.

If everything in the myth can be believed, then where is Mount Olympus where the gods live? Does anyone really believe that there is such a place and that there are immortal gods?

Even the gods sometimes feel confused in the face of the unknown. Because Zeus was thinking about how to value Achilles, he asked the dream god to send Agamemnon a dream: The disaster of the Trojans is coming, Achaeo It is time for the people of Troy to arm themselves and capture the vast city of Troy.

This is a "pernicious dream," as Agamemnon should have felt when they assembled and boarded the ship, but no favorable wind arrived. But the "heroes" who are eager to make achievements would rather let Agamemnon sacrifice his daughter - it is not their own daughter anyway. Even if it is their own daughter, it is hard to say how painful it will be when they sacrifice...

"What a beautiful starry sky."

Pomona followed the sound and saw that Dumbledore was wearing a gray robe dotted with blue stars.

There were several large tents surrounding them, and although the crisis seemed to be over, the students retreated to the tents before Livi had inspected the extent of the damage to the castle.

This is a novel experience for those who like novelty, but it is a big interruption for those who want to study before the exam, especially because some people are still messing around.

"Beautiful as always," Pomona said weakly.

"Why do you feel unhappy?" Dumbledore said, looking at the starry sky.

Pomona wanted to ask him, was he happy when he defeated Grindelwald?

Death is terrifying, but when life is worse than death, death is also a free choice for human beings.

Rita Lestrange chose an unwise path that was like asking for death - instead of stepping into the ring of fire and becoming his partner, she knew she was outmatched and still made herself an enemy of Grindelwald, even though she was also a "Pure blood".

What happened to her? Why would a bride-to-be suddenly become so...

"Will the mysterious man really come back?" Pomona said. "Like this time."

Dumbledore turned his attention to her.

"I don't think so." Dumbledore shook his head slowly, "That's not what the centaurs meant by 'return', and I don't think this incident has anything to do with him."

"How is that possible?" Pomona said.

"You seem to have already made an inference in your mind," said Dumbledore.

"So what?" Pomona asked.

"Since you already have a firm answer in your mind, why do you ask me again?" Dumbledore said with a smile, "If you are not so sure, and I tell you that things are not what you think, why do you want to refute?"

If it had been Severus standing here, she would have punched him.

"Dumbledore!" Fudge shouted from a distance, followed by a group of Ministry of Magic employees, one of whom was carrying a heavily locked suitcase.

"The real problem in your heart is not what you say." Dumbledore looked at Pomona again. "You feel uneasy, right?"

Pomona looked at his blue eyes behind half-moon glasses, unable to say anything to refute.

"Severus has made a meritorious service. I think this is good news for you." Dumbledore said calmly, "He is waiting for me in the tent. Do you want to come with him?"

Pomona shook her head. She didn't like that situation.

"Too many people," she said softly.

Dumbledore patted her shoulder lightly, then turned and walked towards Fudge.

Pomona looked up again.

When Odysseus sailed the ship happily and looked up at the stars, he had just left Calypso's island. It was like starting a new journey for him.

Soon after, he was avenged by Poseidon. He was tortured by fear in the stormy waves, so scared that his limbs were paralyzed and his body and mind were numb.

"I'm so unlucky. What disaster will eventually befall me?"

He said in his heart, recalling the past, he felt that he should die in the vast Troas and be buried by the Achaeans.

Then a wave came over and knocked the raft around.

Like a fast-moving wheel of fortune, Odysseus was thrown far away before he had time to discern the direction.

The rudder slipped from the hand, the mast was broken by the storm, and the sail was driven into the water.

Pomona knows many people who want to control their own destiny. They always seem to be trying to hold the reins of their destiny.

She envied Severus' confidence in his destiny.

And this is the reason why she likes the Odyssey better than the Iliad. In the sea and storm, human power is so small, she can only choose to drift with the tide.

Maybe she was not so lucky and died in the sea in the end, and would not be saved by the little mermaid who fell in love with him like the prince.

It is also possible that, like Odysseus, she was blown ashore in the end but still had to make an arduous journey "home".

That "home" is no longer the same as when he left it many years ago. Not only is it full of rude guests, but his son also thinks he is dead.

His human wife is not always as beautiful and young as the goddess. Is it necessary to return to such a home?

Why not worship Poseidon before setting off? Maybe it would calm his anger.

Oh, no, Odysseus thought it was Zeus who was stirring up the sea, stirring up strong winds and air currents in all directions.

Although Odysseus had the wisdom to come up with the Trojan horse trick, he, like many mortals, always blamed the gods for disasters.

What's more, in the face of fate, gods are no different from mortals.

She let out a long sigh and turned her gaze to the brightly lit Hogwarts, hoping that Livi would hurry up.

Although the starry sky in midsummer is beautiful, there are so many mosquitoes in the woods in summer.

"I should have brought some mosquito repellent. Merlin's beard is really itchy."

Someone in the tent complained.

Pomona rummaged through her pockets and found a lot of potions inside, not to mention she was wearing a school robe.

"They sell mosquito repellent water, one galleons a bottle." Pomona shouted as he walked into the camp.

The price is a bit expensive, but no one wants to buy it. Who doesn’t want to add a little fun to life?

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