Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3075 libation person (six)

Pomona and Severus returned to the courtyard just now, looking for an entrance leading down by the light of the street lamp.

Judging from the surviving ruins, it was once a beautiful place, very Ravenclaw style.

Like a weeder, Pomona used a "sweeping cyclone" to clean up the dead branches and rotten leaves. They were almost turned into ashes, and when they were blown by a strong wind, they really turned into ashes, as if they had been here for thousands of years.

The Slytherin lounge does exist at the bottom of the lake, as shown on Sirius' Marauder's Map.

Ouroboros is a "self-sufficient" closed system, which means "self-destruction" and "circulation" in ancient times. Assuming that there is a layer of camouflage bricks outside the entrance of the Slytherin lounge, the silver snake is to put it It was destroyed and disassembled, and after people passed through, it reassembled it. The door remained unchanged, and it was not hidden. The wall bricks were constantly switching between destruction and "rebirth", forming a cycle. It was not a space. aisle.

Pomona glanced across the courtyard to see Severus with his back turned to her, but she felt that even if he turned his face away, she wouldn't be able to make out what was going on in his mind.

In some respects, he is indeed a learned genius. For example, the flying technique he taught to the Death Eaters has not been deciphered by "non-members".

When Nestor told Telemasco that he was not sure whether Odysseus was alive, Telemasco did not seem so eager, he even thought that Odysseus was dead, "It is impossible for him to Returning again, the immortal gods have prepared for him the end of death and darkness."

Telemasco and Odysseus have no feelings for each other. Odysseus went to Troy not long after he was born, and then drifted on the sea for so long.

If it is really difficult to understand Kant's theory, then you can use a simple method - find an example worth learning. Human nature has a tendency to move from low to high value. High value intention.

The Mysterious Man had been a role model for many young people, and Regulus' bedroom was full of his newspaper clippings.

There was a same-sex couple in ancient Greece named Harmodios and Aristogaiton. The statues of these two people were removed by the Persian king Xerxes during the Persian War, and then the Greeks reshaped them. and installed it in the City Council, the second most important public place after the Acropolis.

They were so important because they proposed "all men are equal before the law," which the Athenians took pride in, and took it as an insult to learn that the king of Persia had removed their statues.

Role models create a value preference. Under the influence of role models, different people have different value preferences. In a community, this collective preference formed by role models is the core of the community...

"Why are you in a daze?" Severus said suddenly.

"The Dark Lord's preference for you has aroused the jealousy of others?" asked Pomona.

"Where did you know he favored me?" he said with a smile, as if she had told a joke.

"He taught you so much," Pomona said.

"You're thinking too much." Severus suppressed his smile. "He taught me because I can be used."

Pomona thought of many students who still had contact with Dumbledore.

"Do you think I'm as valuable to him as Scamander?" Pomona frowned.

"You mean Dumbledore?" he asked.

"And what about Remus Lupine? What's his worth?" Pomona asked aggressively. "He's a werewolf."

"If you have time to dwell on these things, why not keep looking for the entrance." Severus said coldly, "You don't care about Miss Wharton anymore?"

This made her very angry, the whirlwind blew up a little bigger, and the dust flew all over the sky.

He actually escaped!

Of course, normally this is sensible, but shouldn't a gentleman go ahead of her and help a lady keep the dust out?

Then he walked a few steps in one direction as if he didn't notice that she was angry.

"Come here." He waved to her.

Pomona walked over and saw a wooden door, which was buried in ashes, and if it wasn't for the one just now, it might still be covered.

They cleared it out quickly, then opened the door, and after walking through a short dark tunnel, they stepped onto the wooden floor.

This place may have been used as a warehouse, and a lot of sundries were piled up, and the shelves for storing things had decayed and collapsed.

"The air is terrible," Pomona said, covering her mouth and nose.

They went on, and after a while they heard the sound of water, and then they saw a small waterfall.

"The water is recycled," Severus said.

"How do you know?" Pomona asked.

"Want to bet?"

Pomona curled his lips and did not continue to argue with him on this issue.

There is a boat dock under the waterfall. The wooden pier is useless, but there is still a boat dangling in the water.

"This is the Hogwarts ship." Pomona looked at it and said, "It's for new students."

Severus didn't answer, and Pomona wondered, how did a girl, Kelly Wharton, move a boat here?

They checked again and found that there was a fence at the entrance of the underground port. It had not rusted after being soaked in water for so many years. It seemed that the four braziers on the bridge were used to open it.

"There is a shortcut, why is it so troublesome." Pomona muttered.

"Because that's the main entrance." Severus said suddenly, "The Dark Lord won't go where we came in."

"Going on?" Pomona asked.

He stopped talking.

She had a feeling that he was afraid.

Just like she was in the hallway before.

She took his hand and moved forward with him. Gradually, they heard the girl's cry.

Pomona's head was buzzing, and she thought of Myrtle, and the second floor that always flooded.

There was only one thought in her mind, and she would never allow the same thing to happen. When she walked a little further, she saw a downward staircase, and at the end of the staircase was a sunken square, where a Ravenclaw girl was Squat on the ground and cry.

Pomona was about to rush over, but Severus stopped them, and they hid in a corner.

"No, no," Kelly Wharton choked out, "I can't do that."

Then Pomona heard a foul, snakespeak.

"It's up to you!" Kelly yelled.

After a while, a small silver snake with ruby ​​eyes emerged from Kelly's hair.

It rustled something again, and Kelly started crying again.

"I don't want to, I don't want to..." Kelly sobbed "I don't want to be turned into a bone."

"Excessive!" Pomona muttered, trying to rush out.

"Find out what it wants her to do." Severus tugged at her and said, "Destroy that thing, even if it runs away..."

Pomona wasn't paying attention to what he had to say.

She felt that Kelly was now being held hostage by the bandits, whose weapons were aimed at her head.

If it is rash now, it will likely hurt Kelly, and it is so flexible that it will probably run away again.

"What kind of a hero is he who threatens a little girl!" Pomona scolded.

"It's just a pen," Severus said.

"Never mind it." She was perfunctory, thinking of a way to rescue the "hostage".

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