Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3074 Libation Bearer (5)

The entrance to Slytherin's common room is recessed - that's how a doorway should be, although in Vitruvius' account, the towers that protected the city walls were supposed to project outward.

Ancient murals were all flat. It was not until the Renaissance that people had the skills of perspective, which gave flat paintings a three-dimensional effect. Perhaps many years ago, those painting masters were like them, looking at blank walls. rack your brain and think about what to draw on the "canvas".

In front of the entrance to the Slytherin lounge, there is an iron manhole cover that looks like a sewer, but it transforms into a huge silver python.

So far no one has thought of sneaking into Slytherin's common room, so no one has heard what will happen if it accidentally touches its defensive magic. Anyway, it won't be like the entrance to Hufflepuff's common room. , was sprayed with vinegar.

So why didn't the pen just draw a door on the wall to go through, instead of trying to imitate the Slytherin common room entrance?

Pomona hit his head with his fist, wondering what kind of inspiration he could get from this.

"Don't worry." Severus said from the side. "You will figure it out."

Pomona was about to cry, even though it was nothing to cry about.

"Don't worry, we have other ways." Severus said.

"Yeah, that's stupid!" Pomona said angrily.

He shut up.

Then Pomona began to think that the battering ram hit the city gate directly, and Muggles did not know how to use illusions to hide the city gate.

And if it is an illusion that is hidden and interferes with vision, you will find out whether it is true or false when you touch it with your hand.

The wall at the entrance to the Slytherin lounge looks no different from other wall tiles, except perhaps for a layer of mottled marks.

However, when the silver python appeared, this mottled city wall "disappeared".

The god Janus represents the beginning and the entrance, and is also in charge of the exit and the end. The door of the Janus temple is closed in peacetime, and when the arch is opened in wartime, the Romans will pass through the door with the sculpture of Janus when they go on an expedition. Enter through this door when they are victorious or when they are paying homage to their heroes.

So he represents both the beginning and the end, like the tail and mouth of ouroboros.

The disappearing spell does not really disappear, but is broken down into the most basic elements that make up all things, and then absorbed by other things to form part of their entities.

However, the circle formed by the snake at the entrance to Slytherin preserved the decomposed parts and then restored them to their original appearance.

"Is there any way you can restore what was destroyed?" Pomona asked Severus.

"Of course you don't know the Restoration Charm?" Severus said.

"No, I mean the Dark Lord taught you." Pomona thought for a long time, "Let you dematerialize something and then restore it."

He looked at her expressionlessly.

"Did I make a mistake?" Pomona asked.

"Yes." He said slowly, "You want me to teach you?"

"As long as you know how to do it." Pomona breathed a sigh of relief. "Then we'll find a way to get these kids away."

He sneered, "I thought you didn't pay attention to your ranking."

Pomona was speechless. Even if you were in last place, don't be too bad, otherwise you would be embarrassed.

Then she looked at the children again. When she saw Tonks, she saw Tullimp. When she saw Tiago, she saw Joey Burns. Maybe Phoebe was also included. They are not here now. .

Filch would always chase a group of people, and maybe they were the chosen ones.

"I'm going to Filch's office," Pomona said, and then ran.

When she arrived at the door of Filch's office, she saw that Tullimp and Joey were shackled and imprisoned inside, and Mrs. Lorris was staring at them eagerly.

Through the gap in the door, Pomona looked around, but did not see Filch, so he took out the wand and used it to stun Mrs. Lorris.

After Mrs. Loris fainted, Pomona went in and released Tullimp and Joey.

"Follow me," Pomona told them.

"Who are you?" Tullimp asked.

"I'm not the enemy," Pomona said, thinking as they walked, how to get Tullimp and Joey to take the others away.

"Why did you save us?" Joey asked.

Pomona opened her mouth.

"You guys are skipping class!" Peeves suddenly shouted, "They are over here."

"Run." Joey pulled Tullimp and said.

Then they ran all the way and soon reached the platform.

"Why so slow?" Tonks complained.

"We were caught by Filch!" Joey gasped. "Peeves found us. He may have brought someone here."

"You go first, I'll deal with them." Thiago said eagerly.

His heroic spirit didn't last for two seconds before he was slapped on the back of the head by Cooper, and then everyone left the platform together.

After they were all gone, Severus came out of his hiding place and stood majestically on the platform.

"Teach...Professor." Filch said breathlessly. "Have you seen any students who skip class?"

Severus glanced at Pomona and then at Filch.

"I was studying something and didn't see it."

"What about her?" Filch looked at Pomona.

"She's with me." Severus took half a step forward, hiding her behind him.

Filch wanted to catch Pomona and kept glaring at her.

But perhaps because other "flesh and blood" attracted him, he left the corridor of the History of Magic classroom.

After Filch left, Severus took out his wand, pointed it at the wall and recited a spell silently.

Soon, the wall turned into water, and then turned into black smoke, and then he walked in first.

"Come on in, it won't last."

Pomona quickly followed in. After the initial darkness, she could see darkness and hear the roaring sound of water.

She used fluorescent flash, but the next moment the light at the end of the wand was divided into several strands and sucked away, lighting up the street lamps in the courtyard.

Apart from the fact that it has been abandoned for many years, this courtyard still looks a bit romantic. However, the plants in the courtyard have withered because they have not been exposed to light for many years. They look like they are petrified and break when touched.

The road in the courtyard is curved. What grows in the nurseries on both sides of the road are not plants, but things like bird eggs placed in stone grooves.

"I didn't expect Moonstone to be cultivated like this." Pomona said.

No one answered her, Severus continued walking forward, and soon they came to a long bridge. There was a bunker-like building on the other side of the bridge.

"You don't think there's a trap?" Pomona asked.

Severus raised his hand and approached the pillar at the head of the bridge. There was a bronze brazier at the top of the pillar.

"It's hot," Severus said. "It's lit."

"Are we going to light it again?" Pomona asked.

"I'm more inclined to find the right one." He said calmly, "Someone walked in front of us."

Then he took long strides and "flyed" across the long bridge like a bat.

After confirming that he was okay, Pomona jogged across the bridge.

However, no matter whether they were on the way or looking under the bridge after reaching the other side, they did not see the water passing by.

"The sound of water is coming from below," Severus said.

"Down there?" Pomona lowered his head, "What are you doing to build the bridge?"

"We'll find out later." He said with a cold face, turning to look at the fortress behind him.

When I walked in, I found that it was abandoned and the walls were covered with vines.

"It seemed like it was above ground before," Pomona said. "Why is it underground now?"

He searched through the ruins of the fortress and finally found a rusty iron gate through which water vapor rushed toward his face.

He used the opening spell to open the door without touching it with his hands, and Pomona carefully avoided the door.

There was a moss-covered, downward spiral passage in the fortress. They walked down it, and soon they saw a long waterway - it led to the opposite bank when they came.

"I don't understand the point of this design!" Pomona complained, "Are we going back again?"

Severus said nothing.

Pomona also thought of the four lit braziers on the bridge. What was their function?

In many movies, tomb robbers will encounter a trap in the tomb, which will be dangerous if accidentally touched.

She squinted at him, waiting for him to make up his mind.

"Let's go up," he said after a moment, then turned and left the waterway.

Pomona hurriedly followed him. Before she left, she didn't know if it was an illusion. She seemed to hear a hoarse sigh coming from the darkness.

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