Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3071 Libator (2)

After the group of Thetis, wearing a black veil, came to Olympus like a cumulonimbus floating in the sky with a whirlwind, she saw Zeus, the thundering son of Cronus, sitting on the Among all the immortal gods, Athena made room for Thetis, Hera handed a delicate golden cup to Thetis, and Thetis took the cup and drank it down.

Hera is the biological mother of Hephaestus. Although they "had conflicts", by the time the Iliad happened, the conflicts had been "resolved". She has a good relationship with Thetis, the adoptive mother, at least she is smiling.

Faced with a goddess whose son just died, even if Hera couldn't weep and lament like other sea nymphs, is it appropriate for her to smile like this?

But it doesn't seem appropriate for her to behave like a concubine, or to be solemn. This war was originally caused by the three goddesses competing for the golden apple.

Smiling was at least friendly, and according to Thetis's mood at the time, it didn't think so much, and then Zeus delivered her orders.

The cessation of war between the two sides to bury the dead is already a standard ceremony on the Trojan battlefield. No matter how Hector killed Achilles' best friend and broke Achilles' heart, he could not continue to kill him. body detained.

Although Hector was lost, Troy did not fall because of its strong walls, just as Polydamas said.

Then, after the Trojan horse slaughtered the city, the victorious Achaeans and Spartans drove their boats back to their hometown.

Because of the crimes committed in the city, Odysseus and the others were shipwrecked, and the booty sank to the bottom of the sea. But there was an old hero named Nestor, who met danger before the disaster happened, so he sailed to Euboia, and the Spartan king Monera Osifol tracked them down and hid them. A great disaster has passed.

Not all the Achaeans were killed, and Agamemnon returned to his palace smoothly, but no one could tell whether Odysseus was dead or alive.

In order to find out the truth, the son of Odysseus left the home occupied by the suitors, went to Pylos under the guidance of Athena, and found Nestor. At that time, they were offering sacrifices to Poseidon on the beach.

After the meeting of Olympus confirmed the itinerary for Odysseus to go home, Athena immediately came to Odysseus' house, and she took a spear instead of a large shield when she left. She transformed into a mortal and entered the courtyard gate.

The "suitors" were sitting on the hides of fat oxen playing dice, shouting loudly to keep the attendants busy for them.

Some of these people mixed wine and water in amphora, and some were cleaning the table, preparing to put roasted meat on it later to share.

Telemachus sat among the suitors, his face full of indignation, but he saw the mortal transformed by Athena, and he came to the door of the house and welcomed the guests in.

His house is like this, and it is inappropriate to let people of unknown origin enter the door, but this is a host-guest etiquette in ancient Greece. The host must entertain the guests with food and drink before asking where the guests come from. Retribution.

So did Nestor and his children, who were sacrificed on the beach, entertain Telemachus, though he somewhat suspected that they were pirates.

Sacrificial sacrifices also required the slaughter of sheep and cattle. Nestor gave Telemachus the beef they ate as a sacrifice to Poseidon. Wine was also offered before the formal meal. Nestor first filled the golden cup with wine, and passed it to the next person after devout prayers.

All mortals need the blessings of the gods, and who doesn't want Zeus to bring victory to him?

This is also the difference between Agamemnon and the king of Sparta. He intends to sacrifice part of the spoils to Athena to appease the goddess' anger.

But the king of Sparta, like Achilles, probably didn't want to take part of the spoils that had been allocated, or didn't want to waste time, and they left without offering sacrifices.

"If you behave like a ritual, after the priest has prayed to the gods, and then give this cup of mead to that person as a sacrifice, I think he will also pray to the immortal gods."

Athena said that to Odysseus' son after seeing the wine Nestor handed over.

Is the sacrifice to be sincere and spiritual, or to follow complicated rituals?

Before Telemachus and the others took advantage of the night to leave by boat, they also briefly sacrificed to Athena, only using wine, and Athena was on the same boat as them.

Telemachus decided to let the "guest", the mortal priest whom Athena had transformed, and when the goblet was passed into the hand of the goddess, she praised the wise and just young man.

Then she murmured something in her mind.

Hear my prayer, Poseidon, god of the surrounding earth, and do not deny our prayers, and let all things come to pass, glory to Nestor and his sons, and infinite favor to all Pylos, and then allow Telemachus Come home with me.

Then she handed the cup to Telemachus.

In fact, there are other ways to calm Poseidon's anger, such as offering sacrifices according to his requirements. In the past, the queen of Isopia kept showing off her beauty and offended Poseidon's wife. She asked Poseidon to avenge her, so Poseidon sent monsters to ravage Isopia unless the king sacrificed his daughter.

Just when the sea monster was about to swallow the princess, Perseus passed by and saw the tragedy, so he immediately took out the head of the Gorgon Medusa, petrified the sea monster, and rescued the princess.

Later, I never heard that Poseidon sent any monsters to continue to ravage Isopia. Anyway, including Athena, no one thought of it.

Nestor waited for the guests to ask about their origin and purpose after they were full of wine and food. Telemask told the truth, and then Nestor told the long story.

And the suitors at Odysseus's house, after satisfying their desire to drink and eat meat, are thinking about other "entertainment" and arguing about who should share Penelope's bed.

They are all like this with Telemask, if they know that Telemask is gone...

But fortunately those people love to hear the dirge of the singer, and it quiets them down, though Penelope does not like the tune in his own house.

Leviathans are often described as a whale-like sea monster, and despite their size, whales are actually very gentle animals that often "sing" in the sea. Although they have a huge mouth, they feed on tiny plankton, except for sperm whales, which dive into the deep sea to hunt giant squid, but they will not harm humans.

Humans seem to have some kind of misunderstanding about these "big guys".

When the four followed Barnaby's pet dog Dexter around the school looking for the missing Kelly Wharton, they met Hagrid.

Pomona remembered that he seemed to be looking for Spark, but he couldn't find him last night. What is he doing in the castle now?

The children immediately surrounded Hagrid when they saw Hagrid. Dexter even ran to Hagrid's feet and circled, and occasionally jumped on Hagrid's lap. Although Dexter was no longer a puppy, he only Could jump on Hagrid's calf.

"Good dog." Hagrid bent down and patted Dexter's head with his big hand. "You've grown up a lot, little guy."

"Did you find her, Hagrid," Tonks asked.

Pomona gave Tonks a surprised look, then looked up at Hagrid.

"I've searched all over this level." Hagrid said helplessly, "I never heard that Kelly is a master at 'peek-a-boo'."

Pomona recalled quickly, she did remember that Hagrid was in the auditorium when she left - and he wasn't the teacher.

'It was you who led the way! ’ Pomona glared at Hagrid, but Hagrid was completely unaware of Pomona's gaze, and was still exchanging information with the children.

Hagrid is kind by nature, although he is a descendant of "brutal giants".

Looking at Hagrid, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in Pomona's mind. The footsteps seemed to come from the ancient prehistoric times, and also seemed to appear from mythology and history.

Poseidon is the brother of Zeus and Hades, both sons of Titans, and both have experienced Titan wars.

After the victory of the war, the three divided up the territory...

"You skipped class!" Peeves suddenly appeared above them, "You are finished!"

"Don't mind your own business!" Tonks yelled at Peeves, who wasn't as good-tempered as the fat friar.

"I'm going to tell other people~" Peeves sang a self-made song, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Cooper and Barnaby didn't care, they were about to graduate anyway, but Tonks couldn't stop Peeves even if he wanted to.

"Liu Wei Wei, you idiot!" Tonks wasn't afraid at all, instead he made a face in the direction where Peeves disappeared, "If you want to inform me, go."

Peeves didn't go far, he turned around and made faces at Tonks.

Then Pomona saw the natural-born Metamorphmagus and Peeves compete to make faces.

Peeves has no physical body, and his face can be rounded and flattened at will.

Pomona really couldn't look at these two "childish ghosts". Her eyes inadvertently skipped over Dexter, who was ignored by everyone, as if she had discovered something, and she smelled it along an invisible line.

She followed Dexter without warning the others.

It's not for these students to take risks, although these little trolls are too adventurous.

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