Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3058 adamas (eleven)

"Evans, wait, Evans!"

Gryffindor's last class on Friday was Potions class. Lily left Slughorn's classroom talking and laughing with other girls in the college. James Potter chased after her as usual. later.

It just so happened that the last Slytherin class that day was History of Magic. They walked to the lounge after class, and happened to be crowded in the same passage with Gryffindor who had left the cellar. They blocked Gryffindor's entrance intentionally or unintentionally. The way of the Quidditch captain does not allow him to move forward smoothly.

"She can't hear you, Potter," laughed a Slytherin boy.

But James, as if he didn't hear it, pushed forward relying on his physique, and finally he collided head-on with a Slytherin.

"Can't you hear the others, Potter," said Severus Snape viciously.

"Get out of the way." James pushed Snape away in disgust, as if seeing a bug.

Nerds were clearly no match for athletes, but Snape didn't give up just because he was pushed aside.

"Are your ears clogged with earwax," Snape said.

James turned back, smiling at Snape.

"I'm sorry, but I'm lucky enough not to hear ghosts," James said.

"You'd better keep your mouth shut lest people know you're an idiot, and your brain isn't as big as earwax," Snape said.

James was enraged now, and he was about to rush over to teach Snape a lesson, but was stopped by Malfoy.

"Calm down, gentlemen," Malfoy said glibly. "We have other ways of dealing with this."

"That face of yours, I spit on you, snotlite," James said to Snape.

"The key to your survival is to stay stupid and not realize how stupid you are." Snape sneered. "You're even showing off by reading."

Of course Lucius Malfoy would not let James Potter hurt Snape, they quarreled for a long time, and finally "broke up", James continued to look for Lily, Snape and Malfoy returned to the common room.


Pomona changed into new pajamas and returned to her office, where the grown-up Severus Snape, the youngest Slytherin head ever, was reading behind her desk.

Before he got engaged to Naxisha, Lucius also had a girlfriend, but he would not try to challenge the stairs of the girls' lounge like those silly boys, but asked the girl to spend the weekend outside the school.

Pomona is now extremely suspicious that Sif has failed to learn from Lucius Malfoy, although it is not the first time he has stayed at the door of the girl's dormitory.

"You want to read too?" He looked at the book without looking up.

"I can't sleep with you outside!" Pomona said coldly.

"That's not what you said last time," he said in a drawn-out tone.

She was so angry, where did he learn this thick skin!

He concentrated on reading without looking at her face at all.

Pomona finally gave up, found a book from the shelf, took it back to the preparation room, and lay on the bed to read.

She didn't read the content of the book at all, and all she thought about was Gellert Grindelwald.

Although the young Grindelwald was handsome, she was thinking of him in middle age and the "greater good" he and Albus Dumbledore believed in.

For the "greater good", Dumbledore can break the blood oath they made when they were young, and hurt or stop Grindelwald.

And Grindelwald also violated the highest principle of the prophet-you must not lie?

A truly dishonest person chooses a life attitude in which he waits for the right moment to tell a lie which will bring him greater good than the usual small lies. His purpose in doing that is to make others believe in him, feel that he is a reputable person, and even give him a will.

The ancient Romans also called the trust will "100% luck", as long as the trustee does not leave anything to the beneficiary. There was once a businessman who had an only daughter who was not legally entitled to an inheritance, so he gave all his assets to a friend who didn't give her a single dinar.

When people become rational, they also introduce the concept of justice into their work when making laws. A dead man cannot convey his true intentions.

The high priest introduced the principle of "honesty and credit", instead of trying to use the advent ceremony, or convey the oracle like the priestess, they appeared more in the activities of interpreting the law.

If a person believes that whenever, wherever, and regardless of what other people think there is a very good reason to believe "it is okay to lie," one still firmly believes that lying is wrong.

Just like loving someone, when she is no longer young and beautiful, when he has nothing, it will still not change, even if she or he is married to someone else.

Society still needs rules. If all moral ideas are respected, then society cannot be maintained in essence. Everyone has the right to have personal preferences, but if people don’t abide by the rules, they will be robbed like the patriarch of Lestrange in France. Without a married woman, there is no need for marriage and family.

Many animals in nature do not have this kind of organizational concept. In order to get a mate, male animals will compete with each other, and the winner will get the right to mate.

It's not even "survival of the fittest" because it's a rule.

Killing is wrong in the eyes of absolutists. Killing is not allowed under any circumstances, but it is allowed in some cases, such as for revenge, or to kill someone to prevent him from causing more damage. Like Leta Lestrange tried to destroy Paris with Grindelwald, and though she failed, Nicole May stepped in to stop the unholy "demon fire".

It is not utilitarian to do so, because their calculations are not based on "life", but on pain and pleasure.

There are a lot of people whose lives would be worse than death, and the end will be a relief for them.

For some reason, she remembered the face of Rita Lestrange seen in the Pensieve, which was not an expression of generosity.

The pain was too much, beyond her ability to bear, so she chose a meaningful way to die?

Pomona didn't understand Leta, they had never met, she hadn't been born when Leta died.

For ordinary people, marriage is closely related to happiness and happiness. Lestrange's second wife just married him and became the bond between the two families. Pompey's wife, Julia, died unfortunately due to dystocia, which dealt a fatal blow to the stability of the alliance of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus.

Whether she was lucky or unlucky in this marriage, loved or not, did not prevent the civil war from happening.

Grindelwald is not like Tom Riddle. He didn't frame Hagrid and take responsibility for the death of a Muggle. Tom usually behaves very well. Who would doubt a top student like him.

She doesn't know who the real murderer is, but Tom does lead people to believe that the eight-eyed spider is the murderer, and although the poison of the eight-eyed spider is deadly, the myrtle is not poisonous.

What the Ministry of Magic wants to maintain is "peace". As long as a murderer is found to take responsibility, it doesn't matter whether it is the real murderer or not.

"If Hagrid put Spark in his vegetable garden," said Pomona, lying on the bed, "would the Ministry of Magic harm him?"

"Is that what you really want to ask?" Severus asked.

What she actually wanted to ask was how Severus had convinced Hagrid that Hagrid would not put Spark in danger. He hid it, and no one would have found it if Sparke hadn't left the hiding place feeling hungry and hot.

"The animal hasn't done any harm so far. 'Danger' is what the Ministry of Magic speaks for itself. Just because someone says 'exists,' something doesn't have to exist," Severus said.

"I seem to have seen it somewhere," Pomona recalled.

"Kant," Severus said coldly.

"Oh, I remembered." She said casually, and then tried to remember the troublesome derivation process.

That's when she heard footsteps, and Severus came in through the open door, came to the edge of her bed, and sat down next to her lap.

"We can go through the process of newly discovered species, so they can't kill it at will." Severus said softly, like a traitor who was slandering.

"You really want to save Spark?" Pomona also whispered, sounding like a dream.

"No." He touched her cheek with a hand that smelled of potion. "I don't want you to be unhappy."

She couldn't tell whether what he said was true or not.

Maybe it was the potion in his hand that made her unable to think.

"What's your first principle?" Pomona asked.

"What first principles?" he said, staring at her lips.

"A prophet must not lie." The breath from her mouth brought a tingling sensation, as if someone had fingered her lips. "But for the greater good, he violated this principle."

He's a little more sober.

"What do you think they mean by the 'greater good'?" Pomona asked. "I guess it has nothing to do with utilitarianism."

"For more people to live happily, even at the cost of an innocent person," Severus said.

"Maybe Dumbledore is, you think Grindelwald is like that?" Pomona asked.

While he was thinking, Pomona grabbed his hand, straightened his upper body with his arm, and clung to him like a vine.

"Are you jealous that James is luckier than you?" Pomona asked, leaning on his shoulder, massaging his arm.

"He's luckier than a lot of people," he said quietly.

He didn't say what his mood was, but she didn't plan to get to the bottom of it either.

"Are you jealous of Lily?" Severus asked.

She just didn't want to be asked this question so she didn't go into it.

So she stopped the massage, closed her eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

"You are so much more beautiful than her, how could you be jealous of her." He seemed to be talking to himself.

What if I am not beautiful?

Pomona thought, feeling terribly stuffy.

After a while, she felt herself lying down again, very softly, as if she were a princess in a fairy tale.

When her head touched the pillow, a burst of warm breath hit her face.

There was a tingling sensation on the lips again, but it disappeared quickly.

"Life is short, fall in love, girl, before your lips fade, before your blood cools, and tomorrow won't be such a good time."

She heard a moving voice read it, and then felt a lightness around her, as if the person was about to leave.

She didn't think too much, but she just didn't want him to leave like this, so she stopped pretending to be asleep and grabbed his hand.

"I had a nightmare." She said eagerly.

"What dream?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"I was forced to marry a Roman," she said solemnly, "and it was a marriage by purchase."

"And then?" He looked at her with judgmental eyes.

"I ran, but they were after me." She squeezed his hand tightly. "I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

"If I fall asleep, I will continue to have that dream again."

He smiled, as if mocking her childishness, but didn't leave.

"Come over," he ordered.

Pomona moved inside, and he lay down in the place she vacated.

The black cloak just fell over her as a blanket.

"You stopped reading?" Pomona asked.

"Sleep." He said with his eyes closed.

"You don't even wash up!" she said with disgust.

He was impatient, his brows furrowed.

So she closed her eyes wisely.

In fact, Wilde also said a famous saying: Never love a person who treats you as an ordinary person.

So his question was too difficult to answer, why didn't he tell her what he thought first, instead he asked her for it.

She is not his patronumu.

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