Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3056 Adamas (9)

"I'm back!" exclaimed Mrs. Evans.

"Mother's back!" Lily said cheerfully, and got up and ran to meet her.

Pomona followed, and when she reached the door, Petunia was there, and the two sisters helped Mrs. Evans with her things.

"This is not for you."

Just as Petunia was about to open a sack, Mrs. Evans said, and handed the sack to Pomona.

"This is your birthday present."

"It's not my birthday," Pomona said.

"It's a belated gift." Evans insisted on handing the bag to Pomona, "Besides, you are our guest."

She felt that she was a bit too kind, took the pocket and was about to open it, but was stopped by Mrs. Evans.

"Let's try it on next door, and you can play by yourself," Mrs. Evans said to Lily and Petunia.

So the two sisters took the remaining pockets and went to the drawing room, while Pomona and Mrs. Evans went to Mrs. Evans' room.

The first thing she did when she got back to her bedroom was to draw the curtains. Pomona didn't understand why she had to close the curtains in broad daylight.

"You open it now," said Mrs. Evans.

Pomona opened the pocket, and inside was a strangely shaped piece of cloth.

"What's this for?" she asked confused.

"Your mother didn't teach you?" Mrs. Evans asked worriedly.

In fact, Pomona had never met her mother, but she felt that Mrs. Evans might not understand a creature like Veela.

"Let me teach you." Mrs. Evans said, unfastened the buckle of the cloth and said, "Take off your coat."

Pomona complied.

"Why are you still wearing this little vest?" Mrs. Evans accused.

"I can still fit," Pomona said, looking at her flat chest.

Mrs. Evans shook her head, told Pomona to take off this dress, and put on the fabric she had bought.

At this time, Pomona understood that Mrs. Evans gave her a "gift" called underwear, although she often saw models in magazines wearing similar swimwear called bikinis.

"There." Mrs. Evans sighed. "You're a big girl, and this is what you should be wearing."

Pomona looked at the full-length mirror not far away.

She felt that she looked no different, not to mention that after putting on the outer clothes, she couldn't see what she was wearing inside. Is it necessary to buy such clothes?

But Mrs. Evans' insistence could be felt even after the first contact with Pomona, so she put her coat back on neatly.

Satisfied now, Mrs. Evans stood up, went to the window again, and drew the curtains again.

The summer sun was a bit harsh, and it took her a while to get used to it, and then she saw Snape standing outside the window, looking straight at Lily's house, looking a little scary.


There are many styles in the magazine. Although Pomona has no way to wear it, it does not hinder her appreciation. However, she prefers the floral dress worn by Mrs. Evans to fashion.

Cokeworth is a heavily polluted city. Mrs. Evans wore this outfit and made similar styles for Lily and Petunia. The three mother and daughter looked very refreshing when they appeared on the street. But when Lily and Petunia grow up, they won't wear that kind of floral clothes anymore. Petunia has worked in a big city, and even if she becomes a housewife, she can still follow the trend of the times. Lily's clothes are not considered by the working class. that's it.

Girls have many styles of dressing, but they often only wear one style when they go out in a day.

The Roman law on wills is not the same, "Foria Law", "Vauconia Law", "Falcidi Law", etc., each of which has restrictions, and some do not allow inheritance to be left to women, provinces, etc. , or a person who is incapable of acquiring under the Laws of Papias.

Caesarion's inability to inherit Rome was not because he was an illegitimate child. Even in the Middle Ages, illegitimate children recognized by their fathers would be arranged. The monk who advocated leaving in the seminary at Oxford had a noble father, but his legal heirs were all dead, so he was in a hurry to leave.

Others didn't leave, and it wasn't just because they obeyed orders. Other places were not necessarily better than the monastery. There was a famine in the countryside, but in the monastery at least there was no need to worry about food and clothing. The one who did it thought that he was not pious enough in the face of faith, so he climbed such a long distance and killed the other party.

Caesarion had never been recognized by Caesar, not to mention that his mother was a foreigner. According to the regulations of the Manzipazu ceremony, both parties must be Roman citizens. In short, Caesar had no legal reason to hand over his inheritance to him.

Although the other mistresses had illegitimate children, Caesar, as the consul, needed to maintain not only order, but also "good customs".

Trusts or heirs can bypass all existing legal means without being restricted by them. Similar to the Phalsidi Law, only three-quarters can be bequeathed, and all Caesar's property will be handed over to Octavian.

But this also breaks the existing balance of testamentary succession. If the former testator wants the testator to obtain the property, he can choose the corresponding law and testament method, and follow the relevant legal restrictions.

Maybe you will encounter this kind of situation. A friend wears an ugly dress and asks you to evaluate it. Should you tell her honestly that the outfit is ugly, or tell a white lie?

A white lie is still a lie, but "honesty" can seem impersonal, impolite, and inconsiderate.

A friend is not an emperor. After you laugh at her, she might not play with you anymore.

Pomona didn't know why she thought of this, but when she reached the door, Severus was already in the greenhouse.

He looks annoyed, rummaging around the greenhouse, looking for something.

"What are you doing?" Pomona said, wrapping the blanket around her tightly.

This scene, tsk...

She was so dizzy thinking that she blamed all the crimes on that dream.

"Where is he?" Severus asked incredulously.

"What him? Just me," said Pomona dryly. "What are you going crazy about?"

He didn't listen to her at all, and continued to search in the greenhouse.

She really had nothing to hide, so she followed him leisurely.

Assuming such a situation, if the Nazis come to your house to search for guerrillas, no one will blame them even if you lie to them, but what if you don’t want to lie against your principles and don’t want to betray the guerrillas?

You could actually tell the SS men "I don't know where they are."

It's not a lie, because you really don't know where the partisans are hiding in your house, cellar, closet, attic, etc., although these areas are all within your house.

This is different from lying directly, but telling the truth misleadingly. Although the result is the same, it is to gain the trust of the other party and make people unable to find the truth.

Misleading truths still follow a moral principle, while white lies violate this moral principle even if they are well-intentioned. However, according to the principle of the least effort in biology, the first reaction of most people is to lie. After all, it is not so easy to say an "answer" that does not violate the principle and does not betray friends.

It's part of the human evolution process, some things take a long time to think about, and we sometimes don't have that much time.

In ancient Rome, some people would become slaves because of their debts. In the slave market, sellers would speak out about the advantages and disadvantages of slaves for buyers to consider.

Sometimes ankle shackles were worn to prevent them from escaping, but these have since been dropped.

Most of the people who can write laws are educated people. Education generally costs money. Now that the law has been changed, if one day they themselves fall into debt problems, they don't need to wear shackles.

What is the truth?

Some people think that it is something that can be seen and touched, while others think that its authenticity can be tested and verified. The latter is often influenced by Newton.

But there are many things that are not experimental in classical physics, such as the theory of relativity, etc. Many things they study are invisible and intangible.

Then there is "possibility", it is like two roads, people choose one of them, this choice makes "possibility" become reality, and the other road that is not taken has not been experienced, but it does not exist ?

What Severus did now reminded Pomona of the letter that Petunia had opened privately by him. No matter how curious he was, it was disrespectful to open someone's letter, not to mention that he had told Lily.

Now Pomona felt disrespected too, but just as she was about to yell at him, she felt her foot trip.

When she lowered her head, she found that the lace of the nightgown was caught by the branches-this kind of spider silk can easily stick to the leaves.

Normally she would set fire to spider silk, but now she wears it.

So she tried to pull it, but she couldn't pull it off. The magic plant moved a little bit, and lifted the hem of the skirt up.

She didn't want to exclaim that there was no one in this place to help her now except Snape.

Later, she thought that this skirt would never be worn again, so she planned to use a cutting spell to cut it open.

"Don't move," she heard someone say just as she raised her wand.

"What are you doing!" She glared angrily at the only other person in the greenhouse.

"I'll help you." He said blankly, walked to her side and knelt down.

"I don't need you, I can do it myself." She said impatiently, but when she raised her wand, she found it difficult to cut because of the angle.

He raised his wand, and the next moment she heard the horrible sound of cloth snapping, she was too frightened to look in that direction.

Later, she thought about it again, he saved her, like releasing a butterfly entangled in spider silk.

After her feet were free, he stood up, raised his hand to pinch her chin, and made her look at him.

"Is there really no one else?" He asked coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Pomona said, wrapping the blanket tightly. "I'm all alone here."

He was still staring at her.

"Why do you think there are others?" she asked inexplicably.

After about 3 seconds, he probably figured it out by himself, and his expression softened.

"Is there anything to drink, I'm thirsty."

He said to himself that maybe he didn't want her answer that much, and walked straight to her office.

"How long have you been talking to Stringer," Pomona grumbled, following along, though she didn't know how Stringer got him out of surveillance.

A bell should be tied around this guy's neck, she thought, but she dared not say it, she couldn't predict what would happen if she said it?

Since she can't control whether the arrow will hit the target, then control what can be controlled. She closed her mouth tightly, just like controlling the bow in her hand. "Possibility" appears.

Maybe the other road is not Lily's favorite, but she found a different kind of happiness on that road.

It is not our abilities that determine who we are, but our choices.

This is her choice, let it be, it is impossible for a person to walk two paths at the same time, no matter what color the forest is in.

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