Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3041 hue and cry (6)

In the Decameron written by Boccaccio, when the plague raged in Florence, 10 men and women left the city and took refuge in a villa in the countryside. pass the time.

But in the history recorded by Machiavelli, a Florentine said: "People gather in the cities of Italy, and they are all prone to perversion. The young are idle, the old are licentious, men, women and children are full of vices. Good laws are powerless to correct because they are poorly enforced."

A low-level person said this: Wealth and poverty make us high and low. Conscience has nothing to do with us. Don't think about it, because people like us often have to worry about starvation, imprisonment or beheading, The thought of going to hell neither can nor should have any effect on us.

The victor, by whatever means, is thought only of his glory.

So only the "sheep" deserve to be frightened.

The Romans claimed to be raised by she-wolves. Maybe these people lived by combing wool, but it didn't mean they were willing to live like that. Whenever the opportunity came, they would take off their coats and change back to their original appearance.

After the chaos broke out, they began to set fire to and loot Florence, the richest city in Europe, as if they thought that as long as the wealth was in their own hands, they would not have to suffer from hunger.

Agriculture requires a large number of people, at least before agricultural mechanization. When a large number of people died due to the Black Death, not only the people who cultivated it disappeared, but a large amount of land was left unused, and there were also people responsible for transportation.

Along with rising wages and rising prices, this time it has nothing to do with inflation.

In order for the whole society to continue to function, people have no tolerance for those who live but beg for a living, and there are even laws promulgated that private individuals can catch these vagabonds and make them work for themselves for free for a period of time.

Nor could the nobles and noblemen who hid in their country villas stay long in that refuge if they had no food to eat.

The food placed on the table is completed through the cooperation of many people. Some are farmers, some are herdsmen, some are transporters, and some are butchers. People cooperate with each other and live together. Life becomes convenient and full of fun.

If, on the other hand, like those men and women who took refuge in villas, living alone is better than living with a group of people, it is likely that there is a problem with public management.

This is not just referring to the health of the people and the sanitation of the city. In a lecture note written by a bishop for the Crown Prince, it is written: "Without a vigorous, healthy and moderate population, it is difficult for the Grand Duke and the State to be strong. It should be noted that the population is not an absolute number, but the people who can be integrated into the utility of the country, so as to make the population as large as possible.”

For example, Thomas Wayne condemned the clowns who took their lives for those employees who were still at work during the strike, but did not mention the employees who caused strikes in the street and they were all working for Thomas Wayne.

These employees who are still at work are "effective people". To maximize the number of these people as much as possible, Thomas Wayne's approach is counterproductive and angers those who have "nothing" like the clown. They use the clown as an example, Attacks on those "people who have a lot" escalated, and even Gotham was engulfed in flames.

He is not even as good as the mayor who cut welfare spending and paid the police, at least some people would leave the strike team because of lack of money to buy medicines, and go back to work, if he had a job, not as unemployed as Arthur if.

Such knowledge is of course not seen in commoner schools, but Hogwarts has the ghost of a would-be cardinal who taught Pomona something besides French.

In Latin, peace and justice refer to the enactment of Roman law, among them pax romana.

In Germanic law, war is just after oppression (injuria).

It was slaves who destroyed the eternal city of Rome, and many of these slaves were Germans. Because they were oppressed by the Romans, it was just for them to start wars.

Oppression - (war = justice) - peace.

The peace gained by fighting oppression is just.

But now it's peace=justice, oppression=war.

For the most part, Pomona was a "pacifist," but it's hard to say if she is now.

Classes in the greenhouse are a kind of torture. The transparent glass allows the sunlight to shine down without hindrance, which is good for the plants to shine, but it makes the greenhouse as hot as an oven, and one child even suffered from heat stroke.

She took the child responsibly to the hospital wing, where she did not expect to meet Elena, who fell off the broom and fell into a coma.

Riding a broomstick is not like a driver's license, which must be passed. Anyway, she can learn to apparate in the future, which requires a license.

At first, Elena was wobbling around, but then someone "whoosh" flew past her, as if to show how good she was on a broomstick, and then took Elena off the broom.

Pomona was about to ask the man's name when Myrtle's cry came from "next door."

Pandora is right, why not show pictures or models of plants in the classroom, but go to the greenhouse to "sunbathe"?

Then she went next door to find Myrtle, and the ghost and cold water might cool her down.

When she got to the deserted bathroom, Myrtle was sitting on the sink crying, all the taps turned on.

"Who messed with you this time? Paul again?" Pomona asked.

"Her nephew is at school!" said Myrtle angrily.

Pomona had no idea who "she" was.

"Oliver Hornby!" said Myrtle.

Pomona suddenly understood, and then she didn't understand.

"Why is her nephew at school?" Pomona asked.

"It's not because...he works at the Ministry of Magic now." Myrtle cried again as she spoke.

Myrtle was imprisoned here by the Ministry of Magic for making a scene at her brother's wedding after turning into a ghost.

The Ministry of Magic's "calm down" approach did maintain the "tranquility" of the living, but prevented Myrtle from revenge.

Severus seemed to have said something to her, but Pomona "forgot it all" now. Obviously, the Ministry of Magic convicts Percival Dumbledore to prevent him from taking revenge. The next time he encounters the same situation, if the bullied person wants to give up resistance, he can only do it himself.

That is to say, the Ministry of Magic has maintained "peace" with public power, but this "peace" is an authoritarian establishment of a space for activities, peace = justice, and any behavior that breaks "peace" is unjust, and attempts to break "peace" must be punished. the people who punished, not the people who actually did the wrong thing.

Who, Grindelwald asked, was actually protected by that law?

Still the same question, should one person's interests be sacrificed for the interests of more people? Under this criterion, Richard Parker should be eaten.

If people agree with this "maritime practice", then killing people will be justified, and they will do whatever it takes to keep themselves alive.

Then I encountered a new problem, living with such a person, will I feel convenient, interesting, and happy?

There is a boundary when dividing personal and public space, and there is a narrow proportionality principle. If public power is implemented, the damage to citizen power must be less than the public interest it brings.

If the public power "behaves improperly" in the process of implementation, it will lose its legitimate basis.

Did Albus Dumbledore really do it for the "greater good" or did he choose that path because there were fewer wizards than muggles and he saw that the war couldn't be won.

Pomona closed her eyes, remembering what Albus had said to her by the lake when she first entered school.

Patience, and revenge afterwards, but I'm sure you've forgotten by then.

Whether it is to forgive or forget, Albus Dumbledore does not intend to avenge the Muggles. He chose to be a "sage" and make a more sensible choice.

She didn't know whose idea it was to trap Myrtle where she died. It was an easy way to punish her, but it was cruel.

Maybe Pomona can't free the house-elves, but it can set Myrtle free.

As long as myrtle...

"Dean." Madam Pomfrey said suddenly, "Miss Duncan is awake."

Pomona took one more look at Myrtle. She had slipped into some toilet and was flushed away, but the water remained on the floor.

This world is unfair, but she doesn't want to be like a child, saying "it's not fair" when she doesn't get something.

The fat monk's ideal is to give voice to those who cannot speak for themselves.

She pouted her lips, but found that she couldn't find her own voice, as if she was the little mermaid who lost her singing voice.

Then I thought about it, the mermaid is still a beauty without her voice, this is just an inappropriate metaphor for her.

"Come right on," Pomona said, turning away.

There should indeed be a boundary between the living and the dead, but unfortunately some dead people don't understand it, which makes the living feel uneasy.

The problem is that she can't be locked up in a place like Myrtle, who let her live in other people's memories, and is protected by Occlumency, like a castle protected by walls, it is extremely safe, at least compared to The "castle" protected with the Charm of Fidelity is safe.

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