Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3040 hue and cry (five)

According to Machiavelli's records, in 1353, a group of bandits rushed into Tuscany and plundered, causing panic in all Italian cities.

These bandits used to be mercenaries, fighting for the benefit of Italy for the pope living in France and the emperor living in Germany, but after the war the soldiers did not get paid, so they robbed everywhere in Italy.

This kind of thing is very common in troubled times, and it is so insignificant that there is no corner in the official history books to write about it, but it has something to do with wizards.

The magical economic bubble in the 14th century occurred in 1378, 30 years after the financial crisis caused by the king's default in 1348, and also in 1378 when the carders' uprising occurred.

In 1366, Florence allowed the import of slaves, but compared with the 90,000 people lost by the Black Death, it could not completely fill the vacancies in the labor force.

But all over Italy was at war, only Florence was relatively peaceful, until 1353. During this time many artisan civilians who wanted to flee the war fled to the territory of the Florentine Republic, while other places continued to be ravaged by war.

This caused Florence to recover faster than other cities, and because of the looting in 1353, the whole city of Florence was on alert. Another issue is the struggle between the Rich family and the Albizi family in the city. Both sides want to gain the power of the Republic by defeating each other, but they have not yet reached the point of being armed.

At that time, Florence was not the center of the Renaissance, but it was already the wealthiest city in Europe. After seeing the high death rate of the Black Death, carpe gratification replaced the call of heaven, and people seemed to be living the life of the ancient Romans again. Life.

Both Rome and Greece had brilliant civilizations, but the destruction of Rome was also closely related to the depraved lives of the nobles.

In 1496, a monk with a group of children searched the homes of the residents, piled up the "vain things" and set them on fire, as if he thought that this would allow the Florentines to live a pious and simple life again.

It was also the period when the Inquisition was active, but that was more than a hundred years after the mercenary raids.

When the riots spread in Florence, the ruling group could not restrain the two families, and they were still fighting among themselves in the presence of foreign enemies. Rumors abounded in the city, and it seemed that a fight was about to start.

Of course, there was no fight in the end. Instead, a law was enacted to prohibit citizens from gathering in the ruling palace, except when the ruling group was in session.

So this led to the election of the righteous standard bearer in 1378. A large group of craftsmen and nobles stood in the courtyard of the palace under the scorching sun and waited for the result of their election.

This time there was a real fight. The craftsman grabbed the nobleman by the collar, trying to strangle the other party's neck. Although the two were separated in time, someone upstairs shouted "take up arms", and then the flames of war were completely ignited, and every household repaired fortifications in their homes.

Still in 1353, a law was passed that, in addition to the six district chiefs, three people's representatives were elected, that is, elected from the guilds.

In the past, Florence practiced an aristocratic system, and the nobles discussed behind closed doors and had nothing to do with the common people. When the Rich and the Albizzi families were looking for followers in the city, they were not just looking for nobles.

Anyway, after the turmoil in Florence and the chaos in the Holy See, the business couldn’t go on at all. The Lombards ran from Italy to the UK, set up a shop in London, and started lending business. Later, it became Lombard Street, and they competed with wizards for lending. business.

Later, Florence built a mercenary loggia for the rest of the German mercenaries stationed there. They did not participate in 1378, and the ruling group did not order it.

The reason is very simple. If you want mercenaries to work, you must first give gold coins. Caesar in ancient Rome did the same thing. He issued silver coins to soldiers. His money is going to go with him.

Rich and the Albizzi family made a fuss, and finally relied on the debate to "decide the outcome". After their quarrel was over, the bandits also withdrew, and the residents outside the city suffered heavy losses.

It is a slow process for human beings to grow up from birth to growth. When farmers and craftsmen in England took advantage of the Black Death to raise wages, not only them, but also other cities in Italy. Only the craftsmen in Florence were oppressed. Start an uprising.

At first, Pomona thought it was the same as ancient Rome, because the massive use of slaves squeezed out the job opportunities of the free people. After looking at the transaction data of the slave market, they found that it was impossible. The vast majority of slaves were transported along the Silk Road, they were not bought by buyers to work as spinning girls.

There is a Muggle bookstore at the exit of Diagon Alley, and the data is read from the books she bought there.

She has not read the original document, so she can only infer from what the author wrote, maybe she can find the original document during the summer vacation, she really does not want to go to Australia with Sinista, not from the telescope, but from the radio to "observe" the stars .

The debris left behind after a supernova explosion is like fireworks, that's what she likes, what's so good about the curves and noises on the display.

"Wow, those earrings are so beautiful."

While passing Transfiguration Court, Pomona heard a girl yelling.

In fact, she is not alone, there are several people around, they are all around Emily Taylor, and Emily is holding a jewelry box in her hand.

Even though Pomona was not good at discerning luxury items, she could spot the blue-green color of the robin's egg, and as far as she knew, the store sold cheap jewelry, even small earrings.

"You like it? I gave it to you." Emily said generously, and handed the pair of earrings to the girl who exclaimed.

The girl took the jewelry box with shock written all over her face, as if she didn't believe such luck would happen to her.

"Even if I graduate, we are still friends, and we will keep in touch in the future." Emily glanced in the direction of Pomona pointingly. "In the future, no matter what happens in school, please tell me."

"Thank you, I like it so much." The girl stood up and put the earrings in the jewelry box on her ears.

Today's jewelry focuses on fire, unlike previous jewelry, which tries to keep the weight of the gemstone as much as possible.

The sun shone on the pair of earrings, emitting a dazzling light, and the other girls around looked at the girl who got the earrings enviously.

"Our friends, we can't break up just because I graduated... This is fine, everyone comes to London during the summer vacation, and I will take you to play."

"I'm still looking for an internship." Another girl said, "I really envy you, you can do an internship at the Ministry of Magic."

This time Emily didn't say that she could help them arrange an internship place, but talked about her life in London during this period.

Like a swan that fell into a chicken coop in the country.

Pomona recited the Buddhist scriptures in her heart, and left the courtyard without saying hello to Emily. Anyway, Emily didn't intend to say hello to her, and they probably had nothing to say when they met, who made them not from the same world.

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