Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3021 girl's troubles

On May 24, 1837, Princess Alexandrina Victoria was awakened by birdsong. As soon as she opened her eyes, she ran to the next room, where many gifts were piled up, because it was her 18th birthday on this day. What is piled here is only a part of the relatively expensive, more gifts from the public were placed with Mary Louise Victoria, Duchess of Kent.

The duchess wrote a very long letter on behalf of her daughter Alexandra Victoria. In the letter, it was mentioned that the princess had contacts with people from all walks of life in the UK, which was really insulting to the royal family. power. William IV gave his niece a gilt-plated grand piano made by the erard company, which had used pianos for Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn and Wagner, and the princess played it immediately, as if many years later As she played music with Prince Albert.

But the "surprise" the king prepared for the princess didn't stop there. Shortly after the princess happily celebrated her birthday, he wrote to the Duchess of Kent, asking her niece to start her own business. The Duchess of Kent categorically rejected this request "in extremely dissatisfied terms". William IV told the princess that he would give her £10,000 a year to help her live away from her mother.

If it is an ordinary family, it is normal for the mother to be reluctant to leave home when the daughter grows up, but in the royal family this has another meaning. Regardless of her mother's objections, the princess accepted William IV's proposal, but news of William IV's deteriorating health soon came, and the plan fell through.

Hanover has been promoted from the electorate to the kingdom since the Congress of Vienna in 1814. After the Hanoverian royal family becomes the British king, it will inherit the throne of Hanover. However, according to the "Sakley Succession Law", the princess had no way to inherit the Hanoverian throne. At this time, the second heir, the Duke of Cumberland, inherited the Hanoverian throne, so the long-term alliance between Hanover and England collapsed.

The princess only inherited the British crown, and according to the British "Succession to the Throne Act" in 1701, the king's decree must be countersigned by a minister to be valid. So the first thing the princess did after she came to the throne was to change her name. In the official documents, there is only the title "Queen Victoria", even though she signed herself with "Alexandrina Victoria".

From the beginning of the 19th century to the succession of Queen Victoria, Britain has experienced the rule of three kings. Before William IV came to power, all serious crimes were sentenced to death. After William IV came to power, the Parliament reduced the number of death sentences by half, but the number of death sentences pronounced by the Supreme Court remained high, so it became a common practice for the British monarch to personally revise the death sentence. The monarch returns the verdict, and then the monarch makes the final judgment.

It was evident that a "maiden" was not fit for the repugnant task, and therefore Parliament immediately passed an Act relieving Queen Victoria of her duty to amend the death penalty, and the sheriffs, outside of London, upon receipt of the court's verdict, Having sufficient capacity to ensure the execution of death sentences, London followed the practice of the counties, and the Home Secretary alone handled the death penalty complaints. Therefore, the Home Secretary became the only person who issued and pardoned the death penalty reprieve.

Once the Home Secretary changes the death sentence, it is reported to the Queen. Sometimes the Queen will comment, but if the Home Secretary makes a decision, the sentence will be carried out.

It can thus be argued that although the 1837 Act formally retained the "royal pardon", the succession of a female monarch actually abolished this privilege of the British crown.

In 1884, the Queen's Bench of the Supreme Court sentenced Dudley and Stephens to hang. ’, with the death of Prince Albert, she has been in mourning, and the cabinet and prime minister are not the same as they were in 1837.

During her residence at Buckingham Palace, one of Queen Victoria's innovations was to form a palace band, and asked the court band to play during and after dinner.

When she went to the Isle of Wight, she began to like the quiet, and when she wrote her will, she specifically told her to wear a white dress after her death. This time she didn't have to wear mourning clothes for anyone.

Black is so dull, unlike white, it looks light and pure, and it is very suitable for young girls to wear.

Many of the movies Pomona watched showed the Empire dresses as white "nightdresses," and she wasn't a fan of corseted Victorian dresses, no matter how pretty they looked.

For a food lover, the corset is a nightmare, she will be strangled to death by it.

Moreover, pregnancy will also make the waist thicker. She prefers Arthur who will still call "Molly Little Shiver" no matter how out of shape Molly's figure is.

The Victorian era was not a friendly era for women. Women in that era were required to faint at every turn so that passing men could save them.

At that time, there was a mother who wrote a letter to her daughter. The mother felt that this world was happy, so she brought you into this world.

More than ten years after the letter was written, Jack the Ripper appeared, and Pomona guessed that the mother had never been to a place like Whitechapel.

In the profile of "Jack," there is speculation that she is a woman who commits crimes out of jealousy of another's fertility.

Jealousy can make people do incredible things, but why can't it be because men are curious about women's physical structure? The anatomy book at that time also said that there were seven chambers in the female uterus.

But jealousy is not difficult to understand. Pomona is very jealous of Lily now, and she cried a lot because of it.

Lily is also popular in Muggle schools. She is beautiful and has excellent grades. Compared with her, Petunia is much darker. The Evans and his wife tried to be fair, but when Pomona came to her house for summer vacation, it was still the same. It felt like they were unconsciously showing a preference for Lily.

In fact, she doesn't need to feel this feeling of jealousy gnawing at her heart, as long as she doesn't give the so-called "opportunity".

She's still the "girly girl" who worries about birthday parties and presents.

Sirius Black is like the prince in fairy tales, there are very few girls who do not daydream about him.

It's just that she is very self-aware, and she is by no means a match for those girls, so she didn't have any unreasonable thoughts.

What's more, Sirius still has a lot of bad habits. He spends money lavishly. If it wasn't for his uncle's support, he would have gone bankrupt long ago.

No one could keep him under control, except James, who sometimes messed around with him, flying around Muggle towns on his motorcycle.

It is undoubtedly unfortunate that James and Lily died at such a young age, but they left this world before they had time to understand "suffering". Isn't it lucky?

Their baby Harry had to endure so much... Minerva wanted to take him back to the wizarding world from his relatives.

She suddenly felt that the stern Professor McGonagall was so gentle, so she decided not to cry alone, and planned to go to Gryffindor Tower to find her.

But when she opened the door, she found Snape standing in the doorway, looking paler than usual.

"We're going to Durmstrang when next term starts." He said without emotion. "Have you decided who to compete?".

"Isn't it going to start next year?" Pomona asked.

"He thought I could leave England for a while." He looked at her and said "What did you tell him?"

She looked at him blankly.

"Why are you crying?" he asked again.

"It has nothing to do with you." She took a step back, intending to close the door.

"What did he tell you?" He didn't let her close the door, but pushed it against it.


He didn't do what she said.

"Tell me what he told you." He said calmly, but she felt that if she said that Dumbledore bullied her at this time, he would challenge the "White Wizard" beyond his control.

"How about telling you? Do you think you are his opponent?" Pomona smiled provocatively.

Unexpectedly, he actually smiled.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

"You're crazy." She said, and her hands loosened.

He sensed it, and took advantage of this opportunity to rush in.

"Don't tell him anything next time." Snape said, staring at the table she had just sprawled over, covered with tears from her eyes. "Don't act like a child."

"Got it." She said sullenly, wiped away her tears, and closed the door.

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