Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3020 The Disappearance Of The Phantom

There was a burst of singing from the music classroom. A girl was singing. Pomona stood at the door and listened, but did not go in to disturb her. She heard from Fei Liwei that some children were very shy, and it didn't matter when they sang in chorus, but they couldn't let go when they sang solo.

As she adjusted her breath, she thought of "Joker" again. Arthur wasn't afraid to stand in front of people, it was his way of making a living, but after get off work he was silent, and his clothes weren't as colorful as when he was playing a clown, except for one night in the subway .

A man suffers when he has a lot, even more than when he has nothing but a little.

Others may not understand, why would he still be in pain when he has so much?

"He only lacks one thing", as long as he has this one thing, he is "perfect". What Thomas Wayne, who has a lot, lacks is the support of the public.

On TV, he told the talk show host that he had nothing. His attitude was not like those who lost everything in a disaster. He said it with a smile instead of a bitter face.

Arthur's mental illness is not aggressive, he just laughs when he is nervous, and later he becomes violent, which is obviously worse.

Mental illness can come and go, and it needs treatment. In Durham's case, he went from a personality disorder to a psychotic personality, and he had hallucinations before his arrest, which is a symptom of schizophrenia.

The place where Arthur meets the social worker alternates between a cluttered office and a plain white room with nothing but a desk and two chairs, which may explain that he, too, is hallucinating. But the most important thing is his female neighbor. She does exist, but she is different from what he "thought".

Who wouldn't want to have a father as rich as Thomas Wayne? But Arthur didn't go to the mental hospital to find information to prove this point, what he wanted was "another answer".

Or to put it this way, whether the staff of the mental hospital gave him the file or not, what is actually recorded in the file is not important to Arthur. He just wants to know that he was adopted and was abused by his adoptive mother, so that he You can throw away the "responsibility".

People with a sense of responsibility are often burdened with heavy burdens, and they feel relaxed when they throw it away, and then the "clown" can dance happily.

There is a scholar suffering from schizophrenia who proposed game theory, which is like a game. In the game, two people use strategies to achieve the goal of winning and get something.

The strikers of the Chartist Movement cooperated with the Anti-Corn Law League at the beginning. It is true that the price of bread is too expensive, which is not good for the survival of workers, but the purpose of the abolition of the Corn Law is not to support the workers.

The first to suffer were British agriculture and landowners, the main rivals of the Industrial Union. British agriculture was self-sufficient in the early 19th century, but under this policy of contempt for agriculture, by the 19th century In the 1970s, it could only supply 79% of the national population’s food, and only 39% during the First World War. During the Second World War, German submarines attacked British ocean-going merchant ships, so that the United Kingdom had to implement a food rationing system until the end of World War II. It took about 15 years to reverse the situation of agricultural decline and basically ensure food self-sufficiency.

The people who made this policy wanted to make the whole world a source of raw materials for the British Empire and dumping of goods, and when people from these countries sold agricultural products in the UK, they had to use sterling.

But Germany rose at this time, and the steel in the Ruhr Industrial Zone became competitors with British steel, and then Germany overtook Britain in the second industrial revolution.

The outbreak of the American Civil War was also due to the fact that the northern industrialists did not want the southern plantations to affect industrial development. They even gave up prohibition of alcohol to avoid affecting the hearts of the people who gathered for anti-slavery.

In other words, the activists of the Chartist Movement wanted to achieve something through the movement, and the Cooper family house was won by his great-grandfather.

"Joker" and his supporters didn't think about "gaming", they were more like Peeves, if he saw someone playing chess engrossed, he would flip the board and be happy about it.

Chess players hate him, but he doesn't care. "Joker" only obtains happiness through destruction, without any proposition, meaning, or program, just for "happy".

If life is a need to continue at any cost, then destruction is a priceless luxury.

This is a kind of doomsday carnival, just like the people shrouded in the shadow of the Black Death, knowing that death is close at hand, but they still want to enjoy themselves to the fullest. Maybe they will die tomorrow, so why not enjoy themselves in time before dying?

At this time, let alone the police are close at hand, they dare to confront the police head-on. It is undoubtedly sad for sheep to turn into wolves, especially when people are still sleeping in the sheep pen, but some problems cannot be solved by psychotherapy. .

Fortunately, the "clowns" still know how to wear masks to hide their identities. They are still afraid of the ubiquitous cameras in the city, and they will continue their original lives when they "cool down". It was a secret party.

Death Eaters also wear masks, and it is precisely because they wear masks that their identities cannot be identified, so Karkaroff needs to identify them.

Maybe it is because I have been following the rules for too long that I want to taste what it feels like to be "unruly".

Pomona thought of Buddy Crouch Jr., who stuck out his tongue like a snake after he took off his "mask".

He smiled and looked at his father's shocked expression, as if he was not afraid of being imprisoned in Azkaban and the consequences he would bear.

The girl's singing stopped, and Pomona didn't stop, and continued to walk up the steps.

With those masked people, no matter how many of them there are, how pious they are when surrounded by "clowns", in the end Arthur didn't go to the madhouse instead of forming a brother controlled by the villain in "Infinite Universe Crisis" Tan.

Although Lily's spell was an accident, everyone except Bella chose to protect themselves instead of looking for him after the mysterious man disappeared.

Hamlet said: If it weren't for my nightmares, even if I were locked in a nutshell, I would regard myself as a king with infinite space.

Then someone said: That kind of nightmare is your ambition, because the existence of the careerist itself is just a shadow of a dream.

Grindelwald is also an ambitious person. Both he and Albus Dumbledore dreamed of changing the world, but Dumbledore "stopped the loss" in time and woke up from his dream.

When we got to the principal's office, Dumbledore was still there, but he seemed to be leaving soon, because he was packing his luggage and still had an invisibility cloak hanging on his hand.

"Are you going out?" Pomona asked.

"No, just sorting out old things." Dumbledore said with a smile. "You think I'll be leaving at this time?"

Pomona breathed a sigh of relief. "You can't go now, Albus. The school needs you."

"Why do you think so?" Dumbledore threw the Invisibility Cloak into the suitcase and closed the lid.

Pomona wanted to talk about people from the Ministry of Magic, but the headmaster said that Hogwarts had no intention of going against the Ministry of Magic and would try its best to cooperate with the investigation of dangerous creatures hidden in the school.

"It's about Severus," said Pomona, telling him exactly how he had met Malfoy.

"What are you worried about?" Dumbledore asked.

"Aren't you worried?" Pomona asked.

"Why should I worry?" said Dumbledore, smiling confidently.

"What did you say to him to make him want to stay?" Pomona asked.

"This is personal privacy." Dumbledore said after thinking about it. "He asked me not to tell anyone."

Pomona pouted, he said that, how else could he ask?

"Tell me, Pomona, what resource do you think the world lacks most?" Dumbledore asked.

What is missing? There are so many things missing in this world, such as the hope in Pandora's box.

But she thought of Arthur's female neighbor. What if she didn't look terrified when she saw Arthur appearing in her home?

But who made her a normal person, how could a normal person fall in love with a lunatic?

"It's understanding," Pomona said softly, "whether from an enemy or from a loved one."

Dumbledore studied her through half-moon spectacles.

"Love can drive people crazy sometimes, Albus, and it can make people unfair." Pomona looked at the old fool and said "And about your 'greater good' talk, Severus agree."

"Because of the boy named Parker?" Dumbledore asked.

"You said he was a smart man," said Pomona.

"It's very clever, but sometimes it's stupid." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Who keeps him young."

Life is short, fall in love, girl.

Before the red lips fade,

Before the hot blood cools,

Tomorrow will not have such a good time.

She had to admit that love is a powerful force for young people, but for this old man who is more than a hundred years old and "can't love" anymore, it seems that it no longer has that kind of attraction.

Especially Grindelwald asked him in public, "Who else will love you".

Albus Dumbledore, a ruthless chess player, and he won two games, although the second game was a bit of a fluke, but he intends to continue to win.

At this moment, she felt that the lion in front of her was more like a snake.

"It is precisely because he still has love in his heart that I don't think he is hopeless, at least he is much better than his master." Dumbledore said calmly.

"And you take advantage of that?" Pomona asked bitterly.

"Not taking advantage of this." Dumbledore looked at her seriously "but giving him a reason."

"Why?" asked Pomona.

"The reason for staying, where do you think he would go if he left Hogwarts?" said Dumbledore.

She felt that she couldn't argue with this eloquent guy, and it was no wonder that the US Ministry of Magic cut Grindelwald's tongue.

This is not in line with human rights, but who made Grindelwald too good at demagoguery.

"It's interesting to have someone like him among the teachers, isn't it?" said Dumbledore, laughing. "Give him a chance."

"I didn't say I was going to drive him away," Pomona said.

"I didn't tell you to drive him away." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "I just told you to give him a chance."

"What chance?" Pomona asked confused.

"You know what I mean," said Dumbledore with a mysterious smile, and went to pack up his "old things".

She didn't know what he was talking about, so she asked in a daze at a loss.

"Do you forgive those who hurt your sister?"

Dumbledore froze as if petrified.

"I'm sorry ... but we talked about this," Pomona said.

"Honesty hurts sometimes," said Dumbledore slowly, "but thank you for your honesty."

He looked at Pomona.

"Many people have asked me why I chose this school. I actually have more and better choices."

Pomona took a step back in horror.

"But my answer has never changed." Dumbledore said, "People change, and education can change everything."

"Haven't you ever thought that if the mysterious man hadn't come to the school... if he hadn't mastered the power, would all these misfortunes have been avoided?" Pomona asked.

"What kind of people we become is not what we have, but what we choose." Dumbledore said. "If you want other answers, I'm afraid you will have to find them yourself, Pomona."

She nodded in fear, then hurriedly left the principal's office.

Fortunately, although Dumbledore is old, he doesn't have the temper of a young man, otherwise he would be very angry when she asked her just now.

But when the door closed, she couldn't help turning her head, and there was a fierce pulse coming from the office, like a flame that was about to get out of control.

Fortunately, he is the White Wizard, if it is Voldemort...

She subconsciously covered her mouth, although she didn't say that word, let alone he was "dead".

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