Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2967 On the side of the water

"Gold necklace!" Charlie yelled, running towards the tree hole where the hippogriff stayed.

The Hippogriff, who was dozing on its stomach in the tree hole, looked up and saw that it was Charlie, and stood up slowly.

Pomona found that it was a dark brown hippogriff, not as dazzling as Sirius's Buckbeak, with a ring of golden feathers growing around its neck.

"Wait!" Hagrid yelled "Go on!"

While talking, he threw a dead ferret towards the Hippogriff, and the "Golden Necklace" noticed it with its sharp eyes. It was obviously more interested in dead ferrets than Charlie, and it caught it with its mouth open. The food that Hagrid threw.

"Don't forget the rules," Hagrid said sternly to Charlie.

Charlie nodded with lingering fear, and stood motionless.

A moment later, when the gold necklace had finished eating the ferret, it turned to look at Charlie with its bloodstained beak.

Charlie bowed slowly to the gold necklace, and the gold necklace bowed to Charlie a moment later, and then Charlie stood up slowly.

"Good job!" Hagrid praised. "Catch it!"

After he finished speaking, he threw another ferret, and the gold necklace caught it again.

"We're teaching it manners," Hagrid said to Pomona. "He's improving fast, but sometimes he forgets."

Pomona looked at the wild hippogriff. When she first saw Buckbeak, he was already "very polite," bowing and saluting if he allowed a human to approach him. But obviously this "etiquette" is not something Hippogriffs are born with.

In the cold winter, finding food will become very difficult. Since human beings will provide food, why should they abide by the habits of hippogriffs and dig worms in the wild in winter for the winter?

After eating two ferrets, Charlie tried to ride on the back of the gold necklace. It felt a little uncomfortable, but it didn't throw Charlie off.

"Let's go!" said Charlie, and the Hippogriff broke into a gallop without flying into the sky.

"Why doesn't it fly?" asked Pomona.

"Give him time, he'll get used to it," Hagrid said to Pomona, and watched Charlie and the gold necklace gallop through the Forbidden Forest.

Pomona thought it was quite simple for Buckbeak to fly with a man on his back, and he flew up after a few run-ups.

Maybe manned flight is easy for some hippogriffs.

"Where's Professor Snape?" Hagrid asked.

"He's back at the castle," said Pomona. "Maybe he's doing his experiments again."

Hagrid thought about it, and felt that he didn't need to care, so he turned his attention to Charlie again.

Pomona looked at the happy Charlie and suddenly understood why Severus didn't want to see the hippogriff.

When Sirius rode Buckbeak to school for the first time, many people were amazed and stole the limelight.

She sighed, if there is a love house and a bird, then there is a hate house and a bird, although the hippogriff's head is more like an eagle.


Bonaparte's character is actually very out of gregarious, according to the Saint-Hilaire brothers, on the boat to Egypt, when the weather is calm, everyone is no longer tortured by seasickness, and when there is time to think of ways to pass the time, someone (such as Murat) Choose to play cards, and some people read novels. Bonaparte was very uncomfortable with this. He felt that men should read history, but no one paid any attention to him.

Even though both history and novels are written in words, novels are easy to read, and reading history will only make people feel drowsy. Georgiana has read the history books and biographies of famous people in Bonaparte's library... In short, he didn't let everyone read history like him, but read novels like everyone else. He especially liked "The Sorrows of Young Werther", Watched it even while fighting in Egypt.

In addition to the nickname "Caesar," he had the nickname "Puss in Boots," which a student at St. Cyr's had given him when he was fresh out of military school. That day he wore a military uniform to meet his sister, thinking he had become a "sword warrior", but he was too short and his boots were too big, half of him was buried in the boots, and the female students who saw this scene laughed wantonly , he immediately became angry.

A slightly older female student said, "Since you are wearing a military uniform, you should have the demeanor of a warrior, especially for a lady. You can't stand it if you make a few jokes. It's not what a gentleman does."

Bonaparte said contemptuously, "What kind of ladies are you, you little mice in the monastery."

The girl immediately retorted "What about you? You're just Puss in Boots."

The people present immediately laughed, only Bonaparte could not laugh.

Even after many years, Napoleon still remembered this incident before Toulon had no hairline. At that time, he was not rich, so he bought a beautifully bound "Puss in Boots" and gave it to the noble girl who laughed at him. Got it as a birthday present because her sister is married to Juno.

Because she had read "Dangerous Liaisons", Georgiana didn't admire monastery education so much, and then he was happy.

"God of War" Napoleon is certainly not such a stingy person, and he still has that nickname to heart after many years. He is very magnanimous, for example, he did not ask the Sevres Porcelain Factory to order a French doll in the style of a cat in boots for him. Miss.

At that time, in order to make him happy, Georgiana borrowed Nietzsche's famous saying: How and when a woman laughs represents her self-cultivation. As a result, he didn't smile, but seemed very touched.

She didn't really like that "laughing" Pansy Parkinson, and then she let it go and found the Vedas in his library.

Even though it was translated into French, not Sanskrit, it was shocking enough. The content of the Vedas is recorded in poetry. It appeared before the invention of paper. In order to facilitate memory, it was compiled into poetry and passed on orally from generation to generation. Sanskrit singing is not only required for rituals, but also a necessary means for meditation and concentration of consciousness.

Xunzi said: Man's nature is evil, so is his goodness and hypocrisy.

If you don't read the whole article, it is easy to understand "false" as "pretend" and "hypocrisy". If this nature is allowed to go unchecked, contention will be inevitable, and chaos will occur frequently.

Lao Tzu said: Dao is abolished, but there is benevolence and righteousness. Wisdom comes out, but there is great falsehood.

Zhuangzi believes that the fate of a person is determined before it is formed. Fate has two sides, "common" and "poor", and there are both good times and difficult times. But usually when people lament their fate, it is often when they are in adversity, and they don't forget to get carried away when they are in good times.

If you can keep singing like Confucius when he was besieged by the guards, and not be changed by the predicament, only in this way can you be the master of your own destiny.

Xi Shi held her heart because she had heart disease. Dong Shi, who lives in the east, saw everyone praised her beauty, so she followed suit. Everyone she saw felt ugly.

If a person has tuberculosis, is she beautiful? Because she is beautiful, is everything about her beautiful?

The beauty of Xi Shi lies in "truth". When Dong Shi imitated her, she blindly pursued the beauty recognized by the world and was artificial, which led to the loss of her true nature.

"Zaiyou" says that people in the world like people who have the same opinion as themselves, but hate people who have different opinions.

Human nature is evil, born with the desire to hear and see, to listen to what one likes to hear, and not to listen to what one does not like to hear. I like to watch good things, and I don’t like to watch what I don’t like to watch.

Zhuangzi also told a story that Zi Gong, a disciple of Confucius, passed by the south bank of the Han River one day and saw an old man irrigating a vegetable garden, but he did not use a ditch, but used an earthen pot to water it. extremely small. Zigong suggested that the old man use a water pumping machine. Instead of being grateful, the old man blamed Zigong, "Machinery is a clever thing, and if there is a clever thing, there will be a clever mind. If you have a clever mind, your heart will no longer be simple. The spirit is restless, so how can it carry the Dao?"

Do you see that the people at the bottom of the mountain are miserable, is that pitiful? But if the mountain is prosperous and happy, wouldn't it be pitiful for me to cultivate on the mountain?

When Napoleon first came to fame after the Battle of Toulon, he used to boast to the girls in the salon that "the cannon is my personal weapon". The girls all laughed, they have only heard of sabers and swords, but where have they heard that cannons can be worn?

At that time, he refused to be appointed as the commander of the Vendée Legion, and he was wandering the streets of Paris as before when he was unsuccessful.

She never told him, "A gentleman should hide his weapon in his body and move it when the time comes".

Whether you are accessible or not in the world is certainly related to your wishes and efforts, but it is not limited to this, there is also the so-called "time situation".

If there had been no French Revolution, would this Corsican have shocked the world as Rousseau said?

She didn't say that, but Bonaparte "taught himself without a teacher", "hidden his strengths and bide his time" before the time came, and "hid his treasures in his body", although his heart was not peaceful.

According to the context, "big hypocrisy" is together with "benevolence and righteousness", "filial piety", and "loyal minister", which can be understood as "great achievements", but it can also be understood as "cunning and hypocrisy", and it is still "big". hypocritical.

If the Dujiangyan is not built and the Minjiang River is not treated, then it will be a river of disaster, and every storm and flood will cause harm. Because of being properly managed, the Minjiang River irrigated the entire plain, creating the "Land of Abundance".

Is it "man-made" or "inaction"?

Is it "for" or "false"?

Her mind was confused like a ball of thread caught by a cat. She needed to find a quiet place to think about it.

This castle is nothing like Hogwarts.

She looked around and thought, it would be great if she could go back, if she could go back.

After all, she is in a world of great competition of "natural selection". What is the use of children learning this in the face of competition?

The parents are not happy, and Albus is gone, who will support her then?

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