Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2966 Dark Shadow Hansen

Random didn't go home for Christmas. Even in the severe winter, the centaurs would not wear clothes to keep out the cold, and they would not migrate to warm places like reindeer, so they needed a strong physique to fight against Scotland. cold winter.

The elderly, children, and children can stay in relatively warm caves, and teenagers who think they are "adults" will follow the adults to run in the forest. All Random has to do is to keep up with them.

The centaur boys laughed at Random, but did not throw him too far, because the Forbidden Forest in winter is very dangerous even without spiders and werewolves.

Compared with the one-to-many fighting technique that Severus pursued, Random chose the direction of endurance. Even in the cold winter, Random was still sweating profusely from exhaustion, and the white smoke exhaled from his mouth was like a steam train.

After a short break, though, he's back on the run, and as a Hufflepuff, the advantage of being close to the kitchen brings rounded form. However, Random clearly saw that he had lost a lot of weight, and his cheeks had rock-like hard lines.

I saw a person in Pomona write that there are two levels of human will, the first level is fragile and changeable, like loose soil, and the second level is as solid as a rock, if anyone wants to build a house , it is best to dig out that layer of soil that is easy to loosen, only the latter determines whether the foundation is firm and the slope of the land.

Even though Random didn't get good grades, and didn't know as many spells in first year as Severus did in seventh, Pomona still liked him.

A man who is willing to challenge himself is admirable even though he is a child.

"What are you looking at?" Snape asked angrily.

"Stuff that makes me happy," Pomona said with a laugh.

"I don't know how long his enthusiasm will last." Snape said indifferently, wrapping himself in a cloak, looking more like a bat.

But Pomona was still happy.

"Let's go! Professor!" Charlie shouted while shaking his hands in the distance.

"Would you like to come with us?" Pomona asked.

Snape turned and left.

Pomona shrugged and walked over to Charlie.

Although Severus was alone, she was not worried at all. Most animals in this forest would walk around when they saw him, and don't have eyes that became his potion ingredients.


When people are sleeping soundly in the sheepfold, it is a sad thing to wake up to find that the sheep have turned into wolves. Anything can happen when the revolution comes, such as those farmers who occupy the grain in the grain-producing cities and shout "We are the masters".

In one place called Berry, farmers flocked to various markets to maintain their set price for food and were arrested if anyone raised the price.

Someone explained to them that doing so would lead to a depression in the market, but it was useless. They replied that they would find a way to get grain. According to the relationship between supply and demand, there should be no price increase if there is supply.

They actually ran into other people's homes and robbed them, forced farmers to sell their harvests into communal granaries, and some extorted money from rich people, looting livestock if they didn't pay, and even a lord was almost hanged.

Severus once commented that the reason why Napoleon was successful was that he was fully prepared in advance when others were not prepared.

Few people can be like Bonaparte, so she has to work hard to keep up with his reading. Although she is a wizard, she is also a mortal. Although she has read many books, it may leave superficial traces in her mind, but she will not be as memorable as Bonaparte, as if the wisdom of many centuries of human beings is like a legacy. As if leaving it to him.

Including Arthur Weasley, pure-blood wizards have a kind of arrogance of the strong against the weak towards Muggles, but Arthur fantasizes that Muggles need the protection of the "Muggle Protection Act".

Prejudice is sometimes indispensable, they are like a second layer of rock in consciousness, which needs the power of a glacier to change, but it is also deeply rooted, because the glacier can only change the surface of the rock, there are deeper roots below. "rock".

With its endless astonishing discoveries, science has gradually overturned the foundations of universal belief and awe, but when it touches the spirit and enters the sacred forbidden place, people no longer submit.

In the era of Nietzsche, the dynamite invented by Nobel has already appeared. Who is more powerful, dynamite or glaciers?

As long as you find the weak spot, a small amount of nitroglycerin can blow up a mountain of rocks, and nitroglycerin can also be used to treat heart disease.

Power is neither good nor bad, only in the heart.

She now began to understand why Dumbledore didn't believe her, and taught Minerva the "Out of Stones" spell, but not Pomona at the Earth Academy.

Her loyalty is like flowing water, not as solid as a rock and as indestructible as cast iron in Gryffindor.

But she is not the kind of mercenary neutral, which shrewd person would ask for trouble like her.

She didn't agree with what Voldemort thought, nor what Carrie Tibbaji thought wizarding patents should be shared with Muggles.

Did Nietzsche say that the mark of moral behavior is devotion? But think about it, there is sacrifice in any deliberate act, both in the worst and in the best.

She had always felt that there was something wrong with Albus leading Harry to his death, befuddled or not.

It wasn't until the way to Venice that she realized what was wrong because of Severus' reminder.

Don't lose yourself in love, and don't be deceived by love. To "know yourself" is to have self-knowledge first.

In fact, thinking about it now, Isidora might be out of kindness, but magic is not omnipotent. Light and shadow are born together. When Voldemort and Grindelwald thought they could rule the world by using magic to wage war against Muggles, didn't they also have a similar big dream?

Sometimes dispelling the darkness is not the most correct choice. No matter whether it is out of good intentions or not, no matter whether they have the ability to do so, no one can be sure what irreparable consequences will be caused by unauthorized interference in affairs.

Henry Potter called wizards to join the First World War, protect London threatened by Zeppelins, and even ignored the International Statute of Secrecy, and then his grandson almost died at the hands of another Dark Lord who ignored the International Statute of Secrecy.

If the heart is not dead, the Tao will not be born. Everyone has their own doom to survive. Some people see the misfortune of the people at the bottom of the mountain, and they can't stand it anymore, so they go down the mountain. Of course, this is different from what they realized after looking at the green mountains and green waters on the mountain all day long.

No one would hit a stone with a pebble, all she had to do now was treat herself as a stone.

In fact, thinking about it now, Lei Nuoman is also courageous enough, she dares to count the orders of emperors, generals and ministers, even if it is to make ends meet.

Although she didn't count Napoleon's life directly, but Josephine's. If Napoleon asked her to count again, she would not dare, she would rather pack up her things and run away.

It's not that I don't want to answer questions, but that the punishment of heaven has come down, and no one can bear it. Sometimes the punishment is not on me.

If there is an afterlife, do you want to be an ordinary person who knows nothing and is happy, or a "wizard" who is given a "gift" by heaven?

"Just like this life."

In the far corridor, a man who looked like Albus Dumbledore said, but only Georgiana seemed to be able to see him.

She walked by pretending not to see.

After all, no matter in the world of muggles or wizards, it is not a good thing to see images that others cannot see and hear voices that others cannot hear. She should just pretend that nothing happened.

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