Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2943 Can't ride the wind (10)

Pomona was walking in the forbidden forest in late autumn, looking for sorbus trees. According to the ancient Romans, the wood in this season is the most suitable for making materials, whether it is building materials or shipbuilding.

At this time, after budding in spring, leaves growing in summer, and fruiting in autumn, there is no water in the trees, and they need to save a winter to prepare for a new cycle next year.

Vitruvius even believed that if the fir trees grow in shaded and dark places, they are not only very large, but also have particularly strong veins, so when they are felled by an ax and lose their vitality, they still remain dry, but because of the gaps Too big, but empty and useless, so it is not durable for use in buildings.

Halfway along the way she spotted a castor-bean clump with purple flowers, so she stopped and took a small clump down.

The twenty-fourth chapter of A Dream of Red Mansions wrote that Baoyu sat on the edge of the bed, took off his shoes and waited for the time to put on boots. Looking back, he saw Yuanyang wearing a water-red satin jacket, looking down at the needlework with his face down, and wearing a collar around his neck. Baoyu leaned his face to her neck, smelled the scent of incense, and kept rubbing it with his hands. The whiteness and greasyness were not under the attack, so he salivated on his upper body and smiled, "Good sister, put your mouth Let me eat your rouge." As she spoke, one side stuck to her body like a twisted candy.

If this was replaced by Jia Huan, Yuanyang would have to slap him in the face, not only Yuanyang, but also the spectators would feel disgusted. It is precisely because he is "Baoyu" that he just got the girl's coquettishness.

Anyway, on the day of the ball, everyone will definitely dress up, and there will be no shortage of spices. The castor bean is a fatty plant that is used to make castor oil, which has sedative properties and is at the same time a deadly poison.

First, it really poisons people, but as Paracelsus said, all substances are poisonous. The difference between a potion and a poison lies in the dose. A small dose of castor oil can cure the disease. It is used in the medical wing. can be found.

Second, it is the material of the love potion, if you add the sorbus branch, if you add the godigan grass, will it produce the same effect as the love potion when burned together? Although the vast majority of love potions are liquid, even if the lid is opened, the smell is "steam".

Pomona had gathered the little castor plant, and was about to leave when she heard crying.

She followed the crying for a while, and saw a Gryffindor girl sitting on a stone crying, and she recognized the girl as "Amata" at a glance.

In the scene in the auditorium, not only "Asha" was hurt, but "Amata" also had a bad time. "Amata" has a personality more like Qingwen, with a quick temper, clear love and hate, and sharp words.

In the seventy-ninth time when Qingwen died, Jia Baoyu made a poem to pay tribute to her. Then she heard a voice in the shadow of the flowers, but Lin Daiyu came out with a smile on her face.

When Pomona saw this scene, she felt terrible. How can Lin Daiyu, who can cry for funeral flowers, smile all over her face when a person dies? They were still in the mood to discuss poetry later, and Daiyu changed "in the red silk tent, the son is passionate, in the loess ridge, the daughter is miserable" to "under the Qian screen window, the son is passionate, in the loess ridge, the daughter is miserable".

Later she read the following, Qingwen is a maid, Daiyu is a young lady, if a maid is dead, why should Daiyu worry?

Baoyu is sentimental, and it is precisely because of his sentimentality that he changed the poem to "Under Qian's screen window, I have no fate, in the loess ridge, what is your fate?" Daiyu immediately looked solemn after hearing this.

Some people have deep affection for the dead, but not so much affection for the living. How can Daiyu bear that Baoyu has other women in his heart?

Then she stopped him from thinking about ghost poems and let him do serious business.

In "Dangerous Liaisons", when Velmont approached Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Dewey also felt very uncomfortable at first, but he himself felt good.

He is a notorious, playful libertine. If he had serious business to do, he wouldn't have so much time to spend with women. What's more, he was a hereditary nobleman, so he had income without working.

"Amata" was planning for the "unlucky knight", everything was arranged for him, and he had to help him complete it.

She is also very good herself, and she already got an internship opportunity in the Department of Legal Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic. I don't know if the scene in the auditorium will affect her, and the reason why she cried is also related to this.

Seeing "Amata" cry, Pomona wanted to cry too. In the Fountain of Fortune story, Amata throws the memory of all the happy times with her lover into the river, letting the current carry it away, and at the same time she realizes what a heartless man he was, and then She fell in love with the "unlucky knight" she had just met.

None of the three witches soaked in the fountain of good luck, but the "unlucky knight" did. He felt that he was one of the lucky ones in a thousand, and felt elated by the inconceivable good luck. How similar was the effect to the Elixir of Fortune?

"What are you looking at?"

Pomona looked over and saw that it was Severus, who also looked at the weeping "Amata".

But this Gryffindor girl had chestnut hair and no green eyes.

Probably because she hadn't answered, he turned to look at her.

"What?" he asked inexplicably.

"Did you go to Diagon Alley to take a long vacation for Rita Kiester?" Pomona asked.

He smiled complacently, "Who told you?"

Because the Daily Prophet did not publish relevant news, and Emily sent the owl out of school. She even suspected that the school intercepted the owl and sent it to the Hogsmeade post office, but there was still no news.

"Where did she go?" Pomona asked.

"She went to the headquarters of the International Confederation of Wizards, which would make her résumé look better," Severus said. "By the way, it wasn't my idea, I was just doing what I was told."

Pomona looked at the sky and took a deep breath.

"You want to know whose idea it was?" Severus said dryly.

Pomona ignored him and turned to look for "Amata". When she saw someone coming, she stopped crying and wiped away her tears.

"What are you doing?" Amata looked at Pomona warily.

"Marriage also depends on luck sometimes. If you meet someone who is not good, try to live for yourself until one day, someone treats you like a phoenix egg." Pomona said.

"You said that to her too?" Amata smiled sarcastically.

"No, there are many people accompanying her, but you are alone." Pomona raised her head and said, "Not every piece of wood in this forest can become useful, so don't waste your efforts on a piece of rotten wood."

"Can you?" Amata asked Pomona.

Pomona had no way to answer her. She turned around sullenly, and walked in the direction she came from. At first, she was unaccompanied. When she got to the empty place, she heard hurried footsteps, and then her arm was grabbed. .

"What are you making trouble about again?" He frowned and asked with a bitter expression, which made him several years older.

"I'm thinking about a question."

"what is the problem?"

"If 'Amata' heard the news about 'Asha' and could not show her emotions, and smiled and wished well, would they still be friends?" Pomona said in a breath, as if he didn't understand.

"If we are friends, we can stay together forever!" She said excitedly, "Maybe he and 'Asha' won't be able to get together in the end!"

He looked at her in shock.

She doesn't think she can do it, let alone the hotheaded "Amata".

So she left him and ran into the red leaves flying all over the sky.


Legend has it that in the wilderness of Troy, there was a river, and cows and horses grew red near the river. This river was called Xanthos. Not far from this river, there is a dangerous "water of death". Those who drink it will die, and those who bathe will die. There is a tree with purple flowers beside this spring water, warning people not to approach .

Before Caesar, silk was not so highly regarded, but Tyrian purple appeared in the 15th century BC and was associated with fame, wealth and so on.

Its production process is very complicated, and it needs to be manually squeezed one by one. Although grape purple and other pigments can be used to make purple, these purples are not Tyrian purple.

The snails that produce this purple color grow in many places, but the snails in the north of Gallia are black, and the ones in the west are blue. It must be the snails in the east and west of the tropic line to produce that purple color. This drop of liquid was squeezed out at the beginning It was light yellow at the time, and it turned into sea green in the sun, then blue, and finally purple red, and it turned red if the direction was a little bit off.

The dye was believed to be associated with the sun god, and even the consuls of the Senate wore only a broad Tyrian purple belt.

The ammonia needed to dye the cloth, and therefore urine, combined with the unbearable stench of rotting conch, drove the dyers to the suburbs. But even if it was not born in the sea like Venus, people still pursue it.

The price of raw silk will increase by 150 times after passing the overland Silk Road. If it is measured in units of length in Chang'an, it must be measured in pounds when it arrives in Constantinople. On the other side is gold.

Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang went to the west to learn scriptures, cleared the customs all the way and challenged so many monsters and ghosts, and they didn't need the golden cudgel of the Dragon King of the East China Sea to deal with people.

If the final transaction price is not 200 times, then this trip is worthless. If the silk and satin were dyed Tyrian purple, it would be exclusive to the emperor. Even at the end of the Western Roman Empire, the emperor could not pay for his wife. Bought a Tyrian purple dress.

The Byzantine Empire called this color "purple birth", and the empress's delivery room would be arranged in this way, which meant that the little prince could see it as soon as he opened his eyes.

And it all has something to do with that encounter in Alexandria in 48 BC.

When Georgiana walked through the exhibition halls with Egyptian cultural relics, no one noticed at first, and the eyes of the visitors were all on the exhibits, until no one recognized her, and others turned their attention to her.

They began to surround and chase her. She felt danger, and others seemed to feel it. Richard immediately grabbed her arm and led her away through the nearest exit.

When they got into the carriage, people waved to them enthusiastically from the windows and shouted.

She missed most of the voices, but she did hear the name.

Then the carriage left the public place.

"It's dangerous." Richard breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had experienced an adventure.

Mary and Mrs. Edgeworth laughed too, and she was probably the only one who felt gloomily.

She almost forgot that it was in the forest that she put an end to it.

Not all couples can live and die together. One Egyptian even asked the ghost how long his life was. Cleopatra did not commit suicide immediately after Caesar's death, she died with Antony.

Some people may think that she is more suitable for Caesar, but...

"What are you thinking?" asked Marie, speaking in French, although the carriage was full of English speakers.

"My student, how is she doing in London?" said Pomona coldly.

There was one more thing she almost forgot, Padma was still in this world.

What a stinky shit, she clearly told herself that she would never make the same mistake again, but luckily she just almost forgot this time.

She watched the scene in front of her fly by, where to find an owl in this icy and snowy world at this moment.

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