Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2942 Can't ride the wind (9)

The Greek fire was not actually made by the Greeks, but the Arabs called it that. In the era when wood and sails were still the mainstay, once the fire ignited by the Greek fire met the wind on the sea surface, it would burn in the fleet. The rapid spread of the fire caused the destruction of almost the entire army. The caliphs attacked Constantinople several times but were repelled by this fire, which made the Byzantines ecstatic.

But fire, if well controlled, can be a lighting tool. There are a lot of white paper lanterns on the dance scene in the dungeon, and the paper covered with fine brushwork is drawn. Because of the magic, these birds and butterflies will fly from one lantern to another.

In Goryeo, there are moon lamps, whose light is as white as the first moon, and there are sun lamps, which are illuminated by the fire inside, and the whole room is red.

Stone lanterns originated in the Han Dynasty and prevailed in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Many stone lanterns can be seen in temples. The oil lamps are placed in them. Because of the different stones, the light colors are different, especially the Korean stone is the best, and it is often called Zen lamps. , has nothing to do with weddings and funerals, and is commonly used by monks who dig cave temples.

In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, the Silk Road was dominated by land, and Sogdia, as a distribution center and transfer station for Silk Road trade, attracted a large number of people to do business and settle here. The Sogdians established many oasis city-states, but never established a unified country, just like the city-states established by the Greek islands.

Porcelain is heavy for camels, and although they are called ships of the desert, they are not really ships.

The Maritime Silk Road needs heavy items such as porcelain as ballast stones, and the remains of porcelain can be found in many shipwrecks.

Pomona didn't actually search the Slytherin lounge, or she didn't have to do it herself, Isabella Sidney invited her to this place, and asked her to taste what could be improved while using Porcelain made her a pot of black tea.

The smell of tea mixed with the smell of wine from the walls painted with wine grains was very pleasant, and after only staying for a short while, she felt the heartburn in her chest go out.

Severus went out of his way to search "in person", which was one of his few "pleasures", and he even read notes in front of everyone in class.

Esmeralda Muck originally liked Barnaby, but after this kind of love became a handle and a joke, she immediately turned around and joined the Slytherin girl gang. When these two waves of people have graduated, Pomona does not want anyone else to take over the gang and "inherit" like the godfather.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. If it is not because of the intervention of the Death Eaters outside the school, there will be no Bellacrix gang and "Little Death Eaters", as well as the persecution of Muggles including Mary.

Because of this kind of persecution, Gryffindor felt the need to unite against it, and this led to the Girl Gang and Emily Taylor's gang.

Pomona wished luck to any fool who was going to marry Emily in the future, she didn't want to worry about Emily anymore.

"Professor, why didn't Stuart come?" Isabella asked obediently.

She was watching Barnaby and Ben Cooper in case Paul set another trap for them to jump.

Pomona said in his heart that Ben Cooper had "reconciled" with Cole, although in the rumors last semester, Cole was regarded as the "murderer" who beat Barnaby to the hospital with serious injuries.

"She's working on the preserve," Pomona said casually.

"Can I visit?" Isabella asked.

"What do you ask me?" Pomona asked.

"If you agree, Stuart will agree." Isabella said.

"I'll ask her opinion," Pomona said.

A girl who makes people feel very comfortable, even if she is not particularly beautiful, she will still be pleasing to the eye. Compared with Emily, Isabella is a kind of beautiful beauty, but she has been to the African grassland to see lions, and she is not like The appearance is so weak.

Standing up again after being defeated is of course different from never losing, and requires greater strength.

She enjoys this moment of peace, even though she knows a storm is coming soon.


When the ancient Romans knew that serving the Republic could not change their fate, they handed over their fate to the generals who commanded them.

When the poor families in the Eastern Han Dynasty knew that reading could not change their destiny, they joined the general's shogunate and advised the general.

The time between Caesar's assassination and the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty is actually only 70 years. The law of fate makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally, and its joy exceeds the happiness brought by fancy clothes and food.

But what he puts in his mind is useless in peacetime, and will be useful in troubled times, so is there more in the world in prosperous times, or more in troubled times?

The master in the Dream of Red Mansions, if the descendants of the family are not dead, they will be reduced to slaves, and Jia Baoyu escaped into Buddhism.

The male and female fly thousands of miles into the sky, and Yunluo is full of tears.

There is no need to make long-term vows, just lock in the golden cage to get the best of both worlds.

The person who wrote this poem was Li Shangyin, a poet in the late Tang Dynasty, and Li Bai was a poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, soaring up to 90,000 li.

People in the world sneered at me when they saw me, and when they heard Yu's big words.

The nature of birds is to soar thousands of miles into the sky without restraint, but Baoyu seems to prefer to have no troubles in life, even if she is in a golden cage.

It was also reading A Dream of Red Mansions, and Pomona didn't know how she read it like this. No wonder Severus kept saying that she was abnormal.

Money is originally for the convenience of people's transactions. The method of barter requires a lot of manpower and material resources to transport the goods around.

But it is very hard to carry copper coins, and no one will go shopping with dozens of catties of money.

The bird's beak of the crow suspension bridge is made of iron nails. Although Greece already had such a structure in the 4th century BC, it did not have the technology to smelt iron. The bird's beak cannot be nailed into other people's boats, and its function is not as good as that of the Romans. It is so big, it has not been popularized.

The Romans first used copper to make warships, because it is not as easy to be corroded by seawater as iron, but this time it is not the weight of copper that plays a restrictive role. The buoyancy of seawater can easily lift it up, and using copper means high cost.

Wizards learned to use money very late. Muggles will definitely laugh when they find out, but wizards have magic that can store things infinitely. For Muggles, things that are difficult to carry can be easily removed by wizards. Why use money? Woolen cloth?

There are many considerations for wizards to legislate that they cannot use the space expansion spell at will. When Muggles implemented the Prohibition Law, Serafina felt that they should not prohibit alcohol together with Muggles. Haven’t wizards experienced enough?

She has a wand with a core made of wetland summer flower hawthorn wood and wetland werewolf hair. In theory, this kind of wand is as thirsty for black magic as blood is for vampires.

Why should Tina be sentenced to death, and why should Momo be wiped out?

She doesn't look as crazy as Bella, a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

This is more like destroying the evidence in order to save the face of the Ministry of Magic. After all, the United States has announced that there are no silent people.

But it turns out that there are not only silent people in the United States, but they are still under their noses.

This is really...

Georgiana sighed to herself and walked to the next room.

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