Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2895 Lion of Liberty (17)

A lone tower stands by the sea.

The raging waves slapped on the rocks to form a layer of mist, hiding the isolated tower, and occasionally a black cloaked monster could be seen walking through the mist.

This scene, which was supposed to make people feel hopeless, was interrupted by the itching from the soles of the feet, and she subconsciously retracted her feet into the quilt.

Not long after, there was a clanging sound, as if something made of metal had fallen to the ground. Pomona barely recalled that something was placed on the table before going to bed last night, and something knocked it off.

"You can't resist, can you?"

She heard a voice say, and then hooked her with long hands, holding her tightly in her arms.

She couldn't see his face, but could only feel that the kiss fell on her ear, engulfing her earlobe.

She woke up immediately and struggled to stand up, her ears really felt wet. In a split second she saw a velvet jump onto her quilt, it gave her a panicked look, then jumped off the bed and disappeared under the bed.

"Oh~~" Pomona touched his ears, which were covered with velvety saliva.

Then she saw last night's uneaten pies and plates dropped to the floor, and another poodle was looking for something it could eat on the table.

"How did you get in here!" Pomona yelled, getting out of bed and putting on her slippers.

The pudding hopped around to avoid her pursuit, and soon got under the bed. Pomona looked at the two puddings hiding under the bed, thinking about how to get them out.

She stared at them for a while, and noticed that behind them was a black, fuzzy mass that looked like some kind of animal fur.

At this time, she thought of the solitary tower by the sea and Sirius Black again. Before she could figure out the connection, someone patted her on the shoulder.

Startled, she looked up at Minerva.

"What are you doing?" Minerva asked, also trying to stoop to look under the bed.

"Two pussies that slipped in, why did you get in?"

"Abu thought he wanted to see us." Minerva said seriously.

"Wait for me a moment." Pomona said, and hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

The mixed-race Veela in the mirror looked very unreal. Her eyes were moist and charming after waking up in the morning, and her lips were slightly opened like the first roses.

She quickly splashed herself with water, hoping to wake up and distinguish between imagination and reality.

The Dursleys didn't have any photos of the Potter family, even Harry Potter, the boy who lived in the cupboard, but he took a lot of photos of Dali's life. Petunia and Fernon wanted to record every day of his growth. one day.

Dali was already bigger than his older children at a young age. Although it was a trivial matter to snatch other people's lollipops casually, it also made Dali unable to make friends, so Petunia and Fernon sent him to the kindergarten. Scouts.

Petunia actually had a lot of friends when she was a child, if Lily's tree monkey frog egg just happened to hatch at her birthday party and jumped on top of the girls, making them run away screaming.

When Petunia was at the Evans house, she couldn't get what she wanted, especially magic. What they both try to give Dali is not what Dali needs, but what they themselves need.

Pomona once saw a pair of Japanese parents outside the Supreme Court. They were very excited to take their children to travel to the UK and left a lot of photos, as if to give their children a happy holiday. smile.

The children may want to go back to Japan to play baseball with their friends. There are many foreign words in Japanese. Although they are a little out of tune, Pomona can still understand what baseball means. But this upset the parents, who took turns talking to their children.

It's other people's chores, and Pomona doesn't know them and can't care about them, but she probably understands the feeling of "I didn't have it when I was a child, and my children can't live without it."

After washing up, Pomona followed Minerva to the principal's office, and neither of them spoke a word along the way.

Pomona was not involved in the action of sending Harry to the Dursley's house at the time, and it was none of her business, but now that the two Gryffindors had a disagreement, she felt that she could come forward to ease it.

Many Gryffindor girls have strong personalities. James will change for Lily, but Dumbledore will not change for Minerva.

When they reached the door of the principal's office, Minerva knocked on the door.

"Come in," said Dumbledore.

So Minerva and Pomona pushed the door together, and Dumbledore was reviewing the documents he had just obtained.

He was wearing a red star robe today, which looked very eye-catching.

"Good morning, Headmaster," said Minerva primly.

"I hear you," said Dumbledore. "Would you like to sit down for a while?"

"I'd rather stand," Minerva said like a duelist.

"Me too," echoed Pomona.

"Tell me what you think, Minerva." Dumbledore put down the document in his hand and looked up at McGonagall.

"You've made your decision, Headmaster," Minerva said calmly.

"But you disagree," said Dumbledore.

"We have no choice. The spell Lily cast on Harry will protect him, and that requires him to stay with Mrs. Dursley. Even if he comes to Hogwarts to study, he still has to go back every summer vacation." Mi Leva said.

Dumbledore let out a long sigh.

"Let's go, I'll show you around."

So they left the principal's office again.

"What do you understand about yin and yang, Professor," said Dumbledore, pacing the way to the trophy room.

Pomona looked at Minerva, and Minerva looked at Pomona.

"Like light and dark, principal," Pomona said. "The yin and yang fish themselves are drawn from shadows."

"I was reading a book on Yin Yang written by Muggles recently, and he was an American." Dumbledore looked back at Pomona. "He thinks Yin Yang is positive emotions and negative emotions."

Although the American Muggle got it wrong, Pomona said, "Read it when you have a chance."

"Not far from success," said Dumbledore. "That's what Petunia told Harry."

"I think those pots are clean enough," said Minerva stiffly.

"Dursley often said 'perfect' to their son." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Do you think Mrs. Dursley is a perfectionist?"

"According to the Book of Changes, when the moon is full, it is short. The more perfect it is, the closer it is to decay." Pomona said.

"In this chaotic, emotional world, there is never a perfect answer, perfection beyond the bounds of man, beyond the bounds of magic. In every sunny moment, that drop of poison is with us, knowing that pain will Again, be honest with those you love, and show them your pain, which is as natural to humans as breathing," said Dumbledore.

"You want the Harry Edsleys?" said Minerva incredulously.

"Isidora felt that the pain should be eliminated because she couldn't bear to see her father continue to suffer from the loss of her son, so she felt the pain herself?" Pomona asked. "Her father lost his son, and she lost her brother. "

Minerva looks at Pomona.

"She hasn't been honest with her father, showing her pain, and seeing her daughter so sad, will the father still be immersed in the pain of bereavement?" Pomona said, looking at Minerva.

"Let's see Mrs. Dursley's reaction when she sees her sister," said Dumbledore. "We'll make a decision after seeing her reaction."

Pomona was a little surprised. She had expected Dumbledore to insist that Harry stay with Petunia.

"What made you change your mind?" Minerva asked Albus.

"Even the enemy still has something for us to learn. The Dark Lord is a man of strong will. At the same time, he also lacks the honesty that James has. Only by being honest can you make true friends." Albus said.

"Who do you think should write this letter to Petunia?" Pomona asked.

"It's been sent," Albus said with a smile, "but not owls, you know, Muggles have a habit of collecting stamps, and the daughter of the author I read that book burned his stamp album."

"Is he angry?" Pomona asked.

"He was thinking about positive and negative emotions," said Albus.

Pomona smiled and said nothing.

"Human emotions are a powerful force, whether Muggles or wizards." Dumbledore said, "Whether it is good intentions or not, people cannot be manipulated at will."

Pomona and Minerva looked at Dumbledore together.

"We only give them one more choice." The old fool said sanctimoniously.

"Yes, Headmaster." Pomona and Minerva looked at each other.

"I hope the Muggle post office can be more efficient and can send letters before school starts." Dumbledore said, "The last time I sent a letter in the Muggle way was more than 100 years ago."

After he finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back and strolled in the corridor made of winged beast sculptures with a relaxed look.

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