Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2894 Lion of Liberty (16)

Harry wet the bed. It was not a strange thing for a little boy to wet the bed, although he was a little older, and his one-year-old cousin Dudley had both gone to be a Cub Scout.

But Petunia yelled too loudly. She called him a disappointing piece of trash. Although she kept saying that she wanted to raise him into a decent person, she actually called him up early in the morning to make him a mess. .

When she found out that Harry was wetting the bed, she didn't even ask, saying he was a disgusting child and that only animals wet themselves. Later, Harry said that he had a nightmare about how his parents died, and Petunia raised her voice and asked him, "Why should I have the slightest interest in this matter?"

Minerva, crouching in front of the Dursleys' house in the form of a cat, nearly pulled out his wand angrily, to teach the Muggles a lesson. Then Albus appeared and talked Minerva away, while he himself stood among the bushes, looking out the window at little Harry, who was standing where he was, clutching the sheets.

If Pomona hadn't talked to Dumbledore before, she would have supported Minerva in bringing Harry back from the foster home.

When Batman lost his parents and was desperate and helpless, it was because of the blanket that a policeman put on him that made him feel a little warm.

It was this little bit of warmth that kept him from becoming a cynical person, while the clown suffered from the coldness and malice of the world.

People at the "bottom" actually don't care how other people at the bottom live. Everyone is wondering how to get out of this situation. Petunia is also Lily's older sister. It's too indifferent for her to say such a thing, but considering that Lily and Petunia have not been in touch since they got married, James and Dursley can't get along at all. Although they are related by blood, they are actually Equivalent to passers-by.

They have worked hard for many years in order to save one person from going astray, and Severus took them in even after he repented.

Any parent who dotes on their children will often have a child who grows up to be lawless. Dursley's family background is only "middle class", not yet rich, and Dali is also spoiled. Whatever he wants, he will grab it even if it is a lollipop in the hands of other children. In fact, he could have asked his mother to buy him one, no, a dozen, but that's what he wanted to do.

In the movie of the Godfather, a few sons were rejected by the girl, and they beat the girl seriously. This is the same reason. I don't know if this matter has been in the news, and what kind of impact it has had on their family after it is on the news. Anyway, after Barty Crouch Jr. became a Death Eater, Barty Crouch Sr.'s career was ruined. He was the Director of the Executive Department of the Ministry of Magic at the time, and he did not choose to protect his son. This last bit of justice guaranteed him own reputation.

Despite this, everyone will still discuss this matter after dinner, what caused Barty Crouch Jr.'s depravity, and finally came to the conclusion that Barty Crouch Sr. paid too much attention to work and neglected his son's education.

Minerva felt that the magical society lacked due care for the hero's orphans, and their negligence led to Harry's current situation. His bedwetting was caused by too much mental pressure.

Severus and Felix kept silent on this uselessly, and Pomona could only tell Minerva that this was the principal's arrangement, and that he would have a heavy responsibility in the future, and the children wanted to take new flying lessons The broomsticks used were not approved by the school even though they had funds, and it was not because they couldn’t give the children what they wanted.

"It's not about giving what you want, but giving it due attention!"

"Even if the intention is good, if you intervene well, no one will know what irreparable consequences will be caused. Control the overflowing maternal love in your heart!"

"What did you say!" Minerva stood up.

That's not what Pomona wanted to express, but when she was scrambling for other words, Severus and Felix each persuaded them to leave.

She barely restrained this emotion, and completed the evening search mission with the children. When she returned to school, she learned that Carter had been arrested, but in exchange for freedom, he handed over something, which is currently in the principal's office.

If Carter really wanted to make a lot of money, he could actually go to the Muggle world to find opportunities instead of thinking about other people's family graveyards.

Because of that family curse, all members of the Dale family were unable to enter the cemetery, which instead gave the tomb robbers a chance, and almost all the tombs were already empty.

Either he witnessed death or he understood death. The carriages at Hogwarts didn't really move by themselves, and Pomona didn't know whether Harry would see thestrals when he returned to the wizarding world.

Cars have no horses, but they are similar to the carriages written by Freud. They are all personality systems. The invisible horse represents the id, which is primitive and animal. The car lost control and deviated from the established road.

How many people are not moved when they see the treasure? But the jewels in the wizard's cemetery are very likely to be cursed, and you will die if you touch them, but these black magic items are also sold. Even if Gringotts does not accept them, isn't there still a place like Bojinbok?

After sending the children home one by one, it was almost 12 o'clock. Pomona was so hungry that his stomach was screaming, so he went to the kitchen to get some food, and planned to go to bed after eating.

A girl who pays attention to her figure may think it's okay to go to bed hungry, but she won't fight against her "pull the cart" self.

Bruce Wayne has everything others want, but he is personally full of anger and desire for revenge. This emotion prevents him from being a qualified business manager. Fortunately, many large companies do not need family heirs to be in charge of management.

Others envy him and long to be him, but what he wants is justice. Police evidence collection and arrests require procedures, but Batman does not. The godfather helps the coffin shop owner to take revenge, and there is no need to go through the process.

When people cannot obtain justice from normal channels, they will go to "abnormal" channels, and only revenge can make them "peaceful".

This kind of justice that Batman insists on is very fragile, far inferior to the bottomless evil. When there is no news in the peaceful world, Rita Kistor’s bottomless rumors are much easier than those who write articles diligently. up. The reporter also needs to investigate and collect evidence, and she can just move her pen.

And this is the power of the bottomless evil. If other reporters see her method to make the newspaper sell well, and imitate them, and enjoy the "convenience" provided by the bottomless, then it will be difficult for the public to get real news. Well, once the newspaper loses its credibility, no one will believe it even if the Daily Prophet publishes that the mysterious man is back.

Litaquist dares to do what others dare not do, while others stick to the bottom line, it is difficult to beat her. After all, newspapers still need to make money and need sales.

But Batman is still willing to punish evil with great sacrifices, and has not executed anyone privately. Instead, it was the clown who shot and killed the talk show host in the spotlight, yelling "you deserve it".

After the gunshot, everyone screamed and ran away, but the clown laughed, stood up and continued to dance funny. He was not crazy, it was the "audience" who was crazy, whether it was off stage or in front of the screen.

What he expressed was that criminals can only be sanctioned by unjust means. Isn’t he a lunatic? A mentally ill person does not need the death penalty, even if he assassinated the President of the United States.

If justice cannot punish evil, it will shake the judicial system, thereby causing the entire society to enter chaos, causing more crimes, and causing the entire human society to regress from the moral system established in the era of ruthlessness and fighting against each other.

Fortunately, these are the contents of the film and television. Losing the bottom line can make a person succeed easily, like taking a shortcut, looking back and smiling at those idiots who guard the bottom line, or "good guys".

He doesn't care what he looks like in the eyes of the "good guys", because they are losers and he is the winner. In this era of winning and losing, losers have no right to speak and suffer contempt and criticism.

This bottom line is very fragile, even if it is only a little bit worse, the "clown" will win, and everyone will enter a competition with a lower limit than anyone else.

If a woman can only see the beautiful scenery like the Garden of Eden, then she thinks this world is beautiful, and she doesn't mind having a child born to enjoy this beautiful world with herself.

Isidora took away the pain, but also took away the happiness, but she couldn’t just take away the pain and leave happiness, the “reason for happiness”, Isidora’s brother died, and every time she thought of losing him, her father still remembered create new pain.

If there is only pain in life, living is also a kind of torture. Hunger makes people suffer, and eating makes people happy. Going against this behavior will also cause pain, but everyone has their own choices. Slender women are more likely to get love, and the same can be done bring joy.

When Pomona was dining alone at a table by the fire, she had a hallucinatory vision of a man sitting across from her with a glass of wine on the rocks, as he turned his glass of wine. The wine glass not only makes a pleasant sound when the ice cubes collide, but also sparkles with the firelight from the fireplace, making it very cozy and happy.

This is obviously fake, who would think a woman who is wolfing down in the middle of the night is good-looking?

But this does not affect her imagination at all, just like skinny people can imagine the feeling of eating strawberry cake, that is, they can taste the fragrant and sweet taste without swallowing anything, it is really bliss.

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