Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2892 Lion of Liberty (14)

The fourth volume of Paradise Lost by John Milton is about Satan infiltrating Paradise.

It is such a lovely place, even Satan with a malicious heart likes it. In this rich land grows all kinds of brightly colored flowers and fruits, more beautiful than the evening glow. A river runs through the garden of Eden, and many small streams moisten it. the whole garden.

Birds of various colors sang in chorus. There were two tall and straight figures in the garden. One was recognized by Satan, the glorious shadow of the Creator, while the other was soft and charming. The blue-purple hair was parted from the forehead, hanging down in strands to the Her slender waist was like tendrils of grapes.

Her demeanor is obedient, and love is repulsed. She walks hand in hand with the shadow of the Creator, sits down beside the clear spring, and whispers softly.

They are Adam and Eve, the managers of the paradise. After work, they can enjoy the cool breeze and pick fresh fruits from the branches to taste. Except for the two, all the beasts of the earth were all around, the lion teased the lamb with its claws, and the bear, tiger, leopard and lynx were also playing heartily in front of them.

But what did the lions eat in Paradise? What do these carnivorous beasts feed on?

People think lions are benevolent, are they really? What rough and savage beasts the lion and tiger are.

If we take the time to study the muscles, bones, and body structure of the lion, just as William Blake studied the tiger, we will find that these "works" contain order, symmetry, and wisdom that surpasses all things, and all parts are in line with what they want to achieve in the whole the goal of. The heart is beating like a fight, the muscles and tendons are strong and powerful, and they have created an amazingly symmetrical body.

Human beings who are empty-handed have little ability to defend themselves in front of lions, but why didn't lions follow the "survival of the fittest" approach and replace Adam and Eve as the masters of Paradise?

In the myths and stories of every country and nation, there are monsters, sphinxes, basilisks, and fire-breathing bulls. The existence of these monsters comes from the various disasters they cause. , Tiger time the same order and logic.

In ancient Greek mythology, there are many conflicts between humans and beasts. They are usually the great achievements of heroes. The greatest achievement of heroes is to defeat demons and eliminate demons. For example, Perseus who cut off the head of Medusa, and Hercules who killed the nine-headed siren Xu Dela.

In order to eradicate these monsters, or build mazes to trap them, people formed a community of interests.

However, one can't help but ask, do these things really exist? Still exists in dreams and imagination.

For example, a centaur, if you have never seen a horse, you will not know that there is such a half-man and half-horse creature. It is also possible that someone misunderstood the person riding the horse as having no human feet and a horse head. also disappeared.

Most people want to win praise and praise, because there were no cameras and other equipment in ancient times, and the explanations of eyewitnesses were very important, so many people think that this is serious nonsense. Although it sounds vivid, it is actually fabricated out of thin air Come out, is there really a tiger with wings?

Where is the Muggle version of Fantastic Beasts?

At first, common interests only included a limited number of clear tasks. Because of flood control, people formed a community of interests. Obviously, water control cannot be accomplished by one person. With the development of technology, more resources and methods are available. Private efforts cannot make these new things work. For example, in the train system, in addition to train drivers, dispatchers and railway maintenance workers are also required. Then it became a public health service, such as sewers, and the common good required that these benefits be provided to the public without negligence, and a problem in any department while the train was running could lead to major accidents.

As a result, the scope of the country's activities has expanded. Human beings have changed from a community of interests formed by hunting monsters in the heroic age of ancient Greece to an interest group lobbying Congress and Parliament. Forming a "common good", which most people are not keen on.

However, the Chartist movement improved the housing conditions of workers no matter what they said, instead of blindly expanding the production capacity of the textile industry with money, and realized the redistribution of resources.

Many people have seen it on TV news, but it's not just supercars that kill people while drunk and driving, there are also private cars of civilians. The clown represents chaos and madness, and he certainly does not want order to return.

There are always innocent people involved in riots in this city. Batman arrests all the criminals and hands them over to the police. Even his most hated opponent would rather turn around with his own injury than directly hit him. .

James and Sirius also like to go for a ride on a flying motorcycle, but they don't always chase the criminals, sometimes they are chased by the criminals. They will deliberately wear T-shirts with the pattern of the Order of the Phoenix to lure the main force of the Death Eaters away for the convenience of others. people perform tasks.

The swan will die after suffering a painful struggle, but the phoenix will be reborn.

Humans are much more than just bodies with two legs. During the process of smelting and forging, the forged substance is continuously refined, deformed, and finally turned into a satisfactory sword.

For the defense of principle, not only strength is needed, but also courage, and wherever it is, it seems to spring from the instinct of the warrior, and distinguishes it from other qualities, true and false.

If fear is always present, no animal will fight it.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the recognition that something is more important than fear.

Rule 19 of the Gryffindor Rules, even if you are afraid, keep going.

Compared with the principles and bottom line that Pomona valued, Albus, who really graduated from Gryffindor College, is more flexible. As long as the purpose is good, even if some "extraordinary means" are used, for example, he once deliberately deceived " Gellert Grindelwald, the soothsayer and liar of the Celestial Eye.

Friends should trust and be loyal to each other. When Pomona put on her shoes and left the bedroom, Severus didn't leave. He was looking at the books on her bookshelf.

Her door was not locked like the little bride's door. If Severus wanted to open the door, he didn't need to copy a key like Vermont. messenger.

The "primary school student" will also grow up, and he made those letters public in accordance with Valmont's last words. In fact, he could not do that, because the Parisians didn't know that his lover was pregnant and had a miscarriage, and they thought she was still a little daisy who had just come out of the convent. With these letters, the "primary student" can blackmail Mrs. May Dai in exchange for more benefits.

"Which line do you like?" Severus asked suddenly.

"What?" Pomona asked.

He turned the book over and showed her the cover, which was The Nightingale and the Rose that Albus had given her.

"Can joy wear what sorrow wears?" said Pomona.

"The Boy King?" Severus said.

"Don't tell me you can remember it after reading it once." Pomona said unconvinced.

"The burden of this world cannot be borne by one person alone, and the troubles of this world cannot be borne by one person alone. I did not see that 'the coldness of this world cannot be resisted by one person'."

"I added that," Pomona said proudly. "How?"

He put the book back on the shelf.

"Which line is your favorite?" Pomona asked.

"Where's the dreamer?" Severus said quietly. "Where's the man who humiliated our country? We're going to kill him. He has no right to rule us."

"I remember, there seems to be another sentence, where is the king dressed like a beggar?"

"It doesn't matter what he wears," Severus said, waving at Pomona.

She trotted over, and he took her hand and left together.

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