Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2891 Lion of Liberty (13)

Comedy shows on Muggle TV often have a 'canned laugh', even if it's not funny, it's played, as if to say to everyone "this is funny, laugh".

When humans judge an action to be right, they act on the advice of others. This principle is especially applicable when there is hesitation or doubt about an action.

Since childhood, Valmont lived in an environment where a man could have multiple mistresses. Although he had followers, he had no friends, and no male character could tell him what to do. Mrs. Mayday seeks advice.

It's a bad advisor, but Mortal doesn't have a better choice. In the past, he met some superficial women, and Valmont could easily catch them with the same superficial method, but it was different when he met Mrs. Dewey, she could easily see that Valmont Superficial camouflage.

This is also the reason why she lives in the country far away from Paris. Valmont has experienced a different kind of charm in Mrs. Dewey Dean. Two lonely souls are attracted to each other instead of flesh and desire.

In Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice", the third sister, Mary Bennett, is an unflattering character. She often plays the piano, hoping to attract others' attention.

Pomona has no special pursuit of "elegant art", and a vulgar person like her can't play with such elegance. She just thinks that it is wrong for a woman to think that she can tie a man with a child. A man can give up everything if he is tired of her, not to mention illegitimate ones, even legitimate ones. Mrs. Zabini My "newly married" husband was like that.

Why does he have to be responsible when he has a child? Women can also choose to use contraception, but the little bride doesn't know that it caused the miscarriage of a baby, or whether she was lucky enough not to be infertile because of this miscarriage.

A mother's choice includes not only her own destiny, but also that of her children. There is a novel called "Lolita", a middle-aged man falls in love with a 12-year-old girl, according to the description in the book, because his mental age is still the same as when his first girlfriend, Annabelle, died , which led to his definition of a "leprechaun" as being nine to fourteen years old.

After going through some things, when the middle-aged man met the "little goblin" who haunted her again, she had become a vulgar woman, asking him for money without a word, and she was pregnant and needed her stepfather's help. funding. This led to the disillusionment of the middle-aged man, who robbed and killed the playwright who had the same obsession with him and took away the "little goblin".

Pomona didn't want Severus to be like the middle-aged man, imagining the kids at school, who were about the same age as his first love, Lily, even though Lily Evans was dead.

If one day he meets a girl with the same red hair and green eyes, he can't help it like the hero in the Lolita story, then he will not only damage the school's reputation, but also invite the girl's father to duel.

It is normal for a boy to like "women" when he grows up, not to mention that Severus encountered a very special situation. His first love girlfriend married an enemy, and finally died because of being implicated by him.

Building his self-confidence in front of women will make everyone feel better. The setback and humiliation that James Potter gave him is already terrifying enough. The key is that he still has a certain material foundation, as Mary said.

Men will control Lolita with high-quality clothes and bags. Lily doesn't have that much desire for these things. It's James who changed for Lily.

The reason why human beings have constitutions and laws is precisely to act according to the framework within this rule, and they cannot do whatever they want. James was like this when he was young, "rules are for little people", and after having Lily, he has fetters, although he often goes out "playing" on a flying motorcycle with Sirius Black who is not restrained, but he Know to go home.

Also because of James' influence, although Sirius was very popular with women, he was not particularly close to anyone, which was rare at the time.

Not to mention the Death Eaters, Bella has always been arrogant, she only has "Master" in her eyes, everyone lives a life without tomorrow, why are you thinking about so many "future" issues? Of course it's carpe diem, not to mention that the mysterious man has always encouraged "freedom", and he doesn't care about the international secrecy law, so why would he care about other things.

Pomona didn't know what Severus had "witnessed" over there, but he did know some ways to deal with women, the last time he had squeezed her hand by trying on the shower gel.

The feeling from her hands at that time made her realize another side of herself. That's why she felt that Fitzgerald had secrets that he didn't want others to know, even a friend like Isidora.

Even though everyone around him objected, Isidora still insisted on going her own way, thinking that what she was doing was right. What's wrong with creating a world where there is only happiness and no pain?

Comprehension requires a price. When you realize it, it means that you have experienced it. The early William Blake lived in a difficult life, like an ugly duckling who didn't know his own background. At that time, he was influenced by French neoclassicism, and his subject matter and source of inspiration were different from William Blake's. In other words, what he paints is the world he perceives, not the world he sees.

Difficulty liberated him from "mediocrity". Before meeting the black swan, people always thought that swans were only white. This was "experience". After the appearance of the black swan, this existing cognition was broken. Everything has changed.

"Open your mouth," Pomona said, putting a spoonful of caramel to Severus' mouth.

He looked down at the burnt brown liquid and frowned, "What are you doing?"

"How about trying it? Creme brulee for the back-to-school party," Pomona said.

"Why don't you try it yourself?"

"I can't promise to be unbiased, I must think my syrup is the best in the world," Pomona said.

He turned his head to the side in disgust.

She turned his head around, forcing him to look at her.

Then she put the spoon in her mouth in front of him.

The slightly bitter sweetness of the caramel counteracted the discomfort of being looked at aggressively, and she licked the syrup off the spoon like a lollipop until it was clean again.

"Want to try it?" she asked softly.

He stared at her impassively, and then she scooped up another spoonful of the syrup and brought it to his mouth, and this time he swallowed it cooperatively.

After gaining experience, you have to imagine that a tiger has no wings, but in William Blake's poem "Tiger", it is written that a tiger has wings. With wings, it is no longer just trapped in the jungle, it can think Go wherever you want.

"Is it delicious?" she asked, taking the spoon out of his mouth.

His eyes sparkled, and then she took a spoonful of syrup with the warm spoon, and ate it as before. Too much sugar would make her feel greasy, but the bitterness of caramel melted away the sweetness up.

"I want another bite." He waited for her to finish eating.

"There is a condition, you have to say how you feel after eating." Pomona said.

He nodded impatiently, and Pomona gave him another mouthful of caramel.

This time, he was dishonest and brought her close to him, letting her feed him closer.

After he swallowed the gum, he put his head on her stomach and rubbed it like he was intoxicated.

Pomona ran his fingers into his hair and tugged gently, which might have hurt him a bit, but he wasn't as pain-averse as Isidora was.

"Is it delicious?" She asked vaguely, with a nasal voice unconsciously.

"Delicious." He hugged her tighter.

Her fingers twirled in his hair, and it took a moment for her to let go.

Even with the scent of sage, the foul smell of the male creature was still evident, enveloping her completely.

He grabbed her hands and asked with a smile, "When is the next time I try to eat?"

She wanted to say there would be no next time.

"Halloween," Pomona said.

"Cream brulee is not a difficult dish." He actually complained.

"You think this recipe is delicious, I will follow suit next time, and it's not like trying a dish every time."

"Then what will we eat next time?"

"I want to take a lunch break, the kids are asleep, and I have something to do in the evening," Pomona said.

He fell silent.

"Do you and Lily often lie by the river and enjoy the wind?" Pomona asked.

He remained silent.

"If you can make sure it's the same as then, you can come to my place and sleep for a while," Pomona said.

He stood up, looking sullen and looking offended.

The bitter taste of caramel filled her mouth now, but she smiled anyway.

"Go back, I want to lie down for a while."

"I'll take you home," he said.

In fact, the distance from the kitchen to her office is not far, so he doesn't need to be such a "gentleman".

But she followed him out of the kitchen and back to the office.

"Good night." She said to him in advance, and then planned to close the door of the office.

But he blocked the door.

"I'll sleep on your couch," he said. "Keep Paul out of the way."

She let him in, and when the door was closed, he didn't move, just stood in the office.

He watched her close the bedroom door until the door blocked her view.

The black sea of ​​flowers seemed to appear in front of her eyes again, Widowmaker means cursed love...

Then she turned her head and went back to bed. At least she doesn't have to worry about it, because there are people guarding the door, so she can have a good night's sleep.

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