Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2871 The Unforgivable Secret (8)

Even if Pomona paid the "tuition fee", Dolan was just a sparring partner, and he was not aggressive, but Pomona hoped that the centaurs could teach Severus some real skills.

While chasing the key, she thought of Ronan, a centaur with red hair and beard and a long red tail, who was irascible, sad and slow-talking, and whose hair, beard, and tail were like fire when he ran burns the same.

Since the centaurs are "savage primitives", they are often thought to shoot dead trespassers with the arrows in their hands, and it happens that a group of centaurs live in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

No principal asked the horses not to harm minors. It was the rules set by the horses themselves, not to use violence in front of the "foal".

But the centaurs are not ignorant of humans. Many centaurs have seen what happened under the beech tree that day.

There was once a Minister for Magic who once told a joke about "a centaur, a ghost and a leprechaun approaching a pub" and since the ghosts had no legs they could only glide, even if they had been human, by that definition they weren't The ghosts accused the living of disregarding the feelings of the dead.

Leprechauns have two legs and speak human language, but they are classified as beasts because they never claimed to be classified as "human". Anyway, the Minister for Magic pissed off the centaurs with the joke, and he was assassinated by the centaurs, only a short-shot.

All living things know how to defend themselves and how to attack their enemies. They know where their natural weapons are and how to use them, just as a wild boar knows how to use its tusks and a rooster uses its claws. Sheep in captivity also know how to butt with their horns.

But humans do not have these weapons. Although they have smart minds, they spend too much time arming their minds and forget how to use their bodies.

Pride is sometimes an exhilaration born of false self-perception, so that one exalts oneself and accepts compliments.

There were no such flatterers around James Potter, even though he was the Seeker and Head of the Quidditch team at the time.

Not everyone will abide by the college rules, such as the eighteen rules of the Gryffindor rules, and pranks should be stopped in moderation.

To cross this line is to base your happiness on someone else's pain.

This was no joke to others, weak animals would know how to escape, but since Severus didn't want to survive by escaping, the centaur taught him how to use his body and strength.

There is a witch song that goes like this: If you have a quarrel with someone, and that person is so aggressive that he draws a spear, may you have it too.

This can be seen as a "blessing", although not quite the same as a priest's blessing.


Pomona followed the key for a while, and met Paul on the way, or Paul possessed by a puppet. He was rampaging through the castle like a racing car, followed by an angry Peeves, Peeves The ghost is throwing him with water bombs.

"This is my territory!" Peeves roared angrily in mid-air.

"Slightly, slightly~~" Paul said.

"I made a contract with Eupracia Moore!" Peeves continued to shout.

"I can't hear anything~" Paul said defiantly.

Then Pomona heard the crackling of water bombs.

Fortunately, Peeves only had water bombs and no bombs. She was a little thankful thinking that this school could only have one nuisance spirit. If there were two, the school would really blow up.

Anyway, she followed the key a little further until it disappeared into the boys' bathroom in the hallway on the first floor.

Pomona pushed open the door without any psychological barriers. This bathroom is the bathroom where Eupracia Moore signed a contract with Peeves and stipulated that he can swim. Generally, it is not a life-and-death problem. Someone used it, and it was as dilapidated as the girls' bathroom in Myrtle on the second floor.

It also maintains the decoration style when it was first built. The sink is surrounded by a circle, and a sculpture of Peeves stands on the top of the sink.

There are quite a few self-portraits of Peeves hanging on the wall of the bathroom, although it looks like children's graffiti, and there are several compartments for Peeves' "trophies", cannons, rifles, old school books, crayons and the like.

There was a cabinet buried in debris at the far end of the bathroom. When Pomona appeared, a man uttered an exclamation, which startled her.

"Why are you here? No! Take me out!" the man in the portrait yelled at Pomona.

"Why did you come here, Ferdinand?" Pomona asked. The last time she heard about him, he was still in the secret passage, and Peeves hit him with paint, just in time to be seen by Felicity who was passing by.

"I can't stay with that monster anymore, help!" Ferdinand screamed.

Pomona glanced at him, then at the locker.

This mirrored what she had seen the last time she touched the bedpost.

Before Peeves came back, Pomona summoned the key with a summoning spell, and then used it to open it.

There is a gold necklace in the cabinet. In the center of the necklace is a triangular pendant with a red gemstone inlaid in the middle of the pendant.

She immediately took the necklace away, then closed the cabinet door, and left the bathroom as quickly as possible.

"Don't go!" Ferdinand yelled at her.

Pomona ignored him, as others said, it's not a matter of life and death, don't go to Peeves' bathroom, let alone stay.

She fled the bathroom as fast as she could.

After running to the "safe zone", Pomona breathed a sigh of relief.

"What did you do?"

She was taken aback and later found out to be the old bat.

"Nothing." Pomona subconsciously hid the necklace behind her back.

"You may be confused about your identity, 'Professor', you don't need to hide anything from me." Snape said solemnly.

She was a little skeptical, but let her guard down anyway.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he snatched the necklace from her hand all at once.

"Give it back to me!" she yelled angrily.

Like some mean Slytherin senior, he held his hand high enough to keep her from reaching the necklace.

At this point the normal Hufflepuff would be bouncing around trying to reach the necklace.

Pomona was going to kick his calf bone, anyway, even if it was broken, he could go to the medical wing and drink the bone spirit.

"Tell me what it is for and I'll give it back to you."

Perhaps sensing her "killing intent", Severus said, shaking the necklace in his hand.

"I don't know yet, I just took it out of Peeves' closet," Pomona said.

"Then let's figure out what it's for?" he said reluctantly.

Pomona pouted.

She knew he would be as angry as Paul if she didn't play with him.

"Okay," she said listlessly.

Then he happily invited her to visit the alchemy laboratory he discovered last time.

Behind the sleeping dragon sculpture is a tapestry with four children playing musical instruments. When the tapestry was lifted, a blackboard appeared. After they appeared, an ancient runic math problem appeared on the blackboard.

"You remember we were going to the Centaurs, and Priamor," said Pomona.

"Of course I do," Severus said.

"I'm afraid you'd be so obsessed with experiments that you'd forget these two things," Pomona said.

"Remember to remind me." He said irresponsibly.

"Why didn't you remind me?" Pomona asked back, "My memory is not good."

He didn't bother to continue talking to her. After solving the problem, the door opened.

"It's Ravenclaw style," Pomona sarcastically said.

Then they went into the laboratory.

This is a very ordinary abandoned old classroom with a lot of manuscripts, but the ceiling is high and there is a second floor.

"This is where you spent your summer with Dumbledore?" asked Pomona.

He didn't answer.

Pomona looked back and saw that the smile had disappeared from his face.

"Where did you get that stone?" He said with an expression as if he was asking for a crime.

"I picked it up." Pomona said sternly.

She wouldn't betray her friend anyway, she thought, using Occlumency.

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