Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2870 The Unforgivable Secret (7)

Liars always try their best to make others believe in themselves, and many children distinguish people by disliking and liking. He is not free at home, and is controlled and scolded by his parents in this way. Compared with like-minded It is more free to be together with friends. This is how people leave the family step by step, from relying on their parents to creating a gap with their parents.

Albus Dumbledore does not allow the replacement of the school's broomsticks, so is Carter, who represents the students' opinions, arguing for the replacement of the broomsticks a good person?

Whatever you like, the liar will give you what you like. After you gradually trust him, show him your most precious thing, and then he will take it away easily, which is nothing compared to what you got from the liar Not worth mentioning.

Although it was expected that there would be a lot of things the next day, the actual situation was that Dumbledore had a meeting early in the morning. In addition to the routine of the start of school, he also announced the list of prefects for next year. Bill Weasley became Gryffindor. The prefect, even though he was trapped in an ancient tomb with his brothers yesterday and could hardly get out.

Then Hufflepuff College was left to hold a separate meeting to deal with the school's recent "Fantastic Beasts" issue.

Compared with the centaur, the mermaid is more mysterious, but the mermaid in the Black Lake, like the centaur, likes to use thick ropes to make necklaces, which is different from the mermaid custom in other waters.

Mermaids are intelligent creatures. They also make some handmade products, and use underwater volcanoes to make weapons such as tridents. They also collect shells and pearls to make jewelry and create sculptures. They also have their own language. When humans can only complete basic communication through gestures in the water, they can sing in the water. They will also domesticate creatures such as Grindylo, Mermaid, and Loba as pets.

Once Pomona went diving in Black Lake and asked them what they thought of humans.

In the fairy tale, in order to win the love of the prince, the little mermaid gave up her beautiful singing voice and got human legs.

In the legend of mermaids, it is different. If human beings find mermaids, they will immediately check whether they look good. If they look good, they will take them home and raise them. If they are not good-looking, they will be made into specimens for exhibition. .

There is a specimen of a male mermaid in the lounge of Slytherin College, which is very cruel and unbearable to the female group who are merfolk subjects, and the Mermaid from the Black Lake never looks into the Slytherin lounge.

Being good-looking does not mean good luck. Human bathtubs are too small for mermaids, like a cage. A mermaid who was exploring along the Seine River was "rescued" by humans and placed in a bathtub. Do not ask the French Ministry of Magic for help.

Some male mermaids have androgynous faces, so the romantic Frenchman got it wrong.

Female mermaids love to keep pets very much, and they don’t mind expanding their pet group, but “creatures” like humans are neither as docile as dogs, nor as friendly as cats, nor are they as fun as monkeys, let alone Grindylo and Loba worms. Live in water like that.

However, they are willing to cooperate with humans according to the "agreement". Every year, the little wizards cross the Black Lake in a small boat, and the mermaids hold them up at the bottom of the water. According to the "agreement", Hogwarts will provide them with food, which is a bit like a cemetery relief. "Feed the Fish" on the

Mermaids are not as good as humans think, and humans are not as bad as mermaids think. As for the relationship between the mermaid and the centaur, first of all, the centaur has a strong sense of territory. Although the Black Lake is huge, they can go to the Black Lake to get water after losing the lake in the Forbidden Forest, but the Black Lake is the territory of the mermaid. They will not easily abandon their own territory to occupy other people's territory.

When human beings define "human beings" based on whether they can walk on two legs, and whether they can speak human language, the centaurs also announced their participation in the meeting, because mermaids are excluded from "human beings". In fact, the mermaids don't care whether they are "human" or not. At worst, they capsize the boat and let the little wizards swim by themselves.

As children look up at the brightly lit Hogwarts Castle, they rarely pay attention to what lies beneath the boat that propels them forward. The Fool is an innocent adventurer about to embark on an important journey, and not even the efforts of the puppy at his feet to warn him of impending danger can stop him.

Although the school motto is Do Not Disturb the Sleeping Dragon, as long as the dragon does not wake up, you can still walk past it on tiptoe, unless someone has nothing to do and shakes a bell in front of it to wake the dragon up.

"Dragonfly touches the water" is actually a dragonfly laying eggs in the water. Their breeding season is summer, but the "dragonfly" that appears in the school is not a real dragonfly. The current principal used to be Gryffindor. Gryffindor admired the spirit of adventure. He liked the idea of ​​clever keys very much. He let the "dragonflies" breed in the castle.

So go ahead and take risks, even if there's a basilisk sleeping beneath your feet.

Pomona gave up, Felix didn't care, Minerva was an assistant who had an affair with the headmaster, so what's the use of Snape protesting?

What's more, it's annoying to stop others from taking risks and treasure hunting. Liz Stewart was also locked in the tomb this time, which surprised Pomona. She thought Liz would stop the boys from taking risks as usual.

When a person grows up slowly, he will find out how naive the things he valued when he was a child. When a person finds out that he is naive, does it mean that he has grown up?

After the meeting, Pomona left the principal's office together with the others. Hagrid looked very uncomfortable, because one step was equivalent to two steps for ordinary people, and he had to tiptoe behind Pomona, the "dwarf dean" .

She once heard a Slytherin student say to a Ravenclaw student, "You rely on your ability to read, look down on us who rely on your parents, and society will teach you."

He's right, it's a rule, so the parents he depends on don't follow any social rules?

Although neither the Death Eaters nor the Witches hesitated to kill Muggles, the driving force was different.

The mysterious man believes that with power, he can trample all the rules in the world and make everyone follow the rules he made. Everything that can be obtained by force belongs to him.

Another Dark Lord, Grindelwald, uses the rules to convince wizards that what they do is just, although many people would say that justice is just empty words and has no actual content.

Article 16 of the Ravenclaw House Code, we understand the rules and trust each other with those who make them.

Who would a wise Ravenclaw trust?

Voltaire said that although doubt is an unpleasant experience, it is at least not as absurd as deep belief.

Although courage may appear brainless, courage cannot be pitiful.

Barnaby's grades were not as good as Puglia's, but Pomona knew from the very beginning that he would not get any news from him. He has been learning Occlumency with Severus recently. God's mind is more powerful?

She would not waste time and energy on unnecessary things. No matter how smart Bill was, he was only a student at school, and the secrets he had access to were definitely not as good as Puliado who worked in the Department of Mysteries.

As long as a breakthrough is found, everything will be easily solved.

Pomona knew before that she would not betray her friends, but when Dumbledore asked her, she would report honestly.

Suddenly, she found that she had become an adult who was not trusted by children, and she felt that she hadn't changed.

When they came to the entrance of the auditorium, Pomona broke up with the others. Whether it was Hagrid, Graplan or Kettleburn, their work areas were all in the Forbidden Forest.

She watched them leave, and unexpectedly looked at a dragonfly flying in mid-air.

She hurriedly chased after her. It's rare to have three chances like her. She is lucky?

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