Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2861 Hagrid's Holiday (11)

Hagrid’s birthday is December 6, 1928, two years younger than Tom Riddle, who was born in 1926, who became the Mysterious Man later. If according to the age of human beings, even if he doesn’t think about immortality like the Mysterious Man, he should almost Considering retirement.

"Look!" said Hagrid happily. "I found a way to put Fluffy to sleep."

Pomona looked at Lu Wei who was sleeping soundly in the vegetable garden of the Forbidden Forest. She clearly remembered that she kept him here to let him look at this place. Now that he is sleeping so soundly, what is he looking at?

"Congratulations, Hagrid!" Liz Stewart said cheerfully to Hagrid.

"Great," Hagrid sighed, "I can finally get a good night's sleep."

Pomona felt a little sympathy for Hagrid, because the three-headed hellhound seemed to be here to torture people. Whenever Hagrid and Fangfang were going to sleep, it would jump around, or cause damage. Chow down on the stuff in the hut.

But now Hagrid found a way to put Lu Wei to sleep, that is, to listen to music, and Ben Cooper's music box unexpectedly came in handy. Now the ghost that lived in the music box has arrived at Hogwarts, along with other ghosts.

Although he is almost 60 years old, Hagrid's hair and beard are still black, and his younger brother looks younger, which means that Hagrid is still a young adult among half-blood giants, and his younger brother is still a young man Boy, it's too early to talk about retirement.

"Okay, get to work!" said Pomona, spreading the first batch of trial dragon dung fertilizer over the fields.

Liz agreed, and Hagrid pushed a small cart alone, and scattered the vermiculite and perlite into the soil.

Liz has a diamond ring in a gold setting that Pomona found in a long-unused cabinet in the library after following the dragonfly. It can produce a lumos charm.

Pomona felt that she was useless. After all, she stayed in school all year round. On the contrary, Liz might be useful for her future expeditions, not to mention that she couldn't take things from students for nothing.

"Don't wear the ring to do farm work, be careful not to find it if you drop it in the field!" Pomona reminded.

Liz put down the trolley again, and put the ring into the messenger bag.

Pomona looked at her and shook her head, but she didn't say anything. Practice makes perfect. The first time she raised a bouncing bulb, it still died.

In addition to dealing with magical animals, Hagrid's flying motorcycle is also good at riding, and it can land smoothly without much learning. Both Sirius and James almost had a "crash" accident on the first ride.

Hagrid's big stature is quite daunting, but he is a very gentle person, and his movements of holding Harry are very gentle, not like the giants in Muggle fairy tales who love to use violence.


Fanon doesn't think he is middle class, he thinks he is petty bourgeois because he has his own mining machine company. Capital needs to increase in value continuously, and he hopes that his company will grow bigger and bigger.

The "magic star" of Perseus is actually a three-star system, that is to say, in addition to the bright main star and the companion star causing star eclipse, there is also a companion star, which is being swallowed by the main star.

If a nova is too close to a dying star, what is most likely to happen is that the hydrogen in the nova's atmosphere is sucked away by the dying star, so that the dying star will come back to life. It ages quickly, eventually causing a nova explosion that disappears in the blink of an eye.

The middle class is not mentioned in Das Kapital. Anyone who wants to participate in labor is not a capitalist. In other words, the qualifications to become a capitalist are inversely proportional to his labor. Even a small boss like Fernon needs him to labor.

When a certain point is reached, the real big capital will annex small capital and make small capital "capitalless". For example, Feinon’s mining machine company, if it does well, it is a high-quality asset, it will be acquired, and Feinon can take a sum of money.

On the surface, he has no loss, but capital is not money. Currency is not used for consumption here, but a tool in exchange for more bargaining chips. After getting Fernon's company, the new boss can disband all the original employees and replace them with his own people. Then the original employees followed Fernon, can they start again?

While continuously generating centripetal force, it is also causing centrifugal force. How many people will come back to work with the yelling Fernon after the company is disbanded. But as long as the company is not dissolved, where is it not to dawdle?

This is a kind of deprivation in disguise. If Fernon takes the money and does not want to turn it into an asset, with inflation, the money will become less and less valuable. How about depositing it in the bank? Do you know what the bank invested the money in?

Fernon is not familiar with the industry that Bill, the richest man in the world, is engaged in, but almost all mining machines deal with real estate and mining. Using it to invest in real estate is currently the most in short supply. Big capital needs to sell a house after repairing it. Real estate has always been It is very difficult to turn over, and the speed of turnover and turnover is also valued by businessmen.

Fernon took the money from selling the company and invested it in real estate. He used it to buy more than a dozen houses for rent. If the rent is too high, no one will rent it. It will take time for him to recover the cost. Who knows what will happen in twenty years. ?

Today's computers are so compact that they can even be carried in the hand. The earliest computers took several rooms to fit.

He used to have a shop that he worked diligently, but now he is forced to become a gambler. If his speculation fails, what will happen to his family's life?

His own wife couldn't afford it, and certainly not Harry, who would end up in an orphanage. If this is the case, it is better to take him back to the wizarding world. Pomona believes that many people are willing to adopt Harry.

But it's not just the adoption relationship involved, but also the blood magic between Harry and Petunia. This is the "talisman" that Lily left him when he died. Only Dumbledore knows it, and there may be some weird things involved Partial knowledge.

When you have needs, don't be led away by other people's greed.

Humans still have the need to start a family and reproduce, if people do not have this need...

While spreading dragon dung, Pomona thought, the land is fertile enough, if no seeds are sown, nothing can grow. The mysterious man has always been very self-disciplined. He has no crush on anyone, and he has never really trusted anyone. It is possible that Bella is special, but she will not be like the Weasleys. Looking at that clock from another perspective, it is Molly's concern for her family. The mysterious man had no concern for anyone, but said to the Death Eaters, "We are one family".

"Glop, get it this way!" Hagrid yelled at his brother.

Gropp walked over slowly, and according to his brother's instructions, he placed a big tree in the prescribed place, so that the fields that had been sprinkled with dragon dung could be distinguished from those that hadn't.

Hagrid is very tired to support Glop. Although Glop is not very smart, he also knows to listen to his brother and not harm human beings. He has never left that garbage dump.

He played with himself, found a bell that could make a crisp sound, and didn't cause trouble everywhere.

But some people hurt others in order to maintain their own immortality, just like Van Helsing said, treat others as grain, harvest, sow, mature and then reap.

While Godric Gryffindor valued the potential of his students, putting power in the wrong hands could cause a worse disaster than if he had no power.

In the past, people would be tired from riding horses and hacking and killing, but now they only need to press a button, and a city will be wiped out.

In European languages, the word law used to be the same as justice. Jus in Latin, recht in German, diritto in Italian, drecho in Spanish, and pravo in Slavic all refer to legal rules that can bind people. , which again refers to the legal rights that Americans can claim, is no accidental coincidence.

The law gives a person power, and to exercise it correctly, "do the right thing because it's right".

This is where she differs from Albus Dumbledore's "for greater good".

But the Dhamma Sutra says that a wise man establishes himself first, and then teaches others.

Let her theory stand on her feet before she speaks out, so as not to confuse others and herself.

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