Chapter 2860 Hagrid's Holiday (10)

There is a clock in the living room of the Weasley family. This clock does not display the time, but displays the location of each member of the family, including "home", "school", "going to work", "on the way", "missing", " Prison", "Deadly Danger" and other signs.

It seemed amusing at first, but that "fun" disappeared after Pomona saw Arthur's pointer switch from "work" to "on the way" and then to "home."

After Arthur got home, he said hello to Molly and went to check on the children. If Pomona thought Molly was happy at first, at that moment she doubted her own perception.

Bill and Charlie are already sensible, but it doesn't mean they will play with their younger brothers. They ran outside the house to play after they got the Zoko joke product that Pomona gave them, a boomerang that can hit combos up.

Patsy, who's not in school but is serious about doing his homework (probably Charlie's or Bill's), is constantly being interrupted by the twins playing with fireworks. Ron is more interested in candy, while Ginny opts for the Snitch.

She even tried to ride Charlie's broom under its guidance, but fortunately, she was caught by Arthur, who had no intention of accusing anyone, and played high with Ginny.

Pomona felt that Charlie should at least not place the broomstick within reach of his younger brothers and sisters. The toy broomstick would always stay at a relatively low height and speed, at least the children riding on it would not be injured. But that wasn't the most annoying thing, Patsy's mouse, Scabbers, kept trying to jump on the table, as if he wanted to have tea with them too.

The house was full of rowdy children, plus Arthur, but Molly enjoyed tea with Pomona and reading clothes styles in witch magazines so much that she didn't care about the twins playing fireworks at home. Wouldn't set the house on fire, and Ginny almost "whoosh" away.

The radio kept playing Celestina Warbeck, and the music was slow, but Pomona still preferred the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, songs from "his own time."

In order to save money, Molly made many things at home by herself. After choosing a style that both Pomona and Molly liked, Molly promised to owl her the clothes within a week.

After leaving the Burrow, Pomona kept recalling a sentence written by Camus in his mind: Happiness and absurdity are two sons of one land, inseparable. If there is no such thing as someone who writes a tutorial on happiness, you will not be able to discover the absurdity.

What should a happy family have? House, car, two kids and a pet?

This is probably the life of the middle class in the United States. After all, the United States is so large that it needs horses or carts to travel. The symbol of the middle class in the United Kingdom is to have a piano.

The Burrow couldn't even afford a room for each child, let alone room for a piano. Ben Cooper's neighbors could hear the music box, let alone the piano.

You have to have a roomy house with enough soundproofing to play the piano, and pay a piano teacher if the parents can't play the piano.

The charging standards of different teachers are different. Even if they are all one-on-one courses, the money for the graduates of the Conservatory of Music and the professors of the Royal Conservatory of Music must be different, not to mention the tuners.

Because of such a "happiness tutorial", many people think that they will be happy if they get all the above.

The Weasley family did not follow this "tutorial". Many people laughed at their family, not only Emily Taylor, but even the adults would laugh at the lifestyle of the "Pure Blood Traitor" family when chatting.

The vast majority of pure-blood families have only one child. When the child is at home, the home is very lively, but when the child goes to boarding school, the home becomes deserted, or both husband and wife are away from home and live their own lives outside.

Young girls will definitely have an advantage in appearance and middle-aged women, but they are just out of school, without any resources, and middle-aged men with successful careers happen to "like" them, even their daughters are also with these "female assistants" Almost as big.

When women are old and decrepit and lose their fertility, they will be hated because they have no value to the "hive" and it is a burden to keep them.

Many "witches" in the witch hunt are like this. Young and beautiful women even feel that the word "woman" sounds uncomfortable, and hope to hear a more pleasant and elegant title, not necessarily "goddess".

But the problem is that this is reality. Reality is like a woman's plain makeup. Men prefer to see women when they are well-dressed.

They don't want to go back and see the wife who is out of shape due to multiple births, worrying about the trivialities of life, the studies of their son and daughter, the health of their parents, and the wife's emotions need to be taken care of by the husband, but he also has trouble working outside. Things, mean colleagues, not being valued by superiors, no chance of promotion, and need to take care of daily necessities at home, these are all real and unavoidable.

But there is no need to face these truths outside. Mrs. Zabini has been married five times, and she has become richer with each divorce. They still want to believe that she is a delicate rose that needs to be carefully cared for.

Her current and last husband, who is said to have been killed by Death Eaters who valiantly fought to protect her, was also a victim of war, and she stands out when she appears in a black lace veil. In the eyes of a woman, if she really wants to mourn her deceased husband, she shouldn't go out, and she wears such a gorgeous lipstick that looks like she has just sucked human blood.

Now Pomona knew the kind of lace Mrs. Zabini wore on her face, like a spider's silk, and there was always a moth or a butterfly in the web.

However, if no one buys that kind of lace, the people who rely on it will lose their jobs. Whether it is a worker who maintains a high-end lace machine or a worker who maintains a cotton textile machine, they are essentially machine repairers. They all need to understand the work of the machine principle.

If every grain of rock constituted Sisyphus' world alone, every part of the machine constituted their world. By repairing these machines, they can support their families and live the life of "Happiness Tutorial".

The essence of consumerism lies in the active construction of identity, status and even life in general. It doesn't satisfy a legitimate human need to go on a diet to fit into a smaller skirt. The Creator makes people feel happy while eating. If you don't feel happy while chewing food and counting calories all the time, it will make eating the most tedious and unpleasant task in a person's life.

People don't need to eat after they die, they always have that shape, but ghosts want to feel the taste, even if it is rotten food.

But the reality is that girls who can wear clothes in smaller sizes have more opportunities. They don’t even have opportunities. They have no job, no food, and they can’t survive. What is human nature?

Some people are very lucky. They are born with no worries about food and clothing. Ordinary people need to abandon some things. Some people will lose their conscience, some people will lose their bottom line, and some people will lose their dignity. Become a different self from the original.

Lily didn't understand this feeling, because it was James who changed for her, and James' family was rich enough.

But she sacrificed herself to protect Harry, which was great. She had a choice at the time, she could escape by herself, but a woman who abandoned her child would be like Hagrid's mother, not only incomprehensible to the world, but even the child.

She was a giantess, and assuming a woman of normal height lived with a half-elf, she would understand the inconvenience of such a height gap.

She later found a giant like her, and gave birth to Glop, a dwarf among giants.

The brothers are like innocent children, although they are old enough to be the grandfather of some students.

Many people don't like war and feel that war has ruined an otherwise peaceful life. But some people like it. The "toys" in the boys' hands have changed from swords to guns. When they go to the battlefield, they don't have to be forced by life to obey the orders of the factory owner, but the command of the general. When the Maxim machine gun fires, Pour down a slice like reaping wheat.

Ma Keqin was originally a lighting equipment maker, but because he lost to Edison, he designed a heavy machine gun for his livelihood.

Some people went bankrupt because of the war, and some got rich because of the war. The Thompson submachine gun was designed for the First World War. He didn’t catch up, but this kind of gun fits in the violin case. He played a lot of "fiddlers", earning the nickname "typewriter" during Prohibition.

The Viscount Vermont felt that women would be cornered like prey. From a certain point of view, he was right. Lucy, who went to work as a maid in a big city, was forced by the Duke. "arrange".

Fortunately, there was a great revolution. Men are not like girls when they have nowhere to go. Didn’t the Viscount Vermont no longer be controlled by Mrs. Maydai in the end, and he came to a dead end with her? They will also not go to Spinner's End and Brooklyn for love like girls, they will do everything possible to get out of these places.

If women can safely count the boring stars on the university campus, then men will also go to the deep mountains and old forests of Peru, build observatories in desolate places, and take pictures of the starry sky.

This is the only place where there is no city light pollution, and you can see the purest starry sky, even dark stars and variable stars.

After returning to school, Pomona did not go to the office in the conservatory, but returned to the castle. When she came to the auditorium, a dragonfly flew past her. This time she chased after it, no matter what danger lay ahead.

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