For the whole of last year, everyone in the school was tortured by the curse of the portrait, including Fei Liwei, who was misled by the sense of space presented by the portrait. Although he did not think that there was an advanced space expansion curse behind the painting like Bill did, but Expand to other fields as well. Just like the Big Bang expanded from one point to the present universe.

There is a Muggle movie called Batman. Whenever there is a crisis in Gotham, the police will run to the roof and light a lamp. The lamp will leave a mark of Batman in the dark cloudy sky of Gotham City. See After marking, Batman will drive a sports car out of his hole to save the city from being disrupted by bad guys.

There is also a superhero, Superman, who can fly. In fact, Superman can't fly. The gravity of his home planet is much greater than that of the earth, and he seems to be able to fly with a light leap.

In short, whether it is Batman or Superman, there are marks on the chest. Suppose you make a toy that looks like Batman from one angle and Superman from another, and then put it in the mirror. At this time, you will see that when the Batman mark is seen outside, the Superman mark is in the mirror, and when the Superman mark is seen outside, Batman is in the mirror.

In fact, the mirror always reflects the back of things. This may make people wonder, how can it be the back of the reflection when you are clearly facing the mirror? When the observer turns around and faces the mirror with his back, it is "back to back".

Things look different from different angles.

Batman, who comes from a super-rich family, has no superpowers and has lost his parents. He can't bring them back to life. In a sense, he fights crime and has revenge.

Although Superman from a Kansas farm family has superpowers, he is an intern reporter first, and then Superman with superpowers. He doesn’t want the identity of Superman to ruin Clark’s life. Although Superman is a superhero in the eyes of everyone, His adoptive parents are also dead, his biological parents have never met, and if they are alive, they are in a distant alien world.

Some people say that thinking during the day and dreaming at night, psychologists believe that all kinds of desires suppressed during the day will be compensated in dreams.

Although Superman is not as rich as Batman, he lives in a relatively happy family. Although he lost his adulthood, he also left Kansas and started a new life in a big city.

Batman seems to be spinning in circles, he still can't get out of the shadow of the past, he hopes to see the bat light calling him light up.

For Quidditch fans, it doesn't matter whether the weather is getting warmer or not, whether it is true spring or not. As long as the snow stops, even if the snow on the ground has not completely melted, you can go out to play.

Charlie's goal is to become a Seeker, and he faces more hostility than Ben on the playing field, with many trying to destroy his broomstick. But Charlie didn't choose to back down because of this, he regarded these people who wore Gryffindor uniforms like him as opponents, and made various moves just like a real game.

How could would-be dragon tamers be afraid of such little tricks?

In this way, he gained some supporters. Gryffindor admired this kind of people who were not afraid of challenges and confrontations.

Of course, this kind of confrontation and challenge comes from Slytherin except.

After Barty Crouch Jr. was executed, the Barty Crouch family almost had no descendants, and Mrs. Barty Crouch also passed away because of the pain of bereavement. If Barty Crouch Sr. was willing to remarry, then he would It is possible to grow old. But he didn't participate in any social activities, and went straight home after get off work, as if his social life ended with the death of Barty Crouch Jr.

At this time, Connery Fudge appeared in the public eye. He was the first to propose that the British team participate in the Quidditch World Cup. His nephew Rufus Fudge was also studying in Slytherin.

In fact, not all Slytherins are rich, but it does not prevent them from getting together to laugh at Gryffindor.

It's cold, and you can't exercise on a broom, so it's not easy to laugh at people in the stands with the cold wind blowing.

At this time, the bone spirit brewed in winter was ready. After drinking from a barrel for a week, Vera's deformed back was basically healed, and she could run and jump again.

Kettleburn found her a cave in the woods where she could live, and she would no longer need to live in the dungeon.

Those poachers entrenched in the North Ford Swamp were aiming at the horned beasts. The Ministry of Magic rewarded Snape for his behavior and didn't bother about whether he used black magic or not.

"That's it, a word of praise? No other rewards?" Pomona asked in disbelief.

"Instead of verbal praise, they wrote a letter." Severus said with a smile.

It seemed to Pomona that he seemed very happy, and his tone was rising.

But in any case, the haze seems to have dissipated.

Although that mirror can create illusions and make people addicted, it can also produce compensation like a dream. When there is something we have longed for for a long time but can't get it, pretending that we have it will save us from experiencing that feeling for a while. Pain, if you cannot be redeemed by others, at least you can redeem yourself.

The scary thing about the Mysterious Man is that he can create hallucinations in the minds of the people he tortured, so that what didn't happen is as real as what happened before the eyes of the victim. Severus was in a bad mood during that time, and the reason why he picked someone to fight was because he remembered it, and the reason why that person was tortured was not because he was on the opposing side.

He's one of the Death Eaters, but he's a little bit of a "slacker" and doesn't go out of his way to please You-Know-Who like the others.

He is a painter, if the mysterious person likes to paint portraits, but the mysterious person doesn't want to spend time standing there for a few hours, solving things that can be done in a second by taking a photo.

The so-called companion is like a tiger. If there was no prophecy, Snape would go to the bar to drink, but happened to meet Sybill Trelawney for an interview.

Many people are like this. At the beginning, they were attracted by the power of the mysterious man, and after getting along with him for a long time, they would want to escape, but how easy is it to escape?

In fact, we can’t blame the wizards for choosing to unveil the sculpture of the Potter family on the mysterious birthday. Too many people lost too much because of him. The mysterious man “died” and disappeared, which is actually a relief for these people.

Pomona puts a seed in a potted plant.

This seed belongs to bindweed. Although it is an ordinary plant with no magic power, it has a strong regeneration ability. Even if it is cut into pieces, it will soon flow out white pulp to cover the wound. , and new shoots will grow every few hours.

It is difficult to clean, but it has a characteristic, no matter what kind of darkness it is in, it will try its best to find a light source and survive.

Pomona thought this trait might come in handy in the dark maze, as if it were her "guide dog."

"Dean!" Liz ran in in a panic.

"Take it easy," Pomona said. "What's the matter?"

"Barnaby wants to quit school! Take Paul back to 'where he belongs'." Liz said in panic.

Pomona was shocked, but said little.

"Don't you want to ask him how he came up with that idea?" Liz asked Pomona.


"He looked at the mirror in the empty classroom on the fifth floor. I heard that you moved it." Liz interrupted Pomona with some impoliteness, "Even if you can't stop him, you should talk to him. "

Originally, Pomona wanted to say that Barnaby should go to Feliway.

It seems that the mirror is not only to be placed there, but also to set up a gate to prevent students from entering.

"I will," said Pomona dryly.

"When?" Liz asked aggressively.

" week," Pomona said under pressure from Leeds.

Liz Stewart just left.

Pomona stuck out her tongue towards Liz's back and continued to arrange the bindweed. No wonder she was called "Nose-sniffing Liz".

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