January 9th was Severus' birthday, and Pomona was really in no mood to think about other ideas. She went to the Knitting Club to find Leeds to learn hand-knitting scarves, and planned to give him the Slytherin green scarf.

The ruby ​​necklace is still worn around Liz's neck.

Possibly noticing Pomona's gaze, Liz took it out of his collar.

"It's an amulet that Barnaby says he made himself."

This is a very common magic item for the hexagonal deflection spell, and Bill's portkey earrings were also made by Barnaby himself. Barnaby has a pair of blue socks full of stars, which are his lucky socks, which are said to bring good luck. Bill also became superstitious once, wearing the fourth leaf of the four-leaf clover on his body.

Emily Taylor had teased Bill about the family's financial situation, and Charlie really needed a broom. Barnaby just took the old broom that was not in use at home, asked Ben to renovate and maintain it, and gave it to Charlie.

Molly was very happy, she wrote a letter to Barnaby, thanking him for the gift, and Arthur gave him a bicycle.

Pomona felt that Arthur had misunderstood that the boy flying on a bicycle was a poster in a movie, and it wasn't that Muggles really invented the flying bicycle. A group of wizards fiddled with the thing with completely wrong understandings, and it ended up being Leeds' spinning machine.

Bill himself thought he had seen what kind of person Emily was, and he didn't get too entangled in the failed confession. He is still hesitating whether to continue to be a spellbreaker according to his own ideas, or follow the professors' advice to engage in other industries. And Percy was about to start school next school year, and he was worried that his brother would be sorted into Slytherin.

Patsy kept a mouse as a pet, which was disgusting to the whole family, but he insisted on keeping it, saying that Scabbers was part of the family, that he bathed Scabbers every day, and insisted that Scabbers be on the table for dinner at Christmas.

In Slytherin House, the wealth of the family will definitely affect the order of a student on the long table, but this is not absolute.

In short, what will happen to a mouse in a snake's nest? Who would dare put a mouse on the Slytherin table?

Bill was worried about these things, and he really didn't have time to think about Emily, let alone revenge on her. Maybe when he met on the street a few years after graduation, he didn't remember who Emily was, and she wasn't important enough to influence his life.

The situation of Liz and Barnaby is exactly the same as that of Scamander and Lita Lestrange before. They are often together, like a couple, but this combination is better than a Gryffindor Muggle and a Death Eater. The son is "normal" together.

Now many people know that the two of them are playing together, but they don't know where they are. A few good people followed Ben, and they almost found the secret room next to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Because Carter opened the door to stop them, they didn't really find out, but the place was no longer safe.

What's even more unsafe is "Paul" in the secret room. There is no information in the goblin's memory to indicate where the manor is, and the goblin supervisor follows the appearance. The darkness full of chaos is not charming at all.

This haze also affected Snape, he didn't know where he went on the Hogsmeade day before his birthday, Pomona thought he went to Godric's Hollow, and she didn't know until he came back that he actually went North Ford Marsh.

He fought with the poachers entrenched in the castle at the entrance of the swamp, and later notified the Aurors to capture them, but no dungeon similar to Irondale was found under the castle.


Pomona turned around at the sound.

"Fluorescent flickering!"

Tonks yelled, her wand flashing blindingly.

"Good job," Pomona said with a smile. "This is your first spell?"

Tonks nodded, "But I don't know the Levitation Charm yet."

"Come on," Pomona told her.

"Come on, too," Tonks said. "You look so blue."

She didn't know how she looked like Ravenclaw, but she still smiled and walked away.

She took cake and other goodies from the kitchen, and went down to the Slytherin cellar for Old Bat's birthday.

His cloak, rather than looking like a sail, might as well be called bat wings, and with his perennial paleness, he looked like a vampire.

That day at the record store outside Diagon Alley, the young man with rosy cheeks from running seemed to be her illusion.

Because there was Potions class tomorrow, the students' creations were stewed in the classroom, and they gave off gases with suspicious colors and smells.

She went to the office next door, Severus was still not there, and finally found him in the small dark mezzanine.

It was converted into a private storage room by him, where rare materials were stored. He was so focused that he didn't even notice that someone was coming, or he didn't want to pay attention to her.

"Today is your birthday." Pomona said wearily, "Is it okay to have a birthday?"

He still ignored her.

After putting the last bottle back on the shelf, he climbed down the stairs and returned to the office defiantly.

There was cake and food on his desk, and Pomona followed him back to find him standing motionless in the middle of the office.

"Want to talk?" Pomona said.

He remained silent.

Pomona got bored, found a place to sit, and found a photo.

This is a "family portrait", a photo of Snape and the Malfoy family, the child must be Draco Malfoy, he looks arrogant at a young age.

But anyway, the good thing about this family is that they are good-looking, with greasy-haired Severus standing beside him like an ant on a cake.

"Is this your godson?" Pomona asked holding the photo.

"Looks like his dad, doesn't it," Severus said.

Pomona couldn't tell.

"Can you give me a hug," he said.

She put down the picture and hugged him with open arms.

She felt better, and wondered how he felt.

There was a fire burning in the fireplace, and the heat from the fire melted the butter placed next to it, giving off a sweet smell.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a radio here, otherwise he could dance to the music.

She broke free from the hug and looked into his eyes.

Threshold spaces are often places like corridors. During the day, people come and go, but there is no one there. It looks depressing, and his eyes give people the feeling.

"Come with me." She took his hand and left the dungeon.

On the way they met Esmeraldamuk, who looked up at the glass dome as if expecting a merman to swim through it.

Pomona led him up to the empty classroom on the fifth floor, and it took her a lot to carry such a large mirror to such a high place.

"It's the Mirror of Erised, and with it you can see your deepest desires, and I originally kept it in a greenhouse with poisonous tentacles," Pomona said.

But a student ran in by mistake and saw his desire in the mirror, and he couldn't understand the complex illusion.

"Dumbledore thought students shouldn't have access to the mirror, so I moved it here," she went on.

"What did you see?" Severus asked.

She looks at him.

"I want you to see, this mirror has given me so much joy that I almost don't want to return it." She said with a smile.

"What did you see?" he continued.

"The bubble pods I had as a kid, I had them for the first time, so I killed them," Pomona whispered. "I saw in the mirror that I had lots and lots of bubble pods."

He shifted his gaze to the mirror.

She turned away, intending to give him some privacy.

"Anything to remind me?" Severus asked.

"This mirror will give you an unfulfilled dream that you reach out to grab, that makes you forget what's important and remember that you're living in the moment," Pomona said, just about to leave.

"Didn't your dream come true?" he asked.

“In my greenhouse, there are now bubble pods all over the place,” she said, walking out of the empty classroom.

She stood at the door of the classroom, intending to give him an hour before telling him to leave.

She took out the pocket watch he had given her for Christmas.

Then she looked at the scarf she had prepared and felt that this gift was too shabby.

Or if she took advantage of this hour to go out and buy a gift?

"Professor, what are you doing here?" asked Barnaby.

"An unkind request, do you have anything of value, I want to give it as a gift." Pomona said.

Barnaby froze.

"What were you going to give him?" asked Barnaby.

"A scarf," she said in frustration.

"Then give it to him, as long as it's from you, he will definitely like it," said Barnaby.

"how do you know……"

Pomona thought he was asking a silly question, and Barnaby was wearing the scarf Liz had given him.

"It's warm." Barnaby patted the scarf. "Last Christmas was the best Christmas I've ever had."

"What's your birthday?" Pomona asked.

"No, I don't want to celebrate my birthday." Barnaby said calmly. "My birthday almost became Pitts' death."

Pomona didn't say Pitts wouldn't care.

"I'll go first." Barnaby bowed to Pomona and walked towards the restricted area.

Pomona poked her head into the classroom to see how Snape was doing, maybe she could borrow a book.

As a result, he saw his dark robe at a glance.

"So fast?" she exclaimed.

"Aren't we living in the moment?" he said coldly.

"That's right...but..."

"I want to celebrate my birthday." He said coldly, "My birthday won't coincide with someone's death."

She thought he was "humorous" a lot.

So I went back to the potions classroom with him.

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