Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2808 Red Hunger (10)

The middle ground between the snow line and alpine woodland is a natural nursery for weeds. In the mountains north of Athens, the snowmelt in late spring can sometimes irrigate a large area of ​​carmine, which is the autumn side marigold. They were supposed to enjoy the sunshine in the high wall in the garden, but there were fossils of their kind lying in the soil layer not far from the garden, which was their home before the appearance of human beings.

They arrived in England during the Neolithic period, and in the Middle Ages farmlands were full of autumn side marigolds, especially in areas with chalky soils, so it was considered a pest and eradicated.

A 16th-century horticulturist and botanist so adored its cup-shaped flowers and beauty spot-like spots at the base of its petals that he was so captivated by its elegance that he got seeds from south-west England to plant in his garden . He called this beautiful plant "Ruby Rose". 200 years later, people sold this flower on the streets near Covent Garden and called it "Moroccan Red", which was a popular bouquet at that time.

But by the end of the 19th century, new screening techniques made it basically extinct from the UK until 1971, when a new road passing through Wiltshire happened to cross a piece of former farmland, which quickly revived it here. List of Species of Special Concern in the UK.

Pomona took a sip of black tea. She knew that Severus would go to the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire during the Christmas holidays to become the godfather of Draco Malfoy, but compared to going to the Celestial Ball, she Not to mention going to Malfoy Manor.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting." Minerva said as she walked into the office and closed the door behind her.

"It's okay." Pomona put the black tea on Minerva's desk.

Gryffindor has always been noisy, and it's even worse these days, because the school team selection is about to start.

This time was different because the Seekers were about to graduate. Although the selection will not start until spring, but if anyone wants to gain a faster speed with a light weight, it is best not to gain too much weight this winter and Christmas.

"What do you want from me?" Minerva sat down in her seat.

"Bill," said Pomona patiently.

"Oh, yes, you mentioned it to me just now." Minerva said, clutching her forehead.

"It's okay," Pomona continued patiently.

Although Hufflepuff has a lot of people, he is not as noisy as Gryffindor, thanks to Merlin.

"Did he consider becoming a herbalist like Toots, besides a spellbreaker?" Pomona asked.

"I told him the same, to think more before graduation." Minerva said.

"What did Bill say?"

"He said he'd look into it," Minerva said.

Pomona expressed his understanding. Some people have no choice, but Bill has too many choices, just like there are countless roads on the wasteland, and he can't find his own direction.

"One thing." Pomona hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Minerva asked.

"What color will Bill wear to the Celestial Ball?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"He doesn't seem to be old enough, and also..."

Minerva was silent, and it seemed that she was not ignorant of the situation in her academy.

"Severus also experienced it when he was young. Moderate spurs will make people improve, but excessive spurs will make people go astray." Pomona said.

Minerva sighed.

"I'll talk to him," Minerva said.

"I saw Charlie rush out to protect Bill the other day," Pomona said. "If only the day..."

"Miss Evans went, but you know what happened afterwards." Minerva said, "Besides, we were not there that day, and Felius was the invigilator."

Pomona was actually there that day, because the Death Eater mission was temporarily canceled.

But she felt that a girl shouldn't appear in that kind of scene, it would hurt the boy's self-esteem even more.

"She's not Miss Evans, Minerva, we'll call her Mrs. Potter," said Pomona.

"How about going out for a drink tonight," Minerva said.

"Today?" Pomona glanced at the calendar. "It's not the weekend."

"You mentioned to me a few days ago how Harry is doing." Minerva said gloomily, "Let's talk over a drink."

"Okay," said Pomona, who could tell Minerva was in a bad place right now.

"See you on the bridge after school," Minerva said.

Pomona looked out the window at the snow that was falling.


Then she left Minerva's office.

She went downstairs to the medical wing and told Madam Pomfrey to prepare sober medicine. She estimated that Minerva would drink a lot today.

They were supposed to have a bodyguard at this point, but they were talking about Harry Potter, which was top secret.

"What are you waiting for?"

When passing by a corridor, she heard someone say.

Pomona looked in that direction, a Ravenclaw boy was trying to invite a Gryffindor girl, his friends were urging him.

The boy mustered up his courage, walked up to the girl, they said something, the boy smiled politely, and then returned to his friend with a blank expression.

"How?" the friend asked hopelessly.

"She has already agreed to someone else." The boy who invited him wrinkled his facial features. "I should have asked earlier."

His friend patted him on the shoulder "Let's go together then."

The two disappeared down the corridor together.

Pomona tilted her head in thought.

Did she make a mistake?

"Good afternoon, Professor." Dumbledore stood on the stairs upstairs. "Are you free?"

"Of course, Headmaster." Pomona walked up the steps and walked up to Dumbledore.

"I heard you're going out today," said Dumbledore.

"Minerva is in a bad mood, I'll go have a drink or two with her," Pomona said.

"Don't drink too much." Dumbledore said, "You have class tomorrow."

Pomona was shocked, it was not like what Dumbledore said.

At this time, he was already walking up the stairs, looking a little strenuous, as if he was old.

Dumbledore chose to send Harry away from the wizarding world in order to give him a better growth environment.

Petunia has been jealous of Lily since she was a child, not only does Lily have magical powers that she admires, but in general, Petunia is a well-behaved girl who helps her mother do the dishes instead of trying to drive Mr Evans crazy with new music and a boyfriend .

She just wouldn't treat Harry as her own like the Potters treated Sirius, how bad could it be?

"It doesn't matter, it smells better than dung bombs," Barnaby said. "I once washed it for two days before the smell went away."

"Someone throw dung bombs at you?" Charlie said startled.

"No, they put it under the bed," said Barnaby, sitting on the railing in the hallway. "It took two months for the smell to go away in the room."

"So that's when you practiced that hand in the dungeon?" Bill asked.

Barnaby nodded.

"I understand them. They think my whole family is crazy. I will go crazy like them sooner or later. On the day the mysterious man met me, my father who hadn't spoken to me for a long time suddenly told me that if I could become like the mysterious man If I'm strong, I can do anything."

"What?" Bill asked in shock.

"Which surprises you more? I can be as powerful as You-Know-Who, or can I do anything?" Barnaby asked.

Neither Bill nor Charlie could speak.

"This is my family." Barnaby stood up with a smile. "I don't agree with them, so they hate me, and even wish I had never been born. There is always something interesting about Slytherin's childhood."

"But you're not a Slytherin," Bill said.

"Is there a difference? It doesn't matter what color robes we wear, what matters is what color we are in the eyes of others. You have treated me very well, so I don't want to involve you. I understand your 'joke'. "

Neither Bill nor Charlie spoke.

"I have classes this afternoon, bye," said Barnaby, and walked away.

"I thought a Ravenclaw would come to our house for Christmas at last," Charlie said to Bill.

Bill ruffles Charlie's hair and walks with his arms around his shoulders.

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