Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2807 Red Hunger (9)

There is a legend that if someone finds a four-leaf clover, that person will become very lucky, so Muggles often look for this "lucky clover" among the weeds.

There is a botanist in old Felixstowe in south-east England who cultivates in his greenhouse a special species of belladonna that produces lavender flowers that are different from common belladonna. It once faced extinction because there were always a group of overzealous people looking for it and destroying it in their hands, just like people who find clover and put it in their hands, play with it for a while, and then throw it away. up.

The botanist could not sit idly by and plucked the fruits of these particular belladonnas, protected them, and helped them perpetuate. This caused the lavender belladonna to eventually become extinct from Muggle eyes, but persisted in the wizarding world. The Muggles didn't feel much either. To them, it was just a flower missing from the weeds.

Besides belladonna special, he also has nettle dioica, both of which are poisonous, but belladonna is a muscle relaxant, and it is for this effect that the Spaniards put it in their eyes. , make your eyes more charming.

After adding belladonna to the common wound cleanser, it will not hurt so much to sterilize the wound, so there is no need to put sleeping potions in Vera's food as before.

But even if there is no pain, the wound will still produce foul-smelling smoke, and there is no ventilation in the dungeon, so Barnaby's confinement becomes this, and he has to "maintain good ventilation" while cleaning the wound ", so as not to smoke the Slytherin teachers and students next door.

In addition, there was the excrement of the horned beasts. In short, Barnaby was stinking after the confinement, and anyone who wanted to have an appetite would stay away from him.

The only one who would be near him at this point was Charlie, who offered to take care of the pack beast, and then they both stink.

Bill joked that if he couldn't find someone to date, let Barnaby invite Charlie to the celestial ball.

In a piece of Hogwarts school history, the dungeon once held a little dragon brought back from India by Salazar Slytherin's father. It was raised by iron chains and usually slept until one day, almost A Muggle kid ran into the castle and asked Salazar to wake the dragon up for them to see.

Slytherin lost his mother, and Hogwarts gained the school motto of Sleeping Dragon, Do Not Disturb.

Barnaby actually had admirers. Esmeralda Mook wrote in his diary that his eyes were very shining.

Muck's diary is in Emily's hands. Although they don't know what's so funny about making the contents of other people's diaries public, they still laugh loudly.

Minerva deducted 15 points from Emily in a Transfiguration class, and they've been quieter since.

Then there is the investigation about Helios Black. The Black family has always been "abundant" with handsome men and beautiful women. Even though Helios Black is dead and his head is still in his arms, he is still very handsome.

In fact, Helios Black is a bit ignorant, at least not like his junior Sirius Black, who knows everything, and even how he died was "a gust of wind".

After his death, he still loves to play around, often riding horses with other ghosts to "chasing" in the castle, but he is not as physical as Peeves, and he can also get books off the library shelves.

He still remembers the map and the notes, but he didn't draw the map, but he found it from a camp near the North Ford swamp that was covered in blood and looked like it had been attacked of some sort , he intuitively thought it was the work of a goblin. He followed the map to find the cave, and died.

The wound on his neck was neat, and it wasn't caused by something like a mace.

Then Pomona took the "reluctant" Liz away.

Little girls don't know how to feel safe, anyway, Helios Black makes Pomona feel very unreliable, whether he is a ghost or not.

Once a person is in love, he starts to deceive himself, and always ends up deceiving others.

The reason why Liz lied is as simple as that.

In addition to being used to make potions, nettles are also food for heartworms. In the past, there were several broods of heartworms in the deserted courtyard now called Geometry Gardens. Pomona moved them all into the tower of the castle. Gave it up to the bees.

Carter is currently teaching all grades "Calling God to Guard", using this spell requires happy memories, just as the Christmas holiday is approaching, even if there are no happy memories, you can create them during the holiday.

Many people think that heartworms, like parasitic wasps, cause damage to honey bees. In fact, stealing bees do not collect flowers to make honey, they will pretend to be members of the bee family to share honey.

Parasitic wasps are divided into external parasitism and internal parasitism. External parasitism means killing the larvae of the host, occupying the nest like a cuckoo, and letting the worker bees gather honey to support themselves. Internal parasitism is to lay eggs in the host body and even control the host.

Sad bugs can also produce honey, but the happy bees can't be happy after eating the honey they produce, and they don't have the energy and don't want to produce honey. The honey is gradually replaced by sad bug honey.

"Why don't you think more about flowers," Pomona said to herself, returning to the office after feeding the sad bugs.

It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said.

Severus came in.

"What's the matter? Mr. Dean." Pomona said jokingly.

"Do you know about the World Potions Championships for Wizarding Schools?" he asked.

"You mean the golden cauldron that is held every seven years?" asked Pomona.

"How many years do we have to prepare?" He sat down on the chair opposite her.

Pomona suddenly realized, and counted with his fingers.

He grinned maliciously.

So she put her hands behind her back.

"The last time we competed was in 1981, we were at war." He restrained his smile and said, "Do you think it is possible for Bill Weasley to represent the school in the competition?"

"He's a very talented student, but I hear he wants to be a spellbreaker," Pomona said.

"Then has he thought of other possibilities?"

"I'm afraid that's something to talk to him about," Pomona said.

"If there is any choice, it's better to plan ahead." Severus said and stood up, "Don't wait for the good ones to be picked away."

Pomona looked at him inexplicably.

"Are you going to the celestial ball alone?" he asked.

"I didn't think about going."

He looked at her for a long time without speaking.

"What about Christmas?" he said dryly.

"Carter gave me an invitation to a Ministry of Magic party at Christmas, but I wasn't planning on going."

"So how are you going to spend Christmas?"

"Sleep here," said Pomona.

Not knowing what provoked him, Snape turned and left her office, slamming the door shut on purpose before leaving.

"Weird." She muttered, taking the tome out of the shelf and putting it on the desk.

An armchair, a butterbeer, and a book, that's her vacation plan.

Of course, many people will be given presents with owls. Fortunately, she made a gift list.

When she opened the book, a pink petal fell.

It had been taxidermied and faded, staining old books pink.

She held the petal, thinking about when it fell in, and there were many images in her memory, none of which matched it.

But she remembered the "Boy King" who was reading on the second floor of the second-hand bookstore and in the music classroom. How is he doing now?

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