Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2804 Red Hunger (6)

It snowed again while the boat was on the River Pitt, which was nothing new in Scotland, but the students on the boat still found it funny and reached out to catch the snowflakes.

When the boat came to Lower Hogme Village, two villagers came. They were both Hogwarts students. They took Hagrid's place to lead the fleet to Irondale, and they also delivered goods there.

Although there is no grass in Irondale, there is still a kind of fire weed growing. It has a strong aroma and acrid taste, and is very tough. It only needs to cut off two inches long branches and insert them into the soil to survive. .

It will open a small red flower that looks like a bird. The leaves can be used to make memory potions and cough medicines. In addition, it can also be used to make drinks, although the taste of fire weed itself is bitter. Mixed with other fruity drinks will form a special flavor.

It used to be the favorite of the miners, but now the miners are gone, but the bar is still open, and its location is easy to find. The Goblins had chosen Irondale because the Mine Falls flowed through it, and the Falls drove the waterwheels. The water of the waterfall is poured into the canal together with the water of the river, so that the boat can travel, and the bar is at the junction of the waterfall and the canal.

The students were very happy to hear the two seniors' narration, and they all said that they must try it. It makes people feel that they are here to play rather than being locked up.

These juniors were lucky enough to escape the period of the Dark Lord's reign that Emily and Bill experienced when they entered school. Bill was a freshman at the time, Emily was in second grade, and Pomona and Minerva were busy outside of school, and the students were pretty much "self-governing." Emily always stands in front of the first years, facing the Slytherins who "dare to fight her".

Emily's "Dizzy" is fast and accurate, even if she is only in the second grade, some seniors who only focus on using powerful spells but only stand still are not her opponents.

The description of hell always reminds people of the various tortures in each layer of hell, and the purpose of torture is to torture. Although the Cruciatus Curse does not produce those bloody visual effects, it causes no less torture and pain. There was a fight, and the opposite side used the Cruciatus Curse on Emily. Emily was hit, but she didn't fall down because of it. After lying in Madam Pomfrey's place for a night and drinking medicine, she was still alive and well the next day.

Emily's grades were not as bad as Pomona thought. She got 5 o's in the owls exam, which is really good in Gryffindor. But doing an internship at the Daily Prophet is not based on grades. Just like Pomona believed last year, even if Emily's grades are poor, it doesn't affect her ability to be a "reporter" like Rita Kiester.

Bill had always wanted to invite Emily, but he never got the chance to "order" her, but on the day he went to Irondale, she was on the order.

Finally the boat docked, and the students washed ashore like a flock of sheep that had been locked up for a long time, and there was no one left in the blink of an eye.

"You're here for detention, too?" asked Burnaby, looking at Pomona.

"Go away," she said fiercely, and jumped from the boat.

Barnaby shrugged and helped the former students carry the goods.

Not every family is happy and happy. The mysterious man is not only good at creating conflicts among enemies, but also makes Death Eaters compete with each other. In order to "compete for favor", the "servants" have tried their best, and even created conflicts to a certain extent. The family is not harmonious.

In fact, compared to St. Catchpole Village, there were many other villages near Hogwarts where she could live. She didn't have to take little Snape so far to live in a log cabin.

But she felt that she could "nearly" observe what a happy family looks like there.

In addition to being used for divination, sage (salvia) also gets its name from the Latin salveo, which means to save.

There is another saying that comes from the Latin salvare, which means safe.

What could be more attractive to a woman than this scent?

Pomona turned her head and looked at Severus Snape who was standing in the snow. Like a normal person, he would exhale white mist when he breathed.

"Long time no see, senior." He smiled hypocritically and said, "Why did you come to Irondale?"

"It's time for me to ask you, are you looking for something to eat?" Pomona said with a smile.

"I saw a carriage leaving the school this morning, and it was delivering goods again?" Snape asked.

It wasn't dawn when Rudy and the others left, didn't he sleep?

"I'm worried about Rita Skeeter right now," Pomona said.

"She can't even see her shadow now, why are you worried about her?"

"She put eyeliner in the school, and I'm afraid it's not just Emily," Pomona said resignedly.

"What are you going to do?" He folded his arms around his chest.

"I wanted to cause some 'trouble' for Barnaby," Pomona said. "It's part of the trial."

He seemed a little upset, perhaps a little scared, but didn't say it.

"I want to ask you a favor," said Pomona.


"I wanted a 'quick test,'" Pomona said, "that would serve the purpose of the test without causing too much danger."

"What about your original plan?" he asked.

"First I need to find them. They don't have two-way mirrors." Pomona turned and left after saying that.

She pulled her thin cloak tight against the biting cold.

After walking for a while, she looked up at the waterfall. Just behind the waterfall was the entrance to the secret passage behind the mirror on the fourth floor. Rudy and the others wouldn't run into it.

She climbed up the rugged mountain road, and when she was out of breath, she saw a sign that said "Entrance of Hell". I deliberately changed the i in the middle of the sign to e.

This place can also be regarded as a "historical site". Irondale was once one of the main battlefields of the Goblin Rebellion, because it is said that Irondale is the seat of the Goblin Command.

The news of stationing troops here is much more credible than the news of digging tunnels to Hogwarts. Apart from the fact that the sword of Gryffindor is a sacred object of goblins, what else can attract them in Hogwarts?

A large number of wizards and goblins died in the tunnels, and their blood attracted red hats and now tourists.

"I hate this place." She muttered, walking in the direction of the sign, and suddenly there was a creepy scream from the bottom of the mountain.

She ran to the viewing platform and was about to lean over to see it, but when she climbed the steps, all the dogs in the village started barking.

She first saw a black shadow, and when the black shadow walked in a little, she saw clearly that it was a person riding a horse. However, when the "knight" got closer, she saw clearly that it was a mountain giant riding a horse. A pack beast was sprinting this way, snowflakes splashing like foam and footsteps thundering as they ran.

The horned beasts were already nearly extinct, and Scamander retrieved a pair and restocked them in the Forbidden Forest.

In history, there are records of mountain giants taming horned beasts, but giant monsters are not good at manipulating them, and as horned beasts are hunted down by humans, giants have to walk on their own legs.

Pomona was so angry that she told Snape "Quiz", was this a "Quiz"?

She immediately apparated to the path that the mountain troll and the horned beast must pass, and when she looked at them, she understood why someone screamed just now. The giant monster weighs a ton, and the horned beast Self-respect, it was like a mountain running towards her.

The villagers ran out of the house with their families, as well as the lower grade students, they were all running towards the pier.

Pomona took out his wand, and was just about to throw a flying sand and stone at the ground, when a huge net suddenly covered the horned beast and the mountain troll.

It looks a lot like the eight-eyed spider's web, but the spider's silk is not that thick. This web has strong toughness, at least temporarily trapping the giant monster and the horned beast together.

But it will be a matter of time before they break free.

Pomona unleashes a red spark into the sky, then walks towards the troll.

"Go back!" Barnaby grabbed Pomona's shoulders and walked past her towards the scene.

Pomona slowed down, but did not run away like the others.

Barnaby ran towards the two hills without drawing his wand. After all, the troll was more flexible than the horned beast, and he still had a mace in his hand. He was the first to break free from the snare, roaring and charging towards Barnaby.

"Fool!" Pomona yelled "Watch out for his..."

Before she could finish speaking, the troll had thrown the mace straight at Barnaby.

Barnaby nimbly dodged the mace's throw, and a fine scale appeared on his left hand, which looked like some kind of armor.

Even though he dodged the direct blow, the corners of Barnaby's mouth were still bleeding. He raised his right hand with two rings on it, stained the rings with blood, kissed the bloody rings, and pointed his hands at the The running monster.

The speed of the troll was obviously slow, or he was tripped by the tripping spell.

"Hellshoon," Severus said, not knowing when it appeared.

Before Pomona could ask him what it was, the troll was lying on the ground and screaming in pain.

Trolls wear leather clothing, but they don't wear shoes, because their feet have a thick layer of leather, like a pair of socks, which the mountain troll didn't wear, but now he did.

The shoes must have caused him great pain, and he tried to take them off, but could not.

Barnaby lowered his hand, his eyes turned to the horned beast.

"Why not continue?" Pomona asked.

"Barnaby's boots aren't his, it's his ring," Severus said. "And that spell probably won't work on pack animals."

Seeing that the pack animal was about to break free, the troll picked up another boulder and threw it at Barnaby.

"Stop!" Barnaby said to the troll. "I don't want to hurt you!"

"That's what you brought in?" Pomona asked.

"I hope so." Snape sneered.

Pomona didn't know what was going on, but the pack beast had broken free, and it was running not toward the mountain troll, but toward the village.

"Merlin's beard," she muttered, trying to Apparate.

"Kill him." Liz Stewart suddenly appeared and yelled at Barnaby, "That troll has lost his mind, he's the goblin king's war machine."

"What did you say?" said Barnaby.

"Look at the helmet on his head!" Liz pointed to the helmet on the mountain troll's head. "The goblin king uses it to control the troll."

"What if light ruins the helmet?" asked Barnaby.

Liz didn't have time to answer, and the horned beast had already rushed forward.

"Is this the kindness you want?" Severus sneered.

Pomona didn't argue with him, because she remembered Horcruxes, and Barnaby's fate-like gift.

Barnaby may feel pain, which can already be seen from his expression, and pain is exactly what black magic requires.

He stained the second ring on his right hand with blood, then punched the ground.

"Interesting," Severus said.

"What's interesting?" Pomona asked.

"That's a Teutonic-Scandinavian custom, a blood-stained oath." Severus said, "Strictly speaking, it's not black magic, but an oath to the gods, asking for help."

Pomona seemed to hear a horse neighing and thought he was hallucinating.

Then the surrounding temperature suddenly increased, and the thin snow melted, but the water only existed for a few seconds before turning into steam, exposing the gravel on the ground.

The surface warped, as a summer pavement would look after it had been scorched by the sun, and then the fire ignited.

The fire was not a natural fire, because it ignited the cobweb, and the fire spread rapidly along the web.

The fire grew stronger, and then a flaming horse emerged from the fire, and it ran towards the troll with its flaming hoofs raised.

Even though the troll was under control, he still wanted to escape, but the corpse leg boots made him immobile, and the horse transformed by Fiendfire quickly set him on fire.

Pomona couldn't bear to look straight at that, she looked to Liz, who was concentrating on the horned beast in front of her.

Perhaps because of seeing the horror of the giant monster, the horn pack's charge speed was not so fast. At this time, Liz knelt on one knee, and the horn pack also stopped.

Fiercefire quickly took the troll's life, destroying the helm holding him at the same time, and they were reduced to ashes together.

They were clearly in Scotland in mid-winter, but at this moment it was as hot as a desert in summer.

It took Liz a minute to get down on one knee before the horned beast lowered its head.

Pomona noticed that it had a lot of scars on its body. Who could hurt a horned beast like this?

Liz stood up slowly, and she slowly approached the horned beast, not knowing what to say to it.

Then the horned beast turned and left, and everyone watched as it disappeared.

"I've been tracking this horned beast for over a year," Liz told the crowd. "It's left the herd and the reserve."

"I'm glad to hear that," Severus scowled.

At this time, Rudy and the others rode the Thestrals to the sky above them.

"What happened?" Rudy asked aloud.

Pomona didn't bother to talk to him, the police came before them.

"I'd like a drink, would you like to come?" Pomona asked.

"Who are you?" asked Barnaby.

"You can call her Mistress," said Snape, walking away with Pomona.

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