Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2803 Red Hunger (5)

Snape assigned a three-foot-long paper for the sixth grade, documenting the role of armadillo bile in a sobering agent, due on the same day as the celestial ball, and "everyone" complained.

Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 did not participate in the celestial dance, grade 7 was busy with employment and internship issues, and grade 5 was busy preparing for the Owls exam and employment consultation, which related to how many certificates they would get in the Owls exam.

Snape, who had just become the dean, didn't know that he was going to do employment counseling. As the "youngest" professor and dean in the history of Hogwarts, he didn't realize this. It was Pomona who reminded him, He just remembered.

It pissed him off, he'd done careers counseling himself in fifth year, but it was quickly superseded by following the Dark Lord's grand ideals.

He is in a bad mood, so no one thinks about it. If someone doesn't hand in homework on time...it's okay, because of the employment direction, not everyone needs to get a certificate for the potion newts exam, and not everyone will Continued to take Potions after sixth grade, so only a small number of people were affected.

What really made him hateful was that he and Filch caught students who violated the school rules. The trophies in the trophy room had been wiped shiny by the students, and it was unnecessary to continue to polish them.

Along the tributary of the Piyu River, after bypassing the mine, there is a village named Irondale in the swamp area. The original founder here was a goblin mining in the surrounding area, but as the mine veins dried up, the original residents All gone, the village was replaced by newly arrived wizards.

The goblins built a canal in the village to facilitate their transportation of ore and living supplies. Due to years of burning fire and iron, no grass grew near the village. But ironware is abundant here, and Hagrid's mission is to get the students to bring back the horseshoes he ordered.

The time to replace the horseshoes is generally not fixed. After the snow falls, the carriage to Hogsmeade will be unusable due to the snow. During this time, both horses and people are free. Horseshoes are also a gift accepted by a few centaurs, especially those tasked with patrolling borders, whose hooves are often worn down by the long journey. At this time, they usually give some fragrant brocade leaves and the like, the plants they collected in the Forbidden Forest in exchange. After all, no matter how bad-tempered a neighbor is, he is also a neighbor.

It was a Hogsmeade day when the confinement men went to Irondale, and they could go by boat, but only before the river froze over. In fact, Hogsmeade is just like that after going too many times. There are only a few shops to turn over and over again. It is still acceptable to go to other places and see different customs and customs, provided there is no trouble.

The giants who had wars with humans in history have disappeared, but there are many giant monsters. They have huge appetites and eat any kind of meat. They are not completely without intelligence. At least they know that low temperature can prolong the shelf life of food. There is a group of mountain troll robbers who will steal and rob before entering the winter. No one knows which village they will attack.

Medieval castles served as shelters in times of war, taking in villagers from nearby villages, and their strong walls provided a defense that wooden dwellings could not.

What they have to face is not the wind and rain, but the destructive siege tools such as siege engines and rams. The giants do not have such wisdom. They use maces as weapons just like primitive people.

When a person is trying to kill another person, it doesn't make much difference whether he is holding a mace or a sword in his hand. The "stick" in the troll's hand is similar to a stake. It is better to use an axe than a sword to chop. What's more, the power they generated after rounding them is not inferior to that of the ram, and it is meaningless to block them with shields.

Skill can make up for the power gap to a certain extent, but the gap is too great for skill to reverse the gap.

It's useless to "influence" them through speeches. The intelligence of trolls can't understand what people are saying. They only know that they are hungry and they will eat when they are hungry. Creatures, they often appear in children's bedtime stories.

Since they were going by boat, they gathered at the dock, and the road from the castle to the dock was full of chattering, noisy or excited students. Pomona didn't need to wear an invisibility cloak anymore, and just put on her school uniform and mixed into the crowd.

The road must pass through the Arch Courtyard, where there is a fountain of the horse-shaped monster, and the place is usually occupied by Emily Taylor and her friends.

Emily was alone today for some reason, and she looked really pretty when she wasn't talking, like a quiet girl in a poem with a unicorn.

"Everyone, come here!" Hagrid yelled from the boarding place.

As soon as the others started moving in that direction, Bill Weasley appeared, and he came to Emily's side nervously.

Bill is only in fifth grade now, and based on the information Pomona got from Minerva, he seems to want to be a spellbreaker.

With his grades, it is easy to pass the owls exam, and there is no hard and fast rule that the fifth grade is not allowed to participate in the celestial dance.

But asking Emily Taylor as a dance partner, is he serious?

Pomona didn't rush to go with the others, staying in a corner where they couldn't see, because it was too far away, Pomona couldn't hear what Bill said, and then Emily suddenly laughed.

"You invited me to the dance with you?" Emily asked in a raspy voice.

The smile disappeared from Bill's face, and he took a step back.

"I will only go with good people, do you think you are good?" Emily continued to ask Bill.

Bill was left speechless by her question.

"Besides, I also don't think you can wear a dress that 'fits' with me." Emily looked Bill's clothes up and down. "Or are you going to wear that hat that your Brazilian friend gave you?"

Pomona had heard from the girls at the cooking club that some joined Emily's gang simply because they were "friends" to Emily so they wouldn't be teased by her.

Castro Buscher held an exchange program where European students could go to learn about the flora and fauna of South America. Bill was a pen pal with one of Castro Buscher's students. He wanted to join the exchange program, but Bill declined because The Weasleys couldn't pay for that. In a fit of rage, the pen pal squeezed a cursed hat for Bill as a Christmas present. Unknowingly, Bill unwrapped the gift in the lounge and put it on, which made Bill's ears wrinkle on the spot, even though he was very sad. He will soon undo the spell for himself.

"Let's go!" Pomona put on the appearance of a senior student, and yelled at the students of the lower grades, "If you miss the boat, you will have to go on foot."

There are others who intend to stay and watch, but they are either pushed away by Pomona or dragged away by their companions.

"Ugly!" Charlie appeared out of nowhere, rushed in front of Bill, and protected him behind him. "No one invited you except my brother!"

"That's because they have self-knowledge, they can't meet my requirements." Emily said to Charlie coldly.

"I really don't know what kind of person can satisfy her vision." A boy said.

Socrates once said to a young man who was broken in love: You should thank the person who abandoned you and bless her. Her rejection is not not giving you a chance, but giving you a new chance to find happiness.

Pomona felt that Emily and Mary were different. Emily only wanted to find someone who observed the world from the same perspective as her.

Although Bill is confident, he is not as confident as Emily. If we break up, we will find a more suitable one.

At this moment, Pomona saw a, no, three dog heads protruding from Hagrid's arms, and he actually brought Lu Wei out to show the children.

Seeing this kind of strange dog for the first time, the students were very curious, but no one dared to touch it, because Lu Wei looked so fierce.

Whether it was an "accident" that capsized, someone fell into the water, or was bitten by Lu Wei, Pomona hurried there, hoping it was not too late.

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