Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2779 Lament of the Moon (12)

Since Remus Lupin had a bad birthday, James Potter, who shares his birthday in the same month, also had a bad birthday. So on the last Hogsmeade day in April, they came to the Hog's Head pub.

The three broomsticks are almost a must-go place for Hogwarts students. After returning, James "doesn't want to be too noticeable", and he doesn't want to go to a place like a teahouse for his birthday.

James asked for a bottle of Firewhiskey, and Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of the Hog's Head, acted like "he cared" and brought glasses and liquor for the four of them.

"We should order something," Pomona said. "Drinking on an empty stomach is bad for the stomach."

"You're going to eat the food here?" Sirius gestured to Pomona to look at the bar's centuries-old, greasy floor.

So she immediately dismissed the idea.

Flame whiskey is not sipped slowly like butterbeer, but to be drunk in one gulp. Obviously, James and Sirius had the experience of drinking whiskey before, and they drank it skillfully. Pomona couldn't let the two of them look down on them, and drank it in one gulp.

On the contrary, Peter, he saw that Pomona drank, and then imitated their way of drinking. As a result, he almost choked on the wine and kept coughing.

No one cared about him, James waved to Pomona and Sirius swaggeringly, "Where's my birthday present?"

Pomona took out the prepared gift box from his pocket, Sirius said "wait a minute" and left the bar.

"What's this?" James picked up the gift from Pomona.

"Night-vision goggles, you can see even in the dark," Pomona said.

James didn't seem to be very interested in the ordinary-looking glasses, anyway, he didn't put them on right away.

"This is my present." Peter took out a small box from his pocket.

"Thank you." James said with a smile, and directly opened the gift box Peter gave him.

Inside is a Snitch, which James loves even though he already has many.

They waited for Sirius, but he still didn't come, so they chatted about the haunted mirror on the fourth floor.

It has not been a year or two since the mirror was haunted. Combining the personal experiences of previous witnesses and hijackers, the mirror is turned on almost every three months, but not on any day of the month.

"The winter solstice happened to be three days before Christmas last year, and the one that Peter discovered happened to be the vernal equinox." James said, "I think the next day leading to the opening of the special secret passage should be June 21, which is the summer solstice."

"I agree." Pomona said, thinking of the zodiac sign in front of the mirror entrance, which is divided according to the sun's revolution in the zodiac. In equatorial areas, such as Egypt, the moon is chosen because There the waxing and waning of the moon is more obvious than the changing seasons.

If it weren't for the heat wave of 1976, it would be hard for the British to feel what a real summer is. Humans are one of the species least sensitive to seasons. Plants will germinate in spring and bear fruit in autumn, and animals will hibernate and migrate. Especially in modern civilization, even less attention is paid to the regularity of seasons.

Every March, Britain will enter daylight saving time. This is the idea of ​​Franklin in the United States. He has been accustomed to the life of American farms. Adjust it forward by one hour in summer, and adjust it back in October.

Most people are diurnal, and some people like to live at night. During the day, others are still sleeping when they go to work. At night, they need to light candles to see things. It just so happened that the shallow coal mining in Britain was exhausted in the early 20th century. Anxiety about how much longer the coal will last, the nation is thinking about ways to conserve energy, and daylight saving time is one of those ways.

There has also been a debate about when the human day begins. The Italians start with sunset, Babylon begins with sunrise, and astronomical timekeeping begins with noon. Eventually, these timekeeping methods are all replaced by French timekeeping. The clock is divided into 12 equal divisions, starting the day at midnight.

The nightlife in France is wonderful and rich. The United States in Franklin's era had not experienced "pioneering", so why don't you go to bed early at night?

In addition to the round astrolabe, the clock is also round. A well-crafted watch is very suitable as a family heirloom and passed down from generation to generation.

At the beginning, the clock only had the hour hand, without the minute and second hands. It was not until the 16th century that the minutes and seconds appeared on the dial, but these were meaningless to the flame lily.

South Africa only has a rainy season and a dry season. The winter and spring season from October to next March is its breeding season. After the rainy season, it will go dormant. During the dormant period, the leaves will be chlorotic, and it will be "woke up" when the temperature changes.

It also needs light, but darkness is more conducive to storage, and the requirements for ventilation are not high, and there are no special requirements for photoperiod when flowering.

The sundial is an easy-to-see ornament in the garden. The winter solstice, vernal equinox, summer solstice, and autumnal equinox all have specific positions. When the sun shines on these positions, the secret channel of the mirror is opened.

"What are you discussing?" Sirius came back at this moment, holding a package in his hand.

"Talk about that damn mirror," James said. "Is that what you gave me?"

"Open it and have a look." Sirius handed it to James, it didn't have a beautiful package, it was just wrapped in kraft paper.

James ripped open the package roughly, and inside was a mirror.

"What are you doing to me with a mirror!" James yelled.

"This is not an ordinary mirror." Sirius said, and took out another mirror from his arms. "This is a double-sided mirror. We won't be so boring next time we are in confinement."

James turned the mirror to his own face, but he saw Sirius's instead.

Pomona craned her neck, realizing that the mirror in Sirius' hand was looking at James.

With this thing, it will be very convenient when exploring underground. If they walked farther last time, they couldn't hear Alice's voice, and it would be bad if they didn't know that the door was closed.

As they drank, they talked about Filch, and his annoying cat, and since Mrs. Loris, nocturnal people were getting caught more and more easily.

Of course Sirius and James in sixth grade didn't have to worry about being caught because of this, but they were worried about Remus. He had promised before coming to school that he would only spend his transformation in a safe house near the school. Now that the secret of the Screaming Shack has been discovered by "Snotlone", where will he transform when he returns to school?

Then they talked again about the surveillance map, which they hadn't touched for two months.

Talking about this matter, even Zuko couldn't arouse their interest. Even though it was still dark and it was still early before the stipulated time to go back to school, they left Hogsmeade.

Who told them to be "buddies" in a dormitory? Remus will graduate smoothly, and it won't end early because of the "snot-nosed" snitch.

After returning to school, Pomona took them to the cultural relics room, where the jewelry box with the Goblet of Fire was placed on a display stand.

"I heard from relatives that only the headmaster can open this 'turtle shell'." James looked at Sirius and said, "Can you convince the headmaster to open it?"

"I have a better idea," Sirius said. "My great-great-grandfather was the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and I can use his wand."

James raised his hand and gave Sirius a high five.

Pomona couldn't help but smirk again, she still remembered that Sirius successfully transformed for the first time, she asked him to raise his "claw", and he really did.

James always joked about it, telling him why he might as well just become a pet.

Then Pomona remembered her own tortoise, which was gone when she returned to her dorm room after school one day.

Why does the school rule that everyone "must" buy a pet? Some people are not suitable for keeping pets at all. Even if they buy them because of the school's requirements, they will eventually abandon them. Love does not depend on forceful instillation.

She prefers to believe that the seed of kindness is to help others as much as she can when they are suffering. From this point, Pomona felt that Sirius and James were not all bad.

"I saw Evans in Hogsmeade just now." Pomona said suddenly.

James almost jumped up, and Sirius looked at her calmly.

"You don't call her Lily anymore?"

"We had a fight." She smiled wryly. "I found it really hard for me to be friends with girls."

"Are you going to Hogsmeade now?" Sirius asked James.

"No!" James said calmly. "She'll be back soon."

Pomona discovers that James has really changed.

She glanced at Sirius, but couldn't see the anger from his expression.

"Let's go, let's go to the nursery!" She said as an order.

"Why go to the nursery?" James asked.

"You'll know later." Pomona said pretending to be mysterious, and left the cultural relics room.

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