Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2778 Lament of the Moon (11)

Fluorescence is a course that Hogwarts first-year freshmen must master in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The reason why it is classified as Defense Against the Dark Arts instead of Charms is because of its ability to drive away dark creatures.

Pomona sat up straight from the hot water, letting her face rise to the surface.

The place she was in at the moment was the teacher's bathroom at Hogwarts. Unlike the prefect's bathroom, it was decorated in red sandstone and the floor was covered with marble. It was said that it was built in imitation of Pompeii's baths.

There are no mermaids in the floor-to-ceiling windows, but a mural of people dancing to music.

Tarantella dancing spell is also a must-learn course for first-year students. They only need to let a pear jump over the table. It commemorates a wizard who used this spell to make a volcano dance and then Pompeii disappeared, until the 18th century when the city was excavated and the teachers' bathrooms at Hogwarts were installed The water pipes were renovated during the period and became what they are now.

Before she got dizzy, she left the bath along the steps in the water and came to the shore.

The authentic ancient Roman baths should be massaged at this time, but the teacher's bathroom is not built like this for enjoyment.

According to the investigation records of Langley, that is, the owner of the withered bones, the space behind the mirror contains not only ghost corpses and devil nets, but also other dark creatures, but the cause of his death was not being attacked by dark creatures.

He lived in an era before lumos was invented, and like most wizards, he chose to use fire against ghouls and devil's webs, which caused the fire to spread rapidly in the tunnels.

At first he was worried that the oxygen would be exhausted, but before he suffocated due to lack of oxygen, the "killer" hidden underground appeared.

In South Africa, there is a kind of weeping flower called fire lily. Whenever the wildfire ignites and the surrounding smoke billows like purgatory, it is a good time for it to spread pollen. It is usually non-flowering, and only when the land becomes scorched and its competitors are burned to ashes, will it bloom bright and vivid red flowers from its roots, attracting the attention of all surviving pollinators. At the same time, because the pollen of the weeping tube flower is very small, it will use the wind, in short, it will use all means to occupy this land.

It is a close relative of the poisonous tentacle, but it does not move like the poisonous tentacle itself. This plant is also called a spider's web. If the butterfly does not hit the spider's web, the flightless spider cannot catch it. Its leaves, flowers, and even its pollen are highly poisonous. Langley was poisoned after inhaling the pollen of red flowers emerging from the roots, but with his last strength he escaped to the place closest to the exit, and wrote own experience.

The plant in the mine is already as thick as an arbor, but it is not without "rivals". European dodder is also a dark creature, because it has no roots and lives entirely by absorbing hosts, which caused the weeping tube flower to grow. The root system cannot spread outside the burrow.

That is to say, this thing cannot be destroyed by burning, but will kill the dodder that restricts it. But its flowers look very smart and lovely, and it smells sweet.

It's a beautiful trap, it's so easy to get in, it's purely for flowering.

When human beings eliminated the "natural enemies" that could pose a threat to themselves, such as the Peruvian Venomous Dragon, the remaining enemies are human beings themselves.

Everything in the tunnel, except perhaps the dodder, was not formed naturally, and nature even played an unexpected restrictive role. This plant longs for forest fires, not caring what will happen to the unicorns and centaurs who live in it if the Forbidden Forest burns down.

Don't think that plants grow silently, they are also calculating, this silent competition is not familiar to humans, and nature is not always beautiful, full of flowers and butterflies.

The predecessors explored the unknown world, accumulated experience, and left it for future generations to learn, so that they can better understand the world and how to deal with those threats in a clean, bright, and safe classroom. But there is a difference between theory and actual combat. Boggarts in nature will not be trapped in a magic circle like the Boggarts in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, waiting for the little wizards to say "funny funny" to it .

Pomona hadn't expected that the fuchsia that Severus had used against werewolves would come in handy.

The Mountain-Moving Curse is also powerful, but when used in a duel, it is interrupted by "Expelling Your Weapon". If the caster is strong enough to use wandless magic like the invincible Andros, "Expelling You "Your weapon" is naturally useless, but can humans do this?

Of course, everyone is very unwilling to lose to the tricks that children can do. But the master is merciless and pushes the children to the point where they have nowhere to go, and there may be unexpected counterattacks.

Lily's protective magic is like a mirror that "bounces" the Avada Kedavra of You-Know-Who.

The other races watched the human beings stage a scene of cannibalism, and had no intention of getting involved at all. But the ball-tunning bird has no enmity with humans, but because of its fat meat and easy to catch, it is also on the verge of extinction. The wealth in the Gringotts vault According to the agreement signed after the goblin rebellion truce, the goblins gave up the use of magic wands, but they could own the vaults of extinct wizards. For goblins, what they made is theirs, but the mysterious man "in order to protect the interests of wizards" asked the goblins to return it.

After the looted wealth was selected and classified by the mysterious person, it was handed over to different people for management. The ancestors of the Malfoy family came to England with William the Conqueror. For hundreds of years, they used the power of the royal family to annex the nearby Muggle lands.

Malfoy Manor is a large mansion with gorgeous decoration and dignified style, surrounded by well-designed gardens, with fountains, white peacocks roaming freely, and exquisite wrought iron gates that allow visitors to pass through smoke. a feeling of. The foyer was large, with portraits on the walls and a stone floor tiled almost entirely covered by a rich rug.

In addition to making hedges for enclosures, Eunonwood can also build beautiful gardens.

The underground vault of the Malfoy house mainly contains dark magic items, and those precious works of art are stored elsewhere.

Once Helen Blackwood died, those former clients didn’t have to worry about being blackmailed by her, and the maze where they stored their family’s treasures would be discovered, which also made it impossible to enter the maze without direct heirs. Obviously there is a golden mountain, but they have to live without money day.

It is precisely because of the existence of these people that Frank, Alice and other Aurors think that what the Death Eaters are looking for is the "entrance" to these mazes.

Although the secret passage is secret, it is not very dangerous, as long as it is left alone, no one will find out.

Scotland is not on a seismic zone and has no active volcanoes, but has active underground systems. Water near the surface seeps deep underground, meets hot rock, and then water and steam are ejected to the surface at high temperature and pressure.

About 400 million years ago, the earth ushered in the Devonian period. Many areas rose and exposed the sea to become land. During the Devonian period, ferns flourished, and insects and amphibians emerged. Vertebrates entered a period of rapid development, the number and types of fish-like animals increased, and modern fish bony fish began to develop, so the Devonian Period is often called the "Age of Fish".

Sirius Black is an emotional man, he was very kind to James and Remus Lupine, but when he decided to destroy the tunnel, he didn't consider whether there were any relatives he knew among these masked Death Eaters .

He hated that place, and he didn't care how many treasures were hidden in the tunnel, so he didn't leave any way out.

Sirius was still Black in a sense, even though he had been expelled from the family.

Pomona dried her hair and left the bathroom, only to hear a sheep bleating as she walked out the door.

How could there be sheep in the castle?

Following the sound, she went up the spiral staircase to the second floor. Not far away was the medical wing, where the sheep bleating came from.

"This is my friend, I swear!" cried a student "He turned into a sheep after trying the Animagus, but there are other sheep around us, and I can't tell which one he is !"

Then Pomona walked into the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey looked like she was going crazy when she saw a sheep standing on a hospital bed.

"I don't care if it's a sheep or your friend, you shouldn't have sent him to me!" Madam Pomfrey said with her waist in her hand.

"Believe me, I can recognize what he has become!" said the boy.

Pomona glanced at his school uniform. Thankfully, it wasn't Hufflepuff's.

While the boy was arguing with Madam Pomfrey, the sheep jumped off the hospital bed and chewed the flowers on the bedside table.

"Oh, no! Don't get me in trouble!" the boy yelled.

"What are you doing with that sheep?" said a student at the door.

The boy who sent his classmate here looked at the person standing at the door, and then at the sheep chewing flowers and plants.

"Sheep are not allowed in the school," said the boy at the door.

"No, you can have any animal you want as a pet, of course sheep are fine too," Pomona said.

"Go!" Madam Pomfrey said.

"I thought that sheep was you."

"Where do I look like a sheep?"

Two boys and a sheep left the hospital wing, bleating and arguing.

After a while, Madam Pomfrey calmed down.

"Should we report that someone here is practicing Animagus illegally? Dean," Madam Pomfrey said.

"I thought you couldn't remember, Poppy," Pomona said with a smile, before turning away.

Every year, the headmaster would warn the students not to go to the Forbidden Forest, and not to travel at night. Some people also violated the rules, and then they would catch up on sleep in the history of magic.

"Good night," she said in the dark.

Tonight seems to be her rounds, but she'd rather go back to her bedroom and sleep.

As Bentham said, if punishment fails to achieve the purpose of preventing recidivism, not only will the punished suffer in vain, but also the punished will waste their efforts. Only old bats and Filch can do such meaningless things. Only old Bats and Filch would do nonsense.

She would not tell the old Bat and Filch this rule, as long as which grade has a history of magic the next day, the night before will be the "peak" night tour.

Herbal medicine classes are all taught standing up. If you don’t sleep at night, you can’t fall asleep standing up no matter how tired you are the next day. In addition, there are screaming mandrakes. Instead, you sit on the bench to learn potions and medicine. Somebody can't help but fall asleep during Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Someone has to do the work, whether it's preparing potion ingredients or cleaning the castle, she doesn't have any needs in this regard, so why bother.

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