Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2772 Lament of the Moon (5)

There are two spellings for moonstone, one is "moon stone", which is probably the same as the moonstone that Muggles think of. When turning the curved gemstone, you can see a silvery white or light blue floating light, hazy like moonlight. This phenomenon is called moonlight effect, and many feldspars in nature will have it. The moon itself does not emit light, it can only reflect the light of the sun, this moonstone is sometimes used in jewelry, or as a talisman.

Another kind of "moonstone" is a stone that can emit light by itself. It is a light source and emits a soft light similar to moonlight. In "Advanced Potion Making" "treasure of treasures" ) are explained in .

It has no specific place of origin and veins, and is only graded according to factors such as its luminosity. It also has another name called "Wishing Stone". Legend has it that people wishing on it will make their wishes come true. It is often used as a potion material to make palliatives and love potions.

"I'm not going to drop the lawsuit."

"Victim" Severus Snape said coldly, in the cauldron in front of him, the potion was emitting silvery white smoke.

Pomona didn't say what would happen if Severus didn't withdraw the lawsuit against Remus and Sirius. If it wasn't for James Potter, he wouldn't be standing in front of Pomona at this moment.

In fact, James was also injured. Who in nature has seen a deer fight a wolf?

Usually it was Sirius and James working together, and sometimes adding the useless Pomona moth to attract Remus' attention, and then barely subdued Remus, and James was alone that day Even if Animagus was scratched by a werewolf afterwards, Mrs. Potter still picked James up, and Remus was picked up by his father at the same time.

This time, there were far fewer people participating under the beech trees that day.

Pomona touched his pocket and felt that his idea was absolutely stupid, so he found an excuse to leave Slughorn's potions classroom.

She didn't take out the contents of her pocket until she left the Slytherin dungeon.

It was a blue-turquoise cane handle. Not everyone recognized Ollivander’s aesthetics. A handle would be added to the outside of the wand, and sometimes it would have a magical effect, such as the handle in her hand , is anti-disarm spell, the wand will not let go no matter what.

"It's a nice handle." A slightly oily voice sounded, "Are you planning to give it to a friend?"

Pomona raised his head and saw Lucius Malfoy, who had graduated. He had changed a lot. Not only did he grow long hair, but he also held a snake-headed cane in style.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Pomona asked subconsciously.

Lucius smiled falsely.

"Miss, do I know you? Although you don't quite know who I am."

"You're Lucius Malfoy, or who else would you be?" Pomona said disgustedly, his air of pompousness actually upgraded after graduation.

"No." Lucius flicked his platinum-blond hair. "I am still the director of Hogwarts. I heard that there was a vicious bloodshed in the school. How much do you know about it?"

Pomona had heard that Lucius' father had died of dragon pox, but it wasn't obvious from the look on his face.

"I don't know anything," Pomona said, and walked down the corridor.

Soon she came to the history classroom, which was on the way to the potion classroom, so she thought for a while before walking in.

The book that Sirius found in the second-hand bookstore cannot be found on the shelf of the current Hogwarts library, but the book actually existed on the shelf of the library, and there is still a mark on the spine.

The history class books were originally in the private collection of Professor Binns, but he has not bought new books for 1,000 years. After all, he became a ghost shortly after the establishment of Hogwarts, so these books from the 15th and 16th centuries Where did it come from?

If you're going to hide a leaf, it's best to hide it in the forest.

She stood in front of a row of bookshelves.


Pomona followed the voice, and it was Lily Evans calling her.

"Do you know what happened?" Lily asked worriedly. "Why didn't Potter and Lupine go back to school?"

Pomona didn't know what to say.

Even though they both knew James, Sirius and Lily didn't know each other well, and Sirius had always been indifferent to girls.

"I asked you before, whether to stay in the wizarding world or return to the Muggle world, have you made up your mind?" Pomona asked.

The question upset Lily, and her lake-like green eyes were no longer calm.

"Although the lotus grows in the water, its roots are rooted in the mud at the bottom of the river, and the duckweed drifts with the current because its roots have not penetrated into the soil." Pomona said softly, "Don't let others tell you what you want."

"I know you don't like Mary," Lily said, "but you think it's okay for those little Death Eaters to treat her like that?"

"I didn't say anything about Mary," Pomona said.

"I told James there was nothing heroic about what he did to Sev," Lily said. "He's no different than the gang that bullied Mary."

Pomona was silent.

"Did he do something to Sev again?" Lily asked.

Pomona shook his head.

"Then what do you know? Tell me!"

"It's none of your business," Pomona said. "Severus asked you to open the door the other day, didn't you? You only opened the door because he threatened to hang on. You told him there was no point in staying there. You Go your way." Pomona said, "You neither accept 'Sif' nor James, so why do you inquire so much? Is it to satisfy curiosity? Or become a conversation between you and Mary."

Lily is angry.

"You won't get any news from me, and if you're desperate to know, you can write to James, and I think he'll write back to you. But you should know, too, what that means, if you really want to stay In the wizarding world."

"Why do I have to get married!" Lily said angrily "I can't find a job to support myself?"

"You've heard of the Imperius Curse, right? Do you know about the scandal that happened in France?" Pomona said, "There was a pure-blood wizard from Senegal whose wife was seen by the patriarch of the Lestrange family in France." Up, he used the Imperius Curse to take her by force."

"It won't happen to me," Lily said.

"I don't know how much you know about things outside of school, but Death Eaters don't take the Unforgivable Curses seriously at all, don't be naive."

"So Sev is with this kind of guy?" Lily trembled.

"You didn't understand me!" Pomona couldn't help raising her voice.

"No, I see what you mean," Lily said quietly. "You don't think it's too expensive to send a student unicorn horn for a knife handle? I asked Slughorn, and he didn't even have one."

They looked at each other.

"You have an opinion on how I handled that night, but if you want to comfort him, please go by yourself. I am not a wishing stone. I will satisfy everyone else's wishes."

"Are you done?" Pomona asked.

"It's over." Lily said indifferently, "You have your way of life, and I have mine."

With that, she turned and left, looking as determined as she had been in the Gryffindor common room that night despite Severus' threats.

"My name is not Gorgon," Pomona said softly, knowing Lily couldn't hear her.

The only person she had left, the only one who could be called a friend, was gone, and Pomona knew that there would be a day. Despite her isolation at first, Lily made many female friends of Muggle blood, as she was a popular girl at Muggle schools, after all.

But Pomona must hide herself, learn to please others, and do what others think will like her.

Like she wanted to yell at Sirius angrily, but in the end she chose to persuade him in the way Sirius liked.

After entering the sixth grade, there is no need to abide by the school rules of the dormitory meeting at 9 o'clock. There is less trouble of being a child, but more troubles.

"I thought you were going to duel." Professor Binns said suddenly.

"Why a duel?" Pomona said to Binns with a smile. "Please lend me a book, Professor."

Then she returned to the world of books like a "bookworm".

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