Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2771 Lament of the Moon (4)

In 1977, Remus' birthday happened to be Thursday, four days had passed since the last Hogsmeade Day, and there were two days before the next Hogsmeade Day, and it happened that the first weekend in March happened to be on the day of the full moon. Tonight, Pomona's plan had been to celebrate Remus' birthday on the second weekend in March.

"Cirius Black ran away from home!?" Pomona couldn't help shouting, "When did that happen?"

"Just last term," Peter Petillo said tremblingly. "His mother removed her name from the family tapestry."

"Oh, that's great! So he's not a Blake now?"

Peter didn't answer Pomona's words, looking as cowed as his Animagus.

Without the protection of his family, Sirius almost murdered a classmate again. Of course, he may have thought he had made a nasty joke again, but this time what he faced was not dropping out of school, but being imprisoned with Remus Lupin. Azkaban.

Now three weeks after the incident, he was neither home nor at school, where else could he be?

Pomona and Peter came to Hogsmeade's old bookstore together.

"Welcome." The boss still greeted without enthusiasm.

Pomona and Peter went up to the second floor together. Sirius rented a room here for the convenience of looking up information, and now it seems to be his shelter.

Pomona choked back a growl that blurted out.

Sirius seemed normal, and it was only because he was so normal that he seemed to have no guilt at all for what he had done.

In addition to old books, there are a lot of takeaways in the room, and the leftover packing boxes are put in the trash can that has long been full. Although she went to their dormitory in the past, although it was messy, at least the house elves cleaned it up. Now even the place to stay is fast. Gone.

James can be friends with Sirius, except that he doesn't care about Black's prominence at all, and that instead of stopping Sirius, he will do outrageous things with him.

But this time is different, maybe that's why Sirius didn't go back to the dormitory to sleep, because James prevented Remus from attacking "Snotling", which interfered with the smooth "implementation" of Sirius' plan.

She had heard of Walburga's "family style", anyway, Sirius would not listen to Pomona's preaching. He's not going to fight her with a Muggle bikini girl covered in permanent stickers in this house, but she doesn't want to try, either. He will use some "creativity" to find a way to fight her.

"Can't you call 'room service'?" Pomona said jokingly.

Sirius looked up.

"Come and see what I found!" Sirius said with a smile, and found a large tome from the pile of books.

Pomona stepped over a pile of old books like a barrier, but the school robes hung another pile upside down, and Peter followed her.

"What did you find?" She said with a smile, as if nothing serious happened.

"Look for yourself." Sirius said relaxedly, then looked at Peter, "How about what I asked you to do?"

"Yes." Peter said immediately, and then Peter began to report his findings.

Since the size of the animals after Peter Animagus was not suitable for controlling the werewolf Lupine, Sirius arranged a new "task" for him.

In addition to the two rooms they had seen before, Sirius and James also went to a "secret room", where they found a dead bone, which caused them not to go in and explore directly as usual, but left each other behind. German surveillance.

The last time Blake and the others discovered the secret room was before the Christmas holiday, and Peter found out that weekend when all his friends left, he was left alone in the dormitory, and he accidentally discovered the scene in the mirror when he was bored wandering around.

"What's that place?" Pomona asked.

"Didn't I let you see it." Sirius said impatiently.

Pomona looked down at the documents on the table.

In the 15th century there was a Dark wizard named Eunon Wood, who was born into a Muggle branch of the Wood family, but his magical abilities were misunderstood by his parents, much to their shock and outrage.

They regarded him as a cash cow for their fortune, because Yunong could easily make the blackthorn bushes grow to his liking. At that time, Britain was carrying out the enclosure movement, which required hedges and stone walls to enclose commons and wastelands and transform them into pastures or large farms.

The couple kept Wood working until he was 15 before sending him to Hogwarts, where the Sorting Hat sorted him into Hufflepuff, where he met Artemisia Black, a dispossessed and The female members of the Black family who inherited the right, they met because of their common hobby of gardening, they gradually developed into lovers, and finally married, and had a daughter, Yunon and Artemisia combined their surnames, so there was Black Wood this new family name.

Artemisia was the result of a dewy marriage between her mother and her Muggle father, and Artemisia, a half-blood witch, was ostracized by her family. But Artemisia herself chose Black, rather than her father's surname, as her own. On the one hand, she felt that she was worthy of her mother's surname, and on the other hand, she hated the exile and exclusion she suffered because of her father. She didn't dislike Wood because of his Muggle origin, but she saw him, like herself, as a victim of unclean Muggle blood.

Children cannot choose their own parents. The young Yunon seems to have met the only person who understands him. Under the influence of Artemisia, Yunon gradually alienates himself from his Muggle family and gradually walks into darkness.

The two published "The Horticultural History of Blackwood Maze" together. In fact, most of the content is about how vicious Yunon's hedge maze is, which has aroused the interest of many wizards.

Animals such as Sphinx and Chimera are used by wizards to protect their treasures. At that time, the goblin rebellion had just ended and Gringotts had not yet been established, or wizards did not believe that goblins could keep their treasury well. They needed a place to protect their treasures, and Yunon and Artemisia's labyrinths met their requirements, so ingenious labyrinths were built one after another.

The stability of career and relationship made Younong and Artemisia decide to get married. They planned a grand wedding. For this purpose, Younong also built a labyrinth, which is said to be inspired by Daedalus in ancient Greece. Ritter's labyrinth for King Minos.

They invited not only relatives and friends of wizards, but even Muggle relatives. Not all wedding entertainment was just a joke about the newlyweds, or a ball. You can enter the maze to find the treasure inside.

In the story, the witches and wizards noticed Yunon and Artemisia's intentions and refused to attend the wedding, while Muggle relatives and friends attended the wedding banquet out of greed, and none of them could leave the maze.

In the ensuing time, Muggles often strayed into these mazes and became sad victims, but this only confirmed the "credibility" of the Blackwood family, until they gave birth to a Squib named Lysandra daughter.

Artemisia regarded this daughter as a shame, and the mother and daughter often had fierce disputes. When the girl was sixteen years old, she denounced her mother to Muggle witch hunters and brought them to Black Wood Manor, they set fire to that place. Since then, the Blackwood family, the manor and the maze they designed have disappeared mysteriously. Occasionally, the maze designed by Yunon will appear randomly.

About another twenty years later, a witch named Helen Blackwood appeared. She claimed to be a member of the Blackwood family, but no one believed it at first. It wasn't until Helen found and solved a maze left by "ancestors" that people recognized her.

Some people want the treasure in the labyrinth, and some want her to keep the secrets. In addition, she herself has the same "talent" as Younong, so no one dares to do anything to her.

She asked for money everywhere, as a storage fee for the treasure in the maze. The asking price was so high that even the goblins seemed amiable, and wizards gradually developed the habit of putting treasures in Gringotts for safekeeping.

She also likes to hold extravagant parties, if it's just for fun, who knows when she will be in a bad mood and trap the guests in the maze. After receiving her invitation, it's okay not to go, she will threaten to tell the secret of the labyrinth to the public. Until one day Helen Blackwood mysteriously disappeared like other members of the Blackwood family, but this time the Blackwood Manor was not burned in the fire, but "disappeared" like other mazes, and the Blackwood family was honored for this. On the list, it was written into the history of dark wizards in the 15th century.

"So you think there's a maze behind the mirror," Pomona asked Sirius. "And it was a maze designed by Eunon Blackwood?"

Sirius shook his head, "It was a woman from the Black family, not a man."

Pomona was tempted to ask him "how did you know," but didn't say it.

And who understands Black better than a Black?

Whether Bella wants to obtain the inheritance of the Black family or other goals, she has already achieved it. Sirius is expelled from the house, so Regulus Black will become the first heir of the Black family, Regulus Not only did Si not betray the family and blood like his elder brother, but he was also a fan of the mysterious man, and he also liked Bella, a relative.

Now Pomona didn't know which issue to worry about, anyway, he couldn't let Sirius continue to float outside the school.

"Let's go back to school," Pomona said. "Don't you want to continue exploring the secrets of that mirror?"

"Aren't you angry?" Sirius asked.

"What's the matter?" she asked feebly.

Sirius immediately smiled. He was already handsome, but his smile became even more dazzling.

"Wait, I'll clean it up right away." He said happily.

"I'm here to help." Peter said quickly, he was about to help Sirius clean up, but was rejected.

"You don't know which materials are useful, I will do it myself." Sirius said.

Peter stood bewildered.

"I'll check out," Pomona said, and left the messy room.

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