Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2746 Firebird Land (Fifty-Four)

The ethanol content of elixirs is usually less than 25%. In a sense, amphora mead with an alcohol content of 23% is also an elixir, but people don’t want the medicine to destroy the taste and flavor of the mead brewed by the wild flower elves. fragrance.

Compared with this expensive mead, it is easier for students to get in touch with Balvernon Brain Refreshing Potion, which can be bought on the "black market" before the exam every year, although most of them are filled with other materials of fakes.

"Smart Potion", "Talent Potion", "Wisdom Potion", anyway, as long as it is said to be "effective", people will buy it, no matter how long it lasts, as long as it can cope with the exam.

The talent potion will improve people's mechanical response. In social situations, people often pay more attention to whether they can answer the other party's questions wittily and decently. Drinking it can make a person who is not good at words become the focus of attention in the social circle.

The essence of fireflies is needed to brew talent potion, as if wit is also fleeting and fleeting, it needs cooling just like "dream potion".

Ammonia is expressed in English as "ammonia". Ammonia is not active, but it is different when mixed with air. It will explode when it reaches a concentration of 16% to 25%.

Ammonium salt (ammonium salt) can be easily decomposed into ammonia gas when heated, but sal ammoniac (sal ammoniac) is not an ammonium salt as defined by Muggle chemistry.

It is a kind of "panacea" popular among alchemists in the 16th century. It is composed of ammonium chloride, salt, urine, vinegar and sulfur from an active volcano. It is also the same as ammonium salt because of Thermal decomposition.

After Kingsley left, Pomona felt that he might have made a mistake in the formula of the potion, rather than that the formula was wrong. After all, when the book was written, it was before Lavoisier separated alchemy and chemistry .

If it was Helena, she might wear the Ravenclaw crown and solve it alone by stimulating her brain power to gain wisdom.

Pomona chose to seek help from others. After all, at Hogwarts, you only need to ask, and someone will always agree.

"What do you think?" Pomona asked nervously.

Madame Maxime put down the book in her hand.

"Where did you get this book?"

"On a bookshelf," Pomona replied.

She wasn't lying, but Madame Maxime wasn't satisfied with the answer.

"Answer me a question, little pigeon, do you know what salt ammonia was used for?" Madame Maxime asked.

"It used to be used as smelling salts, it seems," Pomona replied. "Use it when the lady passed out."

"Humans used to think that women should be weak and small, and they would be cute and charming if they fainted at every turn." Mrs. Maxim smiled bitterly. "I must be scary and annoying."

"How could it be?" Pomona said hastily.

"Then why does your school's history class only talk about giant wars?" Mrs. Maxim said lightly, "Compared to the giants that are about to become extinct, or hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, I think there are other bigger giants in the British wizarding society." threat."

Pomona struggled to figure out what to do.

"Forget it, don't pay too much attention, we all know what's going on." Mrs. Maxim put the old book on the coffee table, picked up the coffee, and took a sip gracefully. A resin called ammonia."

Pomona froze for a moment.

"You mean, that's Persian ammonia (dorema ammonium)?" asked Pomona.

"And sal is not salt, but salv, which means medical ointment in French. The author's handwriting is so scribbled that I can hardly read it." Mrs. Maxime said.

Pomona took a closer look, and there was indeed a small tick behind the L, which looked a bit like a V, and a bit like shaking hands.

"And this one?" Pomona pointed to the bat blood.

Madame Maxime shook her head.

"I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone else, Pigeon."

Pomona didn't like "little pigeons", but she didn't dare to say anything more, so she continued to ask other "people".

Although Cassino is dead, he still loves to play. The ghosts of Hogwarts are very interested in this new member and will call him for any activities. Casino was so "busy" that he didn't even notice that his laboratory was emptied.

It is difficult to maintain a balanced mentality when a person puts in all his efforts but is not as good as his playful "friend".

Cassino has been imprisoned in a flask for so many years, and he has never seen him resent anyone or take revenge like Myrtle. Even Pomona, who is a living person, is a little jealous of him.

While passing the Transfiguration Courtyard, Pomona saw Hermione Granger and Victor Krum talking and laughing like no one else.

Leaving aside those admirers who gave Hermione "gifts" after reading Rita Gist's article, even Ron went from being a fan of Victor to suspecting that Victor was a spy.

Envy is condemned not just because it is an original sin.

People who are intelligent, open-minded, tolerant, and successful are not jealous, and who wouldn't want to...


Cedric ran over, his cheeks flushed as if he had just exercised.

For a moment Pomona didn't know what to say to him.

"We're going to Hogsmeade, do you want to come with us?" Cedric asked.

Possibly because Pomona drank butterbeer with the interns over the summer, they figured she was with them.

"I have a job," she whispered.

"Okay then." Cedric nodded understandingly, "I won't bother you, professor."

Then he turned and went back to his small group, which also included a new member, Cho Chang, who appeared to be Cedric's girlfriend.

Pomona didn't go any further. When she came to the grand staircase, she hesitated whether to go up or down.

Going up is Albus Dumbledore's headmaster's office, and down is Severus Snape's office.

She finally chose to go up, although the journey was tiring.

"Cockroach pile." She said the password to the statue of the spiral staircase.

As the stairs spiraled up, she also came to the door of Dumbledore's office.

Just as she was about to knock on the door, a Snitch flew into the tower, circled behind Pomona a few times, and then flew out the window, where an athlete in a red jersey galloped by on a broomstick.

She hesitated again, and finally knocked on the door of the principal's office.

"Come in," said Dumbledore from inside.

She pushed open the door.

"I heard you did an experiment." Albus asked without raising his head while reading the book, "What exploded?"

She slammed the book in front of him, and Albus looked at her in surprise.

"I don't like Madame Maxime interfering in my affairs, you let Hagrid continue to pursue her!" Pomona said loudly.

"You don't like her?" Albus asked.

"She's a lady, I'm not!" she said angrily.

Albus's head full of wisdom quickly figured it out, and then looked at the books on the table.

"What's this?"

"I need your help. After I added bat blood, this pot of potion was completely destroyed."

Albus read the book for a long time, and asked after about half an hour, "Have you tried Honeydukes' bat's blood soup?"


"It's right by the door, it's like a kind of hot pot, any candy can be dipped in it."

"I know that," Pomona said, "but I don't know what 'bat blood soup' is."

"How about we experiment?" said Albus.

"I'm going to buy materials," Pomona said, and then left the principal's office to find Cedric in the Transfiguration courtyard.

But he was gone, and she had to cross the wooden bridge to Hogsmeade by herself.

She squeezed in among a group of students buying candy, and bought a cauldron of "bat blood soup", and also bought sizzling honey candies and piles of cockroaches. By the time she hurried back to school, the sky had already begun to darken , So he quickened his pace and came to the principal's office.

Albus had already prepared the experimental items, as if they had been waiting for her for a long time.

"Is this the bat blood you're talking about?" Pomona asked, holding a pot of dark red syrup.

"Yeah, let's get started," said Albus.

Still follow the order in the morning, boil the pumpkin juice first, then add salt, and then add "bat blood". This time, although the color of the pumpkin juice has changed, it smells like cranberry jam.

"Wow." Pomona couldn't help but admire.

Then Albus "flyed" the pot of "cranberry jam" from one crucible to another covered with goosegrass as if performing, and after filtering and cooling, the potion turned purple.

Pomona couldn't hold back the applause.

Then he threw the ammonia, a foul-smelling poultice, into the cauldron, which did not melt as they expected.

"This is where my potion exploded," said Pomona. "I added smelling salts."

"That really shouldn't be put down while heating." Albus said, but instead of putting the cauldron back on the fire, he heated it with flame magic.

The ammonia melted, forming a shiny substance that floated on the surface of the purple liquid, looking like a summer milky way.

"Give me the weed ash," Albus said.

Pomona immediately handed the vial to Albus.

He added a small silver spoon, then heated it up even more, and the galaxy faded away, replaced by an unsightly gray substance that gave Pomona the feeling that the potion had failed again.

"Peppermint oil," said Albus.

Pomona handed it to him.

Albus dripped a few drops into it and stirred it with a wooden stirring rod, and the liquid, which looked like mortar, began to change color as Albus stirred.

"Remember, it's 6 turns clockwise and 3 turns counterclockwise," said Albus.

He repeated this six times, and the liquid medicine turned clear green.

"Give me the Flobber slime and the tulip bulb," said Albus.

Pomona was handed to him like an assistant, and he dripped the two juices into it, at which point the "lake" became viscous and clear, looking like mints.

"Successful?" Pomona asked.

"I think this potion needs to be shared between two people." Albus said with a smile, adding the last potion, cinnamon juice, and the ointment remained the same.

Pomona looked at the pot of Peppermint Paste.

"How did you come up with Honeydukes' bat blood soup?" asked Pomona.

"Arianna used to like it, it was her favorite," said Albus quietly.

Pomona looked up, and Arianna was waving at her in the portrait.

"Sir Cassino is from the 17th century. Honey Duke opened in 1641, and he may have had it too," Albus said.

She looked at him in surprise.

"Almost Headless Nick spoke very well of him, and he even wanted Cassino to be a Gryffindor ghost." Albus said with a smile, "but Slytherin has already booked him."

"Will Nick and Barrow fight?" Pomona gloated.

"I thought they wouldn't. I know Aberforth. Although he is impulsive, he is not emotional."

Pomona listened quietly.

"The family needs me, but I want to go with Gellert to fulfill our ambitions and dreams." Albus cast a spell on the pot of potion with the Elder Wand, and the solidified sugar paste shattered into pieces. piece.

"But at that moment I understood that I was poisoned, but fortunately I was not poisoned too deeply. Gellert left, and I chose to stay."

"Is it because of the wrong timing?"

"No." Albus said with some pain, "you go."

Pomona looked at the stooped Albus Dumbledore, who seemed in need of reassurance.

But she "obediently" had to go, and when she left the principal's office it was already dark and the sky was starry, though not as magnificent as in midsummer.

She always tells the kids, do the right thing because it's right.

Like she never made a mistake.

Albus in it always seems to be wise and makes the right choice, but he also has regrets.

She ran quickly along the stairs of the tower building, the torch swayed in the wind, making the light and shadow sway, and she almost missed several times and fell down the stairs, but she escaped without any danger.

There was an episode on the way, two girls got into a fight because of their boyfriends, and Pomona didn't stop it.

Toothbrushes and boyfriends can't be shared, and the next time I see Stephanie Pomona, she won't fight like those two girls. She will just step on Stephanie's skirt and make her fall on all fours.

The thought put her in such a good mood that she even hummed as she went back to the office to change.

She has never understood why no matter how wisely she made a choice, the result turned out to be wrong.

In the end, what we are allowed to do is just to think about it in the future and make less regretful choices.

After putting on the dress she bought at Diagon Alley, she put on the invisibility cloak, and went to kick the old bat's door with excitement and joy.

Since life is only lived once, why not be happy about it?

At least she didn't want to live like Albus, and missed too much, including the "love" he kept saying.

So if you make a mistake, make a mistake, just like a student who repeatedly violates school rules, knowing that he will be punished if he is caught, he still can't help but want to go for a night tour in the castle.

Darkness can bring not only horrors and monsters, but also freedom, and she can do whatever she wants under the cover of darkness.

As the wise men say, don't fall in love so easily.

On Christmas night, while they were dancing, they kept hearing the lyrics on the radio reminding them, but they didn't seem to hear them.

She opened the door for him then, so will he open the door for her?

Smelling salts were first recorded in ancient Roman times, and in Pliny's writings, it is called "Hammonicus sal". By the 13th century, there was much evidence that alchemists also used smelling salts, known as "sal ammoniac". In the 17th century, people distilled an ammonia solution from antler shavings, so smelling salts also gained a nickname "antler wine". In the Victorian era of England, smelling salts were widely used to wake up fainted women, so much so that the police often carried smelling salts with them in case of emergency.

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