Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2745 Firebird Land (Fifty-Three)

According to a record of Hogwarts school history, Salazar Slytherin's father went to India and brought back a lot of porcelain, silk and a little dragon...


Pomona looked up at the serious Severus Snape.

"Look at this!" he said, pointing to a book.

Severus has been going through a period of voice change recently, and his voice sounds like a duck, and he won't speak easily unless it's something serious.

"What's wrong?" Pomona asked confused.

"You think it's okay?"

Pomona looked at the content of the book again, it was about the famous alchemist and potion master in history, and what Snape pointed to was about Nicolas.

"You really think it's okay?" He asked patiently.

She felt baffled.

"Phoenixes are rare, aren't they?" Severus asked.

"Yes." Pomona replied.

"Is it still loyal? It only follows one master in its life?" Severus asked again.

"I guess so," Pomona said.

"Nickelmay has a phoenix."

"No, it's just that he has a phoenix on his note," Pomona corrected.

"Professor Dumbledore has one too." He looked at her stubbornly.

"So?" Pomona asked.

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Do you think Dumbledore and Nicolas are the same person?"

He had an expression of "someone finally understands".

She found his reaction amusing, since she read history books for fun.

"You said that vampires change places and identities every once in a while," Severus said.

"How do you want to confirm your theory?" Pomona asked.

"That's impossible," Lily said. "Stop guessing, Sev."

Severus looked at Pomona.

"Are you going to add Veritaserum to Dumbledore's pumpkin juice?" she asked with a smile.

Lily looked like she couldn't bear it, and she was so angry that she read "A History of Magic" written by Bathilda Bagshot.

Albus Dumbledore in the photo is still a teenager, he looks very gentle, while Grindelwald standing next to him is rebellious, it is hard to imagine that they are friends.


"Professor!" Neville called.

Pomona came to his senses.

"Shall we begin?" Neville asked.

The workbench used to repot the Mandrakes was full of various medicinal materials. Who would have thought that the herbal medicine professor would start boiling potions, and her assistant was Neville Longbottom who often fried pots.

"Don't worry." Pomona didn't know whether to say it to herself or to Neville. "I used to be number one in potions class."

It's just that she hasn't done it for more than ten years, so she's already a little rusty.

She said anxiously in her heart.

After recalling the feel, Pomona lit the copper cauldron and stirred it with a wooden stirring rod.

It's not that hard, chopping up a pumpkin and making it juice is like making pumpkin juice, except with salt instead of sugar.

Then she added bat blood, and the good pumpkin juice turned a viscous red color and smelled bad.

"Oh." Neville pinched his nose and retched.

Pomona resisted, and continued to heat the mixture. After it started bubbling, he took the crucible away from the fire, and poured the liquid inside into another crucible that was covered with goose grass to filter.

If she had thought before that she could drink the milk before going to bed, let the other party drink it, and secretly check the other party's dreams, then she must have thought too much.

After the liquid was finished, Pomona took out the filter made of goosegrass and filtered the residue on the surface of the medicinal liquid.

After standing for about 35 minutes, Pomona poured the liquid medicine into the original copper crucible, and added narcissus, ivy and eight-eyed spider venom in turn.

She found Hagrid and asked him to fetch "fresh" potions from the Forbidden Forest. When the potions were put down, she coaxed, and with a burst of steam, the potions in the cauldron turned green. up.

"No problem?" Neville said, looking nervously at the cauldron.

"We'll find out later," said Pomona cheerfully.

Then she dropped the ammonia salt into the cauldron.


She seemed to hear someone shouting.

Then she heard a loud "boom", this time it was louder than the last time, and several pieces of glass in the greenhouse were shattered.

"Ahem." Neville got up from the ground, "I knew it would be like this."

Pomona ignored Neville, and a shield appeared in front of her, which just blocked the fragments of the crucible produced by the explosion and the corrosive "medicine" inside.

"Didn't anyone tell you not to add ammonia to the heat?" Kingsley said angrily.

There was a smell of urine floating in the air. Fortunately, the glass of the greenhouse was blown open, just enough for ventilation.

"Why are you here, Kingsley? Don't you have to go to the Muggle Prime Minister?" Pomona asked.

"I'm glad I'm here today." Kingsley said bluntly, "Thank you for giving me a chance to almost win a medal."

Pomona recalled that the era of Cassino seemed to be before Fontana, that is to say, people in that era thought that snake venom was acid and needed to be neutralized by alkali.

"What are you making up?" Kingsley seemed to think that she was frightened, and then asked.

"A potion." Pomona was about to throw the book into the trash.

Kingsley looked at her.

She thought it best not to let the Aurors know that there was such a thing in the school.

So she put the book into the flannel pocket.

"The Prime Minister is out of the country," Kingsley said. "He's visiting Germany."

"Why?" Pomona asked completely offhand.

"Germany takes the lead in organizing an agreement whereby all signatory countries will no longer conduct border checks on citizens, and foreigners will also be able to move freely within the territory of the signatory countries."

"Oh~" Pomona sighed affectively.

"You don't understand what that means, do you?" Kingsley asked.

Pomona shrugged, dismissed the failed potion, and restored the glass.

"What about you?" Kingsley looked at Neville.

"Scamander doesn't need to apply to go abroad," said Neville.

"It's not accurate. He had other 'criminal records' at that time. According to the content of the agreement, countries will share criminal files."

"He's not a criminal," Pomona said.

"The UK hasn't signed yet. The Prime Minister's interview is for this matter." Kingsley said, "Speaking of this, how much do you know about Buddy Crouch?"

"Which one?" Pomona asked.

"Anyone, tell me what you know," Kingsley said.

"You know, there is no parent-teacher conference at Hogwarts, and I usually correspond with Mrs. Crouch," Pomona said.

"The minister didn't write to you?"

"The head of the Legal Enforcement Division wrote to a female teacher? Are you kidding me, Kingsley?" Pomona smiled teasingly.

"So he doesn't care about his son as in the legend?" Kingsley asked.

Pomona did not answer the question.

"And about Buddy Crouch Jr.?" Kingsley said.

"Don't ask here," said Pomona, glancing at Neville beside him.

"Would you like to leave for a while?" Kingsley said, looking at Neville.

"No." Neville looked at the two bravely. "I want to know."

"He's a 'good boy'." Pomona said a little annoyed.

"Then has he been bullied?" Kingsley said suddenly, "His father sent many people into Azkaban."

"I don't know." Pomona was even more upset. "Isn't he dead? Why are you still asking this?"

"Instead of resisting them, it's better to join them." Neville said suddenly, "then they won't hurt you."

Pomona and Kingsley looked at Neville together.

"I heard from Moody that a lot of people were threatened by Death Eaters," Neville said.

"Most people choose to obey, and there are very few people who join the Death Eaters like Peter Pedirou, especially when he was a member of the Order of the Phoenix." Kingsley said.

"You could call him a traitor," Pomona said.

"So here's my question, have you noticed Barty Crouch Jr. being targeted at school?" Kingsley asked.

"I don't know!" she exclaimed irritably. "I don't know him at all."

"You may go, Mr. Longbottom," said Kingsley.

Neville went out, but not far away, but outside the greenhouse, where he could see through the glass.

"I know Severus is an attention-getter," Kingsley whispered in her ear. "Even with him around, Quirrell doesn't look so suspicious, but I hope you can understand priorities."

She looks at him.

"You should pay more attention to the students. Next time there is someone like Barty Crouch Jr., will you still answer 'I don't know'?" Kingsley whispered.

"I'm just one person," Pomona said. "How can I monitor everyone in the school 24/7, let alone me, how was the party yesterday?" Pomona asked.

"I didn't expect Severus to be so popular with ladies."

She was surprisingly calm.

"Who are there?" Pomona asked.

"Most of them came here for the name, to meet the inventor of wolf-binding juice, but there is a lady, Stephanie Smith, who has been with us." Kingsley said, "Do you know..."

"She's an interior designer," said Pomona dryly, "Is there nothing else? Or is the real purpose of your partying to flirt with women?"

Kingsley hesitated to speak.

"Secret again?" Pomona asked.

"The Dark Lord once invented a potion, the elixer of life, which can keep people young and prolong life, but it can't make people live forever. He once said that he is on the road to immortality more than anyone else. It may not be for nothing that he traveled further." Kingsley said, "Even after his first disappearance, his followers kept in touch, but not to welcome him back."

"What do you mean?" Pomona asked.

"This world is full of crazy people." Kingsley shook his head. "I only know how to get these people together. What they discuss is definitely not something normal people can understand."

Pomona's first thought was whether those who tried to go to Gringotts to steal the Philosopher's Stone had anything to do with them?

But this task is top secret, and only a few people know it. Although they were a step late, they found the right vault.

Did they steal the Philosopher's Stone for the Dark Lord or for themselves?

There is a novel written by Oscar Wilde, the young man who sold his soul to the devil is still young and beautiful, but his portrait is ugly and old, as if that is his real face.

According to legend, Song Huizong Zhao Ji liked to collect calligraphy and painting very much. One day he wanted to buy Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, but copying works were popular at that time, and it was difficult to distinguish the authenticity. Wang Xizhi's "authentic work" was written by him, and Wang Xizhi and others who accompanied him were also works of famous masters. Therefore, Song Huizong "buy the king and get the sheep".

In Nash Equilibrium, when everyone invites the most beautiful girl, then someone must not be able to dance. If everyone invites her female partner, then everyone will have a romantic night. This is the most sensible "game" .

Stephanie was 27 years old, her age and appearance matched Severus, and most importantly, she was human. Severus always complained about how she couldn't look like a normal woman, did he ever think that she wasn't human at all.

No matter how sleepwalking, she should wake up. The question now is whether Stephanie can face such a fate, after all, this is their "lifestyle".

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