Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2688 a.e.i.o.u

According to the inherent habits of Europe, the horn of war will only be sounded from the first good day of spring to the last good day of autumn. The months of rain, snow and freezing are spent in the so-called winter barracks. In this way, even the most capable generals have to choose the time to fight according to the almanac.

However, Pishiglu ignored this precedent. In addition to "displaying the cultural heritage of mankind", museums also have the role of explaining natural science. The land absorbs heat quickly and dissipates heat quickly; the ocean absorbs heat fully and dissipates heat slowly. Europe belongs to the westerly belt. In summer, the westerly wind takes away the heat from the land, and in winter, it blows the heat and water vapor from the sea to the land, indirectly keeping Europe at a relatively comfortable temperature. Unlike Siberia, which is the center of continental cold pressure, instead of being supplemented by the heat from the ocean in winter, the cold air from the Arctic enters, making Siberia a "cold pole" that is colder than the North Pole.

As long as she thinks of the Quidditch World Cup held in the Siberian Forest in 1809, and the subsequent "Killer Forest Incident", it is difficult for her to be in a good mood. The only thing that gave her a little relief was that the Quidditch World Cup was held in summer, so that at least there would be less deadly Siberian wind.

Using black magic to force trees to leave the soil where they have grown for many years will only drive them crazy. It is also impossible to use the Muggle war as an excuse to cancel the Quidditch World Cup. It will only intensify conflicts, unless there is another French Revolution. The wizards have all been sent to the guillotine, so naturally they won't be in the mood to participate in any World Cup.

It is said that after Peter the Great finished his trip to Europe, he returned to Russia to build the summer palace. When building this palace, the most outstanding craftsmen and designers from France and Italy at that time were gathered, and Peter the Great also participated in it personally.

Compared with the severe cold of dripping water in winter, the summer palace is full of water, and there are fountains everywhere in the palace.

The Winter Palace was originally Ekaterina's private museum. She bought a large number of paintings by Rembrandt and Rubens from Berlin, and she continued to purchase new art collections and books during her reign, including Rembrandt. "The Prodigal Son Turns Back".

This kind of human civilization can't stop the violent spruce, but shells may be more effective.

There was a book that Georgiana put at the bottom of the box, thinking she would never open it, but she found it again today when she was looking for clothes to wear.

It was a pamphlet written by an Austrian, because it was written in German, and they had a staff officer read it aloud.

"I only have one sentence, be the master of fate." He said this after listening.

There is also a proverb in the East: people plan things, but heaven makes things happen.

Although it is called the destiny, isn't it a human matter?

It may be because there are too many ambitious people in this era. A doctor wrote an article pointing out that excessive ambition can cause harm to human health, such as causing stroke or heart disease, and this kind of passion often leads to paranoia. The madhouse is full of bigots who think they are generals, popes, or gods.

His advice is to let go of false pride and find friends who are content with their lot, and in the long-term company of these friends he will eventually change.

Georgiana felt that what he said was reasonable, but the actual situation might be different from what he thought. Pomona has been with Severus for 30 years, and she hasn't seen much change in him. Instead, she has changed herself, becoming dissatisfied with her fate and wanting more.

The red-haired woman, she used to be jealous, but now she doesn't think it's necessary.

"Ma'am, look." A maid came over with a copper vessel. "What do you think is this? Is it magical?"

"It's for warming the bed, fool," said a seamstress. "This is where you put the charcoal, and then put the lid on and put it under the bed..."

"I know, look at this." The maid turned the thing around, and a mysterious symbol was engraved on it.

"This is the silent symbol of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, and it can also be said to be his personal coat of arms."

Georgiana turned her head and saw that it was Dominique who had entered.

"He was the father of Maximilian, father-in-law of Marie of Burgundy."

"So you think it makes sense for his stuff to be in Belgium?" Georgiana asked.

"You may have heard of his 'thrifty' style, which Maximian inherited." Dominique said.

"Yes, I've heard of it." Georgiana said dryly, "so frugal that Cosimo de' Medici had to feign illness in order to avoid being exploited by him."

Frederick III didn't win any battles in his life, but it didn't affect his ambition at all. This complex badge is actually an abbreviation of a sentence in German and Latin, which roughly means "Austria will rule the world" and "The whole world will rule the world". kneel to Austria".

In order to achieve this goal, he needed a lot of money. Medici, who was not the richest man in the world at the time but was extremely high-profile, became the target of his extortion. Then Cosimo Medici "playing dead" and waiting for Frederick III to leave , he who was dying of illness started jumping around again.

Dominique laughed dryly, and then said, "But his marriage to the Portuguese princess is very happy. They have many differences. The princess likes luxury and ostentation, but the emperor thinks that it shouldn't cost so much money, so he sent back the princess's dowry." gone."

"Princess okay?" Georgiana asked.

"Of course they did. All their lives, they quarreled over trivial matters, from what to eat at noon, to what clothes the children wore, and even whose bed they slept in at night. During that time, the Vienna court was extremely lively." Domi Nick said, "At least it's much better to be noisy than to be cold and unpopular."

"Do you feel cold?" Georgiana sneered, "Do you want some more firewood?"

"You don't need to get angry over such a small matter."

Georgiana didn't know how to explain it clearly to him. Maybe Dominique felt that their "feeling" still had room for redemption. Given the past friendship, it would be easy for Georgiana to recommend someone to go to Hamburg.

What supports her now is a kind of "inertia", just like being pushed by fate, she will go wherever she goes. If the world before her was still a colorful soap bubble, the ballerina punctured the soap bubble with her toes, and pierced her heart by the way.

Maybe she was as pale as an Englishman now, or a corpse in permafrost, covered in layers of snow, and finally disappeared on the plains of Siberia, and nothing could bring her back to life.

"You're not what I imagined," Dominique said.

"What do you think I should be?" asked Georgiana.

"It's more like a person, a living person," Dominique said.

"Because I'm a fool." Georgiana smiled. "I took revenge on my husband in the wrong way."

Dominique looked at her in surprise.

"Mr. Smith has other women in his heart, but in the final analysis, it is because I am too naive. Not every 'father' will forgive the 'prodigal son' to turn back."

"So what do you want to do now?" Dominique asked.

"I don't know, what can you do?" Georgiana said feebly, looking helpless.

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