Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2687 North's Plan (Part 2)

It is said that Germans have more surnames than first names, because Germans do not like to create new words, and no one likes to create new names, but surnames have been passed down for thousands of years, most of them are related to occupations, and there are hundreds of them. indivual.

For example, Johann Heinrich Fischer, there can be many Johann Heinrichs, including his grandfather, father, uncle, neighbor next door, blacksmith in a neighboring town, and doctor in a nearby city. Fischer means fisherman. Maybe many, many years ago, he had an ancestor who was engaged in fishing.

But as John Adams once said: I must study politics and war, and my son is free to study philosophy and mathematics.

In the generation of John Heinrich Fischer's grandfather, their family became the port officer of Danzig. In addition to the eldest brother who had to study law, John Heinrich's father had the opportunity to study art.

When Frederick the Great divided Poland with Russia and Austria, Heinrich's father was also taken to Berlin. At that time, John Heinrich was already 11 years old, but he was not educated as a Instead of a Prussian boy, he became a "weak" painter.

The king liked his father's works very much, but he was not very interested in Johann Heinrich himself, so the frustrated young painter had to leave Germany to study in France.

There is not much information about how he spent his youth. Anyway, he encountered the French Revolution. Because the exiled nobles were in urgent need of cash, they pawned and auctioned the antiques and famous paintings in their homes. Very interested, but not everyone has the guts to go to France in person like a young earl couple who wanted to decorate their new home.

The cost of a "Raptor", the latest fighter jet in service in the U.S. Air Force, is as high as 120 million U.S. dollars, and a pair of Da Vinci's "Salvator Mundi" has an auction price of 100 million U.S. dollars. Even if people at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century hadn’t realized how high the price of famous paintings could be, it is amazing how many famous paintings are resold. In short, Fischer earned a large amount of working capital through this method, and other members of his family participated in the shares. He himself had four brothers and sisters, Peter, Christian, and Anna, not to mention his uncles. children.

And he set the bank headquarters in Hamburg because his grandfather went to Hamburg after leaving Danzig and served as a judge. Their family's roots are not deep, unlike some "family trees" that have taken root on that land. A hundred years, and he himself does not intend to continue to stay in Europe, and intends to develop in London.

When engaging in international settlement business, the location of the headquarters is not very important, as long as the contact with friends is still there, it is just a letter to change the address. But after Poland was divided, because of the loss of this buffer zone, it became a direct border between Prussia and Tsarist Russia. Ekaterina said, "If I live another century, the whole of Europe will crawl under my feet and tremble", and after the Battle of Caoendov, the tragic battlefield made Europe regard the "East" as a threat, but The threat is no longer the pagan one it once was.

There is a proverb that says that when you peel off the skin of a Russian, you will find a Tartar, that is, a Mongol, but the Mongol is not the "scourge of God" after Attila.

In addition to Attila the Hun, the king of the Goths also received this title. When Attila appeared in Europe, it was still in the period of Roman polytheism, and it was already in the 13th century when the Mongols appeared.

In the church literature, we can see the title of "King John", which originally refers to a monarch in Christian legend. Because the Mongols eliminated many old enemies of the church during the Western Expedition, they were awarded this title. .

During the Crusades, about one-fifth of the Europeans became slaves and were trafficked by the Rus, that is, the northerners, to Arab merchants in exchange for spices and silk.

Moreover, Mongolia has also sought alliances with European countries, because the Mongols were defeated by the Mamluks of Egypt, and even the Mamluks invaded Mongolia's Ilkhanate in West Asia.

These Mongolian Khans and nobles who were allied with European countries later converted to Christianity. For example, they took in the leader of the Kret tribe of Genghis Khan when he was young. This is an achievement for the church that can be recorded in precious books.

Therefore, Tsarist Russia is not only a threat to Europe, but also an ally that can be used. When Napoleon was strong, he could form a large army composed of multinational troops to fight in Moscow; when his army lost to Russia's Daxue, it was still these people who brought Tsarist Russia to form an anti-French alliance by the way, and Tsar Alexander also got The title of "Holy King" higher than that of Peter the Great.

At that time, Pomona saw the phantom created by Hathor in the Louvre. At that time, he had just left the front line and ran to a small hotel. The fire was not lit, and he was wearing a cloak and muttering, waiting for the reply after seeing the Poles. .

He looked pitiful, but it was the soldiers who were even more pitiful. Bonaparte satisfied the Polish officials with only a few million francs.

This is incomprehensible to someone living in the 21st century, but that was the case at that time.

During the Thirty Years' War, Sweden, the lion of the north, sent troops to the south, blocked the golden coastline of North Germany, and cut off Germany's external routes, resulting in the loss of industry and commerce in the German region.

Since the Middle Ages, Prussia has faced the pincer attack of the Slavs, Vikings, and Austria. If they do not have force, they will sooner or later become the "crossroads of Europe" like Belgium.

As Louis XIV came to power and France began to encroach on the western territories of the Holy Roman Empire, Prussia's desire to remain neutral between France and Russia became unsustainable as "geography" changed.

Georgiana once saw the wife of the Russian envoy in the Louvre, beside Josephine. Sent by Paul I, his purpose was to weaken Britain's power in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. During Alexander's reign, he focused his attention on the Black Sea region and even clashed with the Ottoman Empire.

When Paul was in power, he put pressure on Prussia, intending to occupy Hanover, force Britain to retreat, and then pull France to realize the plan to carve up Austria. At present, Napoleon seems to have no intention of invading Hanover, but his army still has not withdrawn from the Netherlands. Due to the tense relationship between Prussia and the United Kingdom under the "Basel Agreement", the power of its protector in the armed neutral countries of North Germany was also lost. However, the remnants left by Frederick the Great and the Seven Years War are still there, and there are still cities willing to join him and continue to be "neutral".

Compared with young people, Georgiana is more willing to trust Bertin's political sense. As for why she doesn't use Diloc, it is obvious that there should be another group of people surrounding him to fill the business vacated by the Fischer family.

When a bank is about to withdraw, the first reaction of depositors is to withdraw their deposits. In game theory, I wrote about a bank run. The depositors in a city heard that the bank where they saved their money was going to close down. The panic subsided, and everyone found that the bank did not fail, so they deposited their money back, and the run turmoil subsided.

During the Anglo-Dutch War, when the Dutch heard that the French and British coalition forces were suppressing the border, William III opened the treasury and let the investors of the East India Company see the gold and silver in it, which also played a soothing role.

"Now people are talking about why the First Consul didn't go to the Netherlands. At that time we were all in Antwerp." Bertin said while doing Georgiana's hair. She was a bit heavy-handed, but Georgiana did not complain.

What she was looking at was not a mirror, but the dresses that Bertin had prepared for her, each of which was extremely gorgeous.

The so-called rest will not really lie down and rest, at least you need to put on makeup and change clothes. It takes an hour for Naxisha to go out every time. Lucius Malfoy can only wait patiently if he is in a hurry to go out. This is a man demeanor and courtesy.

"Why doesn't the First Consul go to Holland, Madame?" a seamstress ventured to ask.

Georgiana didn't bother to look at the man behind her.

"Because it's almost Christmas, we have to go back before Christmas and reunite with our family." Georgiana said with a smile, and then picked up a hat and tried it on her head.

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