Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2668 Principal Zhixian (Part 2)

On election day for the International Confederation of Wizards, the German Minister of Magic gave an intermittent speech:

"Right now we are living in a divided world, with new conspiracy theories being talked about every day and negative rumors being talked about every hour. These rumors have intensified in recent days with the emergence of our third candidate. To dispel These doubts, the only way to convince the results is to prove that there are real talents among the three candidates."

Pomona looked around. The place she was in was full of large and small "lenses". The difference was that each of the real lenses could reflect a complete image, unlike the current situation. The "story" is still going on, but it is fragmented, and it needs to be put together like a puzzle to see the complete picture.

"Don't you want to say something?" Shadow asked.

Pomona felt like she was writing the beginning of an article but didn't know where to start. She felt that there was a lot to write but didn't know where to start.

"It's okay to say it straight," said Shadow again.

She remembered something that she should have thought of long ago.

When Santos squatted on the ground and received the unicorn's bow, Albus and Grindelwald should have entered the "mirror world", just like preventing Berlin from being destroyed by Credence's power. The difference is that there are "reflective surfaces" everywhere in Berlin. How can there be "mirrors" in the castle in the sky?

It didn't even rain that day, the ground was dry, and the only thing that could be a reflective surface was the roof. She had seen temples with gold and silver roofs in XZ.

"My teacher was a man of enigma," Pomona said. "He went to his grave with so many secrets, and until he died, I didn't know who he really loved."

Shadow didn't speak.

"We always thought he liked the opposite sex, and some even thought he had an illegitimate child." Pomona sighed deeply, "But we were all wrong."

Shadow didn't make his point, as if waiting for her to spout on.

"He taught me to love, to be fair and just, but I think we have a little disagreement." She circled the shadow "I've also heard a rumor that he and his brother thought that Creden S, you know, the bastard who brought the family home and saved their family relationship from falling apart, but the kid... can't say he's a disappointment, it's just that he's in too deep a dark place to save it .”

"So, it's a tragedy?" said Shadow.

"He accepted that child in order to save himself. Unfortunately, that child was not a 'savior', so he had me, a girl who likes gardening just like his sister." She calmed down and continued." Before he was polluted by the power of darkness and everything turned bad, but he never thought that even if he was not parasitized silently, he would still be attracted by darkness, and I was no longer an 'ideal' in his eyes."

"You must have disappointed him."

"I know, he said it in front of me." Pomona said calmly, "Did you know that the ancient Egyptians didn't have the word 'virgin' in their dictionary?"

Shadow didn't speak.

"Of course, they don't have a dictionary, I'm just making an analogy." She said with a smile, "I know a person who answers almost all the students' questions, especially the ones he likes. One day, he answered a question, What is a Horcrux?"

She deliberately paused, as if waiting for him to ask a question, but he didn't.

"One of the Horcruxes was made from a locket sold by the student's mother. She exchanged it for 10 Galleons. But that little money was not enough for her to live a comfortable life. She gave birth to the baby, and she died at the end, just in time to give him a name, Tom Riddle, just like his father." She said in a trembling voice, "After many years, a real 'savior' opened That locket, let the contents out, he and his friends saw it, do you know what it is?"

"What is it?" Shadow asked lazily.

"Jealousy, of course, and fear, but it wasn't the spiders that really drove Ron crazy." Pomona said a little excitedly, "Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

The shadow didn't speak, and Pomona's ears were full of his own echo.

"Do you think the ancient Egyptians had the concept of original sin?" Pomona asked calmly, "If so, Hathor's 'Drunk Festival' that Hapsesut advocated should be judged and punished, not a festival Congrats."

"You never gave me a chance to answer," said Shadow.

"Lost virginity is no longer a stain on a person's life, just like the 'mark' on my godson's arm." She gritted her teeth.

"You look regretful," said Shadow.

"I love that man!" she yelled "I forgot about him..."

"Speak slowly." Shadow said, "Don't get excited."

"He bullied my student, let him drop out, and caused such a big disaster, repaired the disappearing cabinet, and put the Death Eaters in." Pomona covered his head, "I forgot all these, and then I was rash Had to promise to be his godmother."

Shadow was speechless for a while, "I thought you were listening to me..."

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Pomona said quietly. "It's not the first time I've seen it."

Then she started talking again.

"It is really important that the Nile River floods on time. Only in this way will there be a bumper harvest and food abundance, ensuring that people will continue to live and prosper. Chastity is not so sacred that it is more important than life."


"I'm not that stupid to be against the whole world." She sighed "I think if the teacher who likes to answer students' questions can know to shut up and not answer the questions of 'Meng Tong', it will save a lot of things, And this may be the so-called keeping the right way.”

Shadow didn't answer.

"Silence is gold, eloquence is silver, and I don't want to say anything more." Pomona looked at the shards, then at the shadow "No matter how bad the real world is, it's real, and I can't live in this illusion in a dream."

"You didn't wait for him?" Shadow said with a sneer.

"This is where we can't communicate. You still don't know who I am." Pomona said coldly.

He doesn't speak.

She also remained silent.

They didn't speak for a while, but the atmosphere calmed down.

"He's not real either, is he?" Pomona said softly.

"Who are you talking about?" Shadow asked.

"Leon," Pomona said, "is he just a phantom?"

"I prefer the reflection," said Shadow. "He's not entirely fictional."

Pomona didn't know how to speak.

"You can still learn something from him." Shadow sighed and stood up. "He doesn't have Qilin to prove it to him."

Pomona smiled wryly.

"I didn't lie to you." Shadow said, "Many things actually happened in the past."

Pomona shook his head again and again.

"By the way, I'm not jealous." He said coldly, "Emotions need a body, and I don't have one in this world."

As soon as his words fell, the "puzzle" was put together again, and Georgiana returned to Brussels, Belgium.

The difference is that the sky is already bright, and the sky outside the window is indigo.

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