Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2667 Principal Zhixian (Part 2)

"Can you believe he would say something like that! He wants us to be creative!"

The students went back from vacation, and the library was empty, not even Mrs. Pince. Pomona should have spoken freely. But she only dared to beat and beat the books, and didn't dare to speak loudly at all.

"That sounds a lot like what he said." Severus stood erect.

"Where does he think we are?"

"School?" Severus asked after thinking for a moment.

"What's your tone?" Pomona asked.

"You know what Muggle school curriculum is lively and inspiring?" Severus asked.

Pomona calmed down a little.

"This place is looking more and more like a giant nursery." Severus twisted his lips into an odd grin.

How could she have forgotten, this guy's classroom is a standard English classroom, if all the courses at Hogwarts follow his standards, Harry Potter probably won't be so eager to end the vacation early and go back to school.

"It's really strange that you would go against the old fool."

"I didn't!" Pomona retorted.

He looked at her in bewilderment.

She said it in her heart, but didn't say it out of her mouth.

The fourth hexagram of Zhouyi "Meng Gua" symbolizes enlightenment. It is not that "I" asks for young children, but that young children ask for "I". Thirdly, if there is an answer that is not polite, it will not be answered, which is conducive to keeping the right way.

If the mysterious man hadn't been exposed to the magical world and learned that knowledge, the harm he could cause would be limited. After all, he was an orphan who grew up in an orphanage without family support and connections.

"Learning to respect" is considered a prerequisite for a child to have a good education in a pure-blood family. The society and the world we live in are "diverse", and personal image and etiquette are only superficial. Value is even more important than learning advanced knowledge and skills.

You-Know-Who breaks this cognition, just like Severus opened his Potions class, he will teach "you" how to increase reputation, brew honor, and even prevent death.

Strength can not only bring happiness, but also supercilious arrogance. In the later stage, the mysterious people no longer abide by the rules of the game in the human world, and they don't care about the consequences of the Unforgivable Curse at all.

As long as his opponents will disappear or die mysteriously, even mentioning his name when talking about him may be detected by his minions. There is some kind of secret connection between Death Eaters and his master, so people He didn't even dare to mention his name, so he could only use "mysterious man" instead. In this way, he taught those who despise him to learn "respect".

He was a complete tyrant, a monster, and Pomona couldn't believe that she had just said "Tom said the same thing as you" to Albus just now.

But she wouldn't change her mind, agreeing with Albus.

"Why do you say that?" Severus asked.

"I have a life of my own," Pomona said insincerely. "Have you ever wondered why he makes an unmarried man the dean?"

He looks at her.

"Without the burden of family, we can, like him, devote all our energy to the'greater good'."

"You mean, what Grindelwald said..."

"They're 'old friends', look." Pomona summoned Shabbat's History of Magic from the bookshelf with a summoning spell, and quickly turned to the photo of the old fool and the old lunatic when they were young. Still a teenager.

"I've read the book that they met in Godric's Hollow," Severus said.

"They also made a blood oath not to hurt each other, but it was broken in Sky City." Pomona closed the book with a bang, "Don't you find it strange?"

"What's strange?"

"When Qilin bowed in front of Santos, Santos returned the salute, and then stood up for a while..."

When she said this, she suddenly got stuck.

She didn't tell Severus about using the Pensieve to watch Scamander's memories, and Pomona didn't know if Albus had shown him Scamander's memories. Can Les understand?

"Do you think he's hiding something?" Pomona asked.

"Of course!" Severus said without hesitation.

"Are you sure?"

"I never doubted that." He wrapped himself in a cloak like a bat.

She didn't think they were talking about the same thing at all, but she didn't want to continue the discussion.

She wanted to take this opportunity to look for the spell of the Mountain-Moving Curse, but Severus was in the way here, would he guess the secret of the maze's transformation and reveal it to "friends"?

Rohart was almost sorted into Slytherin house. He and Severus were actually the same kind of people, but they pursued fame and fortune in different ways. In front of these truly smart people, she felt that it was difficult for her to survive in this world. She was very afraid, she had disobeyed Dumbledore's "reasonable request" just now, whether he would expel her from the school, because she was not capable enough to be the "professor" he wanted...

"What are you worried about?" Severus asked.

"It's all too heavy for a lonely soul," Pomona said. "They were going to fix the world, and they were looking for three things together."

"What three?" Severus asked.

"I have a hunch," said Pomona. "You've seen Albus's wand, the elder's, and thestrals."

Severus said nothing.

"Because there are three things in total, they can't share them equally, so they made a blood oath not to hurt each other, but that blood oath was broken in Sky City..."

"It's too heavy for a lonely soul, isn't it heavy for a paired soul?" Severus asked. "Saving the world is a stupid idea."

"They weren't trying to save," Pomona said.

He came over and stood a step away from her.

"I heard a rumor."

"What rumor?"

"About the Obscure, Credence Barburn, whose real name is Aurelius Dumbledore."

"I've heard that," Pomona said.

"And do you know who his parents are?" Severus asked.

Pomona couldn't answer that question.

"There was a legend in Godric's Hollow that there was a Muggle girl who was pregnant before she got married, and she kept refusing to reveal who the father of the child was. Her parents were ashamed of this, so she took The child left the village around the time Credence was born."

Pomona scoffed.

"Besides, there are other legends." Severus said again, "Her father said that she was seduced by wizards and devils."

"It's nonsense," she said angrily.

"He was protecting the family's name, so even though witchcraft trials were banned in those days, she was cast out."

She thinks it's unfair...

"Guess who's the father?" Severus asked pointedly.

"No..." Pomona murmured in disbelief.

"About your bet, I bet on Gallon, she is the real 'target'."

As he spoke, he took Pomona's hand and put a gold coin in her hand.

Whether it's the lifelike landscape that Albus "painted" with white smoke, or what you saw in the Mirror of Erised, the best way to judge whether what you see is hallucination is to touch it, after all No matter how it looks like a real mountain, it will not be as heavy and hard as a real mountain.

When he put the gold coin in her hand just now, his fingertips scraped her palm, which reminded her of the peppermint he found in the Forbidden Forest when he was a child, and he also put that little green plant in the It touched her palm, but it was light, like a feather passing by.

Nietzsche said that people’s more expression of love is the relentless pursuit of possession. A lover always wants to possess absolutely and alone the woman she pursues, and desires to have absolute control over her body and soul. He wants to be alone. Love wants to rule and dwell in a woman's soul.

This means that his purpose is to monopolize this happiness and beauty, leaving his rival in love impoverished, while he himself becomes the master of the treasury, the "conqueror", and is unscrupulous in it.

One should not be surprised by this mad desire, ready to sacrifice everything to disturb order, completely disregarding the interests of others, who mean nothing to him, and such is the selfish nature of love.

Pomona looked into his eyes, eyes that had once gazed at a girl with lake-green pupils and hair that burned like fire.

So who is he seeing now?

Although Pomona was reflected in his eyes at the moment.

"Please save me."

she heard a voice say.

"You are in my mind, entangled endlessly."

he continued.

Pomona ignored him.

"I pursue fame and fortune for only one purpose." He said while dying. "I want to protect innocent people."

She is not a god and cannot easily forgive someone who has committed the unforgivable sin.

Likewise, she has no power to save others.

Because she is not a selfless saint, let alone a merciful Madonna.

She has been alone for too long, and has carried too much weight. Now she wants to find a strong shoulder to lean on, so she feels very happy.

Just then, she heard a shattering sound, like a broken mirror.

She looked around, and everything fell into pieces, like some kind of jigsaw puzzle.

"He won't come, don't dream." A "shadow" sitting in an armchair said in a piece of pure white.

"I think, I see how I got in." Pomona looked at him and said calmly, "Harthor is not my caster, is he?"

He didn't speak.

"It's just me and you now," she said with a smile. "Obviously, isn't it?"

"So what?" he gasped.

She really didn't know what to do.

Because according to the International Statute of Secrecy, she is not allowed to cast spells on Muggles.

The point is that she can't figure out whether what she is facing now is a person's consciousness (consciousness) or a ghost.

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