Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2643 Wind and Flowers (22)

It is well known in the wizarding world that Hogwarts has to change Defense Against the Dark Arts professors almost every school year.

Passing by the floor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Pomona paused for a moment, wondering if it was time to check out the stone hand sculpture that Remus had borrowed from Boginbock.

In fact, in the early days of Dumbledore's tenure, no one believed that the mysterious man could really curse a position. Even though the changes were frequent, there were still an endless stream of teachers applying for the position. After 1985, this legend became more and more true, and the qualifications of the applicants became worse and worse.

The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in 1984 was named Patricia Linnai (linn). Before she became a professor, she worked as a spellbreaker at the world-renowned Gringotts. Educated at the top of her class in Durmstrang, she worked at Gringotts in Sweden after graduation, and her spell-breaking adventures abroad eventually earned her a reputation, appearing in numerous newspaper articles , and also published a biography.

She has a well-trained capuchin lemur as a pet, and this lemur is also an important companion on her adventures, because it is small and flexible, and can get into the gaps that people can't get through. It often interacts with the students on Patricia's shoulders, and the students love it.

When Phoebe gets trapped in the portrait, Patricia feels compelled to be a part of it. As many people think, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor should be very good at dealing with the dark arts. Harry and Ron went to Lockhart immediately after discovering that Ginny was missing, but when they arrived at his office, they found that Lockhart was preparing to Running away, the suitcase was filled with his colorful clothes.

However, at the time it was tacitly assumed that she looked suspicious, more of a suspect than Snape, a former Death Eater who had just become Dean.

Snape was educated at Hogwarts, where Minerva and Felix also taught him, and Patricia was a complete outsider. Patricia's departure has something to do with her colleagues not getting along well, but more importantly because of her use of Legilimency on her students.

Snape was always threatening to put Veritaserum in the students' pumpkin juice, but he was only talking about it, but Patricia actually used it, and in her explanation, it was even considered a Not black magic.

When she left, she also said that Hogwarts students don't even go swimming in the Black Lake in winter. Scandinavia is colder than Scotland, and some people break the ice to swim.

Pomona thought of Draco Malfoy's small body, fortunately he didn't really go to Durmstrang to study.

That incident was eventually dismissed, no suspects were arrested, and Phoebe and Joey's parents did not sue the school because they were Muggles. They assumed that Phoebe's change was due to school life, after all she had been repeated a year, which in the Muggle world meant poor grades. She didn't even show her report card to her parents when she got home, and they didn't force her to.

As for why Joey didn't say anything, Pomona didn't know. Joey's life went smoothly, full of sunshine and applause. Phoebe, on the other hand, was always morose and often looked at the portrait that had haunted her.

Even the ghosts sympathized with her. Pomona always remembered Phoebe hugging her soft toy. She was a little shy, not as lively as Joyner, but she was still a girl who loved to laugh.

There is a fairy tale. The protagonist in the story is a naughty boy who can fly. His shadow was brought back to a family by a dog. In order to find his shadow, he came to that family and got to know the three children in the family. , and lured three children to play with him on his island, and taught them to fly.

One of the girls was the oldest and the only girl, so she was asked to be a mother.

She was a child herself, and soon she also missed her mother. Under her mobilization, the children finally bid farewell to the island that brought them infinite happiness, and flew back home. Later, they all grew up and lost their flight Only the flying boy, who never grows up and never goes home, always takes the children away from the family and lets them go to the island to enjoy their free and happy time.

But the children didn't know that when they played pirates and fairies on the island, their parents went crazy. A lot of people hate dark things, yet the flying boy cried when he lost his shadow and tried everything he could to glue it back.

In the aboriginal mythology, people also think that there is only light and they will be happier without darkness, so they begged the God of Creation to take back the night. As a result, the weather was extremely hot, and people could not sleep. send it back.

Rather than rejecting the darkness blindly, it is better to learn how to coexist with the darkness.

Maybe you don't have the qualifications recognized by the other three academies, but if you have a tolerant heart, then you are welcome to join Hufflepuff College, even though others say it is a shelter for idiots, maybe you will It quickly turned out that it was a nice place.

"What are you doing standing here?"

Startled, she turned around to find Snape standing behind her on the grand staircase.

"The principal is looking for you." She said softly.

As soon as her words fell, the stairs moved again, and Snape followed the stairs to the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

Although this design is very interesting, it has caused endless troubles for students who are rushing to class. Harry and Ron are late for the first class on the first day, although they are not asleep, or in front of the mirror. Too much time wasted.

When they got to the classroom, they thought the teacher wasn't here, but the cat on the podium turned out to be Minerva McGonagall, their dean.

Snape didn't follow the stairs to the fourth floor, and then made a circle back to the third floor, he turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew directly to the third floor.

He put on the cloak again, and the shadow enveloped her completely.

"What were you thinking just now?" He said in a soft tone.

"Why do you ask that?" she asked.

"You have that look on your face that says 'how did I not think of that sooner'," he said.

"Remember Patricia's lemur?" said Pomona. "Don't you think he was too smart?"

Snape said nothing.

"It never occurred to us that Ron's rat was an illegal Animagus, would it be..."

"Not everyone is like Peter Pedilou and needs to hide as a mouse," Snape cut her off.

"But people practice Animagus, not just to hide," Pomona retorted.

"What do you mean?" Snape asked.

"It's like the student that Beauxbaton came looking for the Nicolas Cup, and there's something they want in this castle," Pomona said.

"What could it be?" Snape asked.

"How do I know." She rolled her eyes. "Do you know where Patricia Linnai is now?"

Snape wrapped himself in his robes, looking like a bat. "How many secrets are there in this castle?"

"Can you tell me, is the basilisk male or female?" Pomona said with a smile.

"Is that important?" He also replied with a smile.

"I just want to figure out one thing."

"That job was originally done by the three of us." Snape said triumphantly, "Maybe you can tell me why it turned into me and Felius?"

"Don't be so stingy!"

"Don't forget about tomorrow." He reminded, "Don't be late."

Then he turned into a puff of black smoke, came to the opposite staircase like an apparition, and then climbed up the stairs, looking grand and elegant, completely without the "snot-nosed" temperament he had when he was a child.

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François Severin Marceau-de Gravier was the son of a robed nobleman. He should have received legal education and succeeded his father as a judge, but he chose to join the army at the age of 16 and joined the Savoy-Callinant Regiment. During his sabbatical in Paris in 1789, he encountered the storming of the Bastille, after which he returned home as a veteran.

Before the war officially came, the soldier was just a profession. Ordinary people could quit their jobs, but could soldiers?

Soon François returned to the barracks against the opposition of his family, served as a training officer, and later became a captain of the National Guard.

In 1792 he participated in the Battle of Verdun, and it was his troops who were ordered to surrender to Prussia, which aroused the wrath of the revolutionary authorities and disbanded his troops.

Verdun means a strong fortress in Latin. It was first built by the Gauls. It has been famous for its almonds and marzipan since 1200. They will be distributed at the baptism of French princes, and later evolved into a custom at weddings. It was also posted.

Before the opening ceremony of the canal, which was spoiled by the assassination, many people received small packages containing marzipan, soap and a small golden bee. No one said what it was, but everyone who received it was very happy. It's clear, it's just a tacit understanding.

Known as the costliest battle in history, the Battle of Verdun in World War I was home to France's strongest defensive line, surrounded by a chain of mighty forts.

For the fortified area, it is unwise to bypass it. In 1792, the anti-French alliance did not bypass the defense line laid by Louis XIV in the past, but instead occupied them, and did not go straight to Paris along the opened thoroughfare.

Why do you want to fight like this? After entering the military academy, you will know that the Battle of Verdun in World War I was one of the most tragic "meat grinder" battles. Prussia experienced several "meat grinder" battles in the era of Frederick the Great. The poet He can write poetry, but he is not the one who bleeds anyway.

If the Prussians attack by force, Verdun can also be captured, but this will cause huge casualties, not to mention that Marie Antoinette was still alive at that time.

After fighting for so many years, everyone forgot about chivalry. Austria married a princess for the sake of marriage, and Austria and France fought against Prussia together. Fortunately, Prussia and Austria have formed an alliance to fight France.

In short, the Prussians passed the impenetrable Verdun line of defense. In 1793, François was investigated by the newly appointed Jacobins. After his release, he was immediately sent to the Vendée to deal with the royalists.

During the Battle of Toulon, Napoleon did not liquidate the noble officers in the army with the special commissioner. He felt that the most urgent task was to defend "Little Gibraltar".

When he was idle in Paris, he actually had the opportunity to go to the Vendée, but he felt that his major was of little use, and there was no need for artillery there.

During the war, François rescued the national representative who was surrounded by the enemy, thus making himself stand out. The National Assembly issued a thank you to him, and he was promoted quickly. Bell became a friend.

In 1794, he went back to Paris on vacation. On the way back, he met a young old aristocratic woman, Angéric de Meslier. Rescued from the guillotine, even himself and Kléber needed the protection of the national deputies from arrest and execution.

After spending the winter of 1793 and 1794 in Paris, François set out again, and he fought alongside Kleber until the Battle of Limburg.

Limburg is located east of the Black Forest. At the end of the summer of that year, the Archduke Karl defeated Jourdan, causing the French to retreat to the Lahn River. The Archduke Karl launched a fierce attack on Limburg's French center. During this attack, François was mortally wounded and died at the age of 27. The Austrians and the French competed to honor the dead general, whose body was cremated and buried under the Pyramid of Koblenz, designed by Kleiber.

Short, brave, and glorious was his career, his mourners were his friends and his enemies, his soul was white, and therefore people wept for him.

In fact, on the way here, Raggert thought about allowing the Netherlands to enjoy the same conditions as Belgium, without providing "blood supply", but he soon realized that this was impossible.

If France breaks out again, the whole of Europe will fall into war again, and it is impossible for the Netherlands not to conscript.

At that time, the uniforms of the French army were blue. In addition to indigo, there is also a dye woad, which can also dye blue, but its price is relatively low, and it is herbal rather than woody. It's not as pure as indigo, so you can wear it as long as you don't pick and choose.

Cigarettes are a necessity for soldiers. After smoking, they will relax for a while and fall asleep easily. Otherwise, they will be tense all the time and will not be able to fall asleep at all.

Civilian cigarettes are expensive, military cigarettes and ammunition are allotted, but who would join the army for free cigarettes?

Wars are easy to start but hard to end. But the military career is definitely different from the life of the little boy in the rear, and many people still yearn for it.

Compared with being worthless, a little use value is also "value". The extinguisher left by Albus to Ron seems worthless. What else can it do except turn off the lights?

It is actually like the lighter used during the First Century War. Pomona intends to imitate it to prevent the volcanic ash from blocking the sun after the volcanic eruption, and use the light emitted by the extinguisher to provide photosynthetic light for plants.

She didn't know the existence of the mirror world at that time.

Even when developing photos, light is needed, and the darkroom just refuses the entry of natural light.

For her, figuring out these principles is much more important than appreciating the "fire" after gem cutting. These are illusions, and she needs to figure out how she got in before she can get out.

She was afraid of staying in this world for too long like Phoebe, so that she lost contact with the original world.

Lyle Meyer told her that people in this world are not really alive, nor will they really die. A wrong concept can poison life, and she can't treat these "people" in front of her as lifeless.

Maybe it's her own who has the wrong idea, but habits are formed, and she really doesn't want to develop the habit of waving a magic wand at will to take the lives of others.

It was truly lost for her.

In ancient Greek mythology, there is a goddess named Hecate, who walks outside the rules and has many names, such as the three-phase, the goddess of the crossroads, the torchbearer, and the soul of the world.

When you stand at a crossroads and don't know which direction to choose, she will guide you.

It is not your abilities that determine who you become, but your choices.

And that's the pain of limbo, even if the punishment is just aimless wandering in the eyes of some people, it's much easier than the torture in other hells.

As long as someone is with you, even an enemy is better than being alone. Of course, it may be her wishful thinking. Some people would rather stay alone than spend a second with the enemy. To him, that is the real hell.

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