Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2642 Wind and Flowers (21)

While the seeds of most plants will germinate as long as they encounter the right environment, the seeds of the tinder shrub will burn violently even if they are thrown at the flame produced by the mother plant. It will still germinate in the presence of water and land like other normal plants, and because it can burn itself, it can grow even in extremely dark caves.

There is a medicinal material called Rano potion, which means morning dew in Polish, and the morning dew is very common.

This is relative. For example, brewing Animagus potions requires dew that has never seen the sun.

These two kinds of water are actually water, but they give people different feelings. When people recall an object, it will be based on one "appearance" and relate to another. For example, the morning dew and the water droplets collected in the dark, these basic representations will make people like, comfortable, disgusted, uncomfortable and other reactions.

Another example is Quirrell, who mentioned that most of his students remembered his garlic smell, turban and stuttering appearance, and few people saw his "other side".

When Quirrell took off his hood, only Harry Potter was present, and he witnessed the mysterious man possessed on the back of Quirrell's head. After this memory was collected, the smell of garlic could not be smelled in the Pensieve, and the "look and feel" was not that bad.

It allows people to focus on the event itself without being distracted by other things around it.

"I can't give you that memory." Pomona said helplessly, "but the Hull family's gold cup and Slytherin's locket are really not inherited by the Smith family."

Albus' blue eyes peered at her through half-moon spectacles.

"I swear……"

"You don't need to swear, I believe you, Pomona." Albus interrupted her. "What else do you find?"

"We went to Borgin Bock." She hesitated and said "Borgin Bock offered him a memory."

Albus didn't speak, and seemed to be lost in thought.

Looking around, Pomona stumbled upon an object in the cabinet that looked a lot like the Deathly Hallows symbol.

The triangle was the Invisibility Cloak, the sphere was the Resurrection Stone, and the pillar was the Elder Wand, which was sitting on the desk in front of Pomona right now.

"Can I ask you a question?" Pomona asked.

Albus turned his gaze to her.

"Is the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets male or female?" Pomona asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Albus asked.

"If she is a female, then she can't provide feathers to Salazar Slytherin to make a wand. The legend about the founder of Ifrmoney College getting that wand is false." Pomona looked at Ah The Elder Wand of Unthinking "How do you know if it's man-made or..."

"Why didn't you ask Severus, who was involved in the dissection," said Albus.

"He's a great liar," Pomona said.

"Why do you think that?" Albus asked.

Pomona wanted to tell Albus what Snape had said about the Patronus.

"Hasn't he come back yet?" asked Pomona.

"At least you didn't come to see me." Albus leaned on the chair. "Didn't you come back together?"

"I ran into Felix on the way, and I gave him the candy and asked him to pass it on to you," Pomona said.

"If you want to go back, please go to the cellar and call Severus up," said Albus.

"I don't want to go back~" Pomona said sweetly.

Albus smiled "You want to accompany me?"

She felt that he was lonely, but at the moment he was not lonely enough to need her to stay with him.

So Pomona bowed to Albus and left the Headmaster's office.

This time she did not take the spiral staircase, but walked down the grand staircase. Even if the moving paintings were seen for a long time, she would not be surprised, because they were essentially doing a repetitive thing.

Pomona stopped at an empty space where the framed painting that had once trapped Phoebe hung.

When the next semester starts, it will be the "tenth anniversary".

Even Fei Liwei and Minerva took a year to unravel this curse. At that time, no one thought that the students were turned into paints and "painted" on the canvas.

When Phoebe lifted the curse and came down from the painting, she suddenly became "three-dimensional". After returning to normal, she hugged Joey and cried, but fainted within a minute.

At that time, people were worried that she had not eaten or drank water for a long time, but Albus soon announced that Phoebe's time had stopped for a year, and she and her twin sister Joy were no longer the same age.

Phoebe's repeating a grade is a trivial matter, and it's normal for her to drop out of school, or drop out of school altogether. But Phoebe came the next year, and on the first day of school many people noticed that she had changed her hairstyle. On the express to Hogwarts, she kept looking out the window, didn't speak to anyone, and had no expression on her face.

There is a story in "A Brief History of Time", one of the twins left the earth at the speed of light, and when he returned, his twin brother was too old to walk.

Whether it is petrification or portrait curse, the common point of this type of curse is that the time of the cursed object has stopped, and petrification is easy to understand. After all, they are motionless, but the person cursed by the portrait is still moving. How can it be said that the time has not stacked?

Humans need to refer to the passage of time when they feel the passage of time. For example, when the hands on a clock rotate, such mechanical movements occur in one second, one minute, and one hour, and thus they feel that time is passing.

There is also a biological clock in the human body. It not only controls the circadian rhythm of the human body, such as sleeping. If a person wakes up early for a long time, he will wake up without an alarm clock when the time comes. Go to sleep and become a vegetable.

Metabolism can also be terminated, but this means that human life is also terminated. Phoebe's body has become a paint, which is no longer a form of life. She is essentially no different from the oil painting hanging on the grand staircase.

Living people feel that time is passing because the clocks and biological clocks outside are operating normally, but because Phoebe is "unable to see", she cannot feel the passage of time through movement like people outside. The biological clock will not be affected by human vision. For example, when a person travels abroad by plane, the first thing they do after landing is jet lag. Although the local time and the bright sun tell him that it is daytime, his biological clock The record is still night.

At first Phoebe could hear Joy, but then she couldn't even hear her. The teachers thought that the bell tower's machine was roaring louder than a human voice, and that Phoebe should be able to hear it, so they moved her from the grand staircase to the bell tower, and it was the bell that accompanied Phoebe when Joy went to class.

But even though she could hear the repeating pendulum sound, Phoebe's biological time still didn't move forward, and she couldn't even tell whether the sounds from the clocks were what she heard or what came to mind.

Fortunately, Phoebe's next student career was safe and sound, not as "exciting" as Harry Potter. Due to repeating a year, Phoebe graduated from the class before Harry Potter entered the school.

Humans can't travel at the speed of light, of course, but the twin hypothesis explains that time is relative rather than absolute as previously thought.

If human beings can really move at the speed of light in the end, for example, the twins of the earth will send out a light signal every year. On the way out, the light is chasing the other twin. If they are traveling towards each other, the other twin can feel the frequency of the light signal increase.

If the entire journey took 23 years, that's Earth time, the other twin stayed on the ship for 11.5 years, and when the twins were reunited, they were 11.5 years apart in age.

In the 23 years apart, 90% of the time, the time-travelling twins are away from the earth, and the frequency of the signal he receives from the earth slows down, and 10% of the time is on the return trip, the twins on the spaceship frequently receive the signal from the earth. light signal. Assuming the light signal emitted by the twin on Earth is a picture of himself, the twins on the spaceship can see that the other is aging faster. And the twins on the spaceship, although he can feel that receiving the light signal once a year has become faster, it does not affect his own biological time.

Usually Pomona doesn’t explain too much. It’s good for children to arrive in the classroom on time according to the schedule. The “concept of time” based on the theory of relativity will cause confusion in their minds, like a crazy clock.

There is only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic. The mysterious man can make a person who can use this kind of magic follow him to become a Death Eater. His own strength is evident. The concept of their group is different from that of "normal people".

Grindelwald is another kind of madness. He once said something like this, "The objection of a coward is the praise of the brave." Who wants to be called a coward? Even Lockhart intends to delete Harry and Ron's memory and become a "brave", as for Ginny, he is a sad victim.

In the oriental language, this is the method of aggressiveness. The lure can make people tempted, but it doesn't work so well for those who have wealth and status, unless the other party is very greedy. The provocative method is very effective for competitive and self-respecting people. Poking the opponent face to face can achieve the purpose of making the opponent "jump up". It is even more effective if the opponent is immature.

It is more effective for a woman to say that a man is a coward, and men will still think about not being able to fall into the trap between men. When a woman scolds a man for being "useless" and "incompetent", he has to do something to prove that he is "useful" and "capable".

Albus told her that even if people all over the world despise him, misunderstand him, and ridicule him, as long as there is one person who understands and approves him, he will not give up in despair. If a woman makes a man lose confidence, he will alienate her. If a woman makes him full of confidence, he will fall in love with her unconsciously, even if she is not the most beautiful outside.

Pomona didn't quite believe this, and she suddenly wanted to see what the woman who was pregnant with the child and brought the Slytherin locket to Borginbork to pawn looked like. It's a pity that Bojinbok gave Severus only memories. Apart from the Pensieve, is there any other way to see her image? You can't just run around with your Pensieve all the time.

So after a short stay, she continued down the grand staircase, and experienced a stair deformation in the middle, and she had to turn back. At this time, she saw a portrait of Greta.

Since she was a student, Greta believed that only Sirius was worthy of her. Although she was younger than Janice, she was no longer as young as a young girl in her 20s.

Is there any point in continuing to wait?

If you wait any longer, when you reach the age when no one cares about you, you won't be able to get married if you want to. And Greta still has so much property, who will she leave it to in the future?

Pomona withdrew his gaze and continued walking towards the cellar.

She still had to complete Albus' mission, although Severus might not be back by now.

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When the exposed photo is placed in the developer, an image will appear in a short time. The current technology held by the wizard can only convert black and white. After all, black and white negative images are much easier to understand than color ones.

It's hard to imagine the characters in the photo changing from flat to three-dimensional. Fortunately, the color spectrum of the mysterious man is not very complicated. He has no hair and only a pair of red eyes.

The soul exists with a body, and each body is considered to have a soul worthy of it at the beginning of its existence. A human soul needs a human body to make it complete. Animals do not feel the existence of another soul. Humans do not have a complete "life" living in an animal body. Like Peter Pedilou, he lived in the form of a mouse. Ron's family has been a pet for 12 years.

When the soul of a circulating person exists in another person's body, it will naturally want to occupy it, and the original soul of the body is paired with that body. When competing for the right to use the body, even Voldemort lost to Quirrell.

But Quirrell still stinks of corruption, which needs to be covered up with garlic. This also means that Voldemort's need for a new body cannot be solved by possessing an animal and drinking medicine.

Pomona didn't believe what Albus was deducing, and that's why Harry was the seventh Horcrux, but she didn't know how difficult it was to "defeat" Albus until she actually started to get in touch with his "field" .

As a woman, few people would not want new clothes and dress themselves up, but Raggett is "blind", no matter how glamorous Georgiana dresses up, it will not work for him, and his "eyes" are only his wife.

When Matilda went to ask him, Raggett was not asleep, or he was also awakened by the news from London. Napoleon's expeditionary force assembled from Belgium to recover Santo Domingo set off from Amsterdam. If the French successfully recovered Santo Domingo, they would not just recover a wealthy colony.

Even a little girl like Georgiana could think of something. How could these big men not think of it. Napoleon exchanged a small piece of land in Italy for an area as large as Louisiana. At that time, many people thought that Spain had made a loss-making deal.

At the beginning, Robespierre appreciated Napoleon, who was still a lieutenant of artillery, because of his mind. His memory and imagination of terrain, terrain, and ground obstacles formed an inner mirror image. When he needed to be awakened, even after many years Still looking like new.

But no matter how talented he is, if he does not meet a "noble person" on the right occasion, it will be difficult for him to have a bright future. But during the Great Revolution there was no shortage of such opportunities.

In the summer of 1790, Marat converted the confiscated religious property Cordelli Abbey into a club. Its official name is "Society of Friends of Human Rights and Citizenship", but people still call it Cordelli Club. Danton later became the club's president, and the place gradually became a Jacobin club.

It is located near Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and it has ceased activities since 1794. This time, the exiles of the old aristocrats were placed in Saint-Germain-des-Prés after returning. To give them a place to live, it is inevitable to demolish some old houses and make room for them. Give them a place to live. During the overhaul, construction and demolition, the Cordelli Club, which witnessed the rise of Napoleon, just disappeared.

As long as no one mentions it, everyone's attention is on the Louvre's collection, and there are fresh artifacts from Egypt. Napoleon's trip to Aachen this time was not just a reward, he also went to Koblenz, intending to move the grave of a general back to Paris.

This general was one of the first old aristocrats to join the French Revolution. He died in 1796, but was respected by the Prussians and France.

The "trouble" of the Dutch and Belgians is relatively small. They only need to collect the bones of ordinary soldiers in the Anti-French Coalition War and send them back to France. They will be placed in a designated cemetery.

Laggette received news that it was in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in eastern Paris. That area is the area where sans-culottes and remnants of the Jacobins are active, and eastern Paris is the area where the royalists are active. The first ruler is called "General Portuguese Moon".

Now that such a big incident has happened, Raggett wants to ask Georgiana if she can delay the removal of the grave for a while.

Georgiana's head was buzzing.

Columbus is also known as the German Corner, where the equestrian sculpture of William I, the first emperor of the German Empire, is erected. It is so huge that it cannot be shot by mistake in theory, but it was used by the United States before the end of World War II. Eisenhower ordered a "misfire".

The scattered copper pieces were melted, and the stones of the base fell into the Rhine River. On the base, there was a line of poetry: As long as they are united and loyal, the empire will last forever.

William I was not born in the early 19th century, but this poem already existed, because the poet lived in Napoleon's time.

The Rhine River is the natural border between the First French Republic and the Holy Roman Empire. Crossing the Rhine River is the border of the Holy Roman Empire. You don’t bring a single soldier. You just come to travel and stand on the Rhine River in France to see the other side. What a terrible Napoleon Bonaparte of landscapes within the Holy Roman Empire.

At the same time she understood why the world was Napoleon and not anyone else.

He is a "dream builder", a builder of dreams.

The same is Hogwarts Castle, everyone's memories are different, just like a lens from a different perspective, recording everything you see. Some people remember coming to the castle by boat, and some remember the floating candles, but none of this can be separated from the "foundation" of Hogwarts Castle. People just interpret their own stories in the castle.

Now that the "Dream Builder" is going to transform the world, what will it bring?

Georgiana looked at the map of Paris spread out in front of her, comparing it with the map she had seen in a travel magazine.

"Rome" was not built in a day, but it would be "coaxed" to disappear, if Nicolas hadn't stopped the fire.

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