Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2638 Wind and Flowers (17)

Generally speaking, flashes are used indoors, or to fill light in poor lighting conditions. Pomona really couldn't figure out why they used flashes outdoors when the sun was so bright.

She looked at the sky, the sun had dyed the sky a rose finger color, and the light was indeed beginning to dim. Although the Smith family prepared a lavish dinner buffet, Pomona decided to go back to school.

After parting from Diggory and his son, Pomona Apparated back to Hogsmeade, she went to Honeydukes before entering the school gate, bought the candy that Albus liked, and then walked through the Forbidden Forest The path in the mile, walked back on foot.

Although there is nothing to worry about with her chubby appearance, but because the full moon is approaching, she is very afraid that she will encounter a werewolf on the road, and her walking speed is much faster than usual. Fei Liwei, she stopped him immediately.

"Drinking with friends at the Three Broomsticks again, Felius?" Pomona asked with a smile.

But Felix did not answer her "yes" with a smile.

She sensed something was wrong, and Fei Liwei said solemnly, "I'm going to attend a friend's death anniversary ceremony tomorrow."

"I'm sorry," Pomona said quickly.

"It's not you who should say sorry, but you actually know who should be sorry for it." Feliwei said calmly, "Adebe Woflin's grandson hopes to remember his grandfather and celebrate the arrival of peace."

Adbe Woflin, the author of The Theory of Magic, was dubbed the "Father of Modern Magic Theory", but he passed away at the age of 82.

This age is very long-lived for Muggles, but it is not yet the "end of life" for wizards, especially when he died in 1981, and there are rumors that the mysterious man intends to recruit him.

This is obviously not a good time to invite Felix to participate in Severus' "big day" tomorrow.

"Any new developments about that lake?" Pomona asked.

"Lake? Ah, you're talking about that lake." Fei Liwei quickly realized, "Do you remember the last time I told you in my office that memory is the present of past perception? Memory is not the object. Now in the moment, what it really looks like, like a castle."

Feliway pointed to Hogwarts not far away: "In our memory, it is brightly lit, but it is not brightly lit now."

Pomona looked at the castle in the sunset. It was indeed not the brightly lit appearance that the freshmen saw in the dark when they got out of the car and took the boat.

Only on that day and important festivals, the school will light all the lights. Usually, some inaccessible places will not light or bonfire, but they are often "sacred places" for dating. When teachers go to those places to patrol, they will always catch one or two couples. lovers.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" Felix asked.

"Of course," said Pomona. "And then?"

"The brightly lit castle is 'in the past' did happen, it's different from imagination, that didn't happen."

Felix paused at this point.

"The prophet can also see some things that have not happened, but that is for us in the river of time. For her, the things in those 'prophecies' have already happened. I wrote a letter For Hermione Granger, she told me..."

"You wrote to Hermione?" Pomona looked at Feliway in surprise.

"What's the problem?" Felix asked.

Pomona recalled that it was indeed "not a problem" that Fei Liwei often missed questions for Hermione and asked her to "predict" what the exam would be like a prophet.

"What did she say?" Pomona asked.

"She also asked Mr Porter that night, 'how did you do it', and Mr Porter told her, 'I know it's going to work this time because I've done it'."

"What?" Pomona asked.

"For Mr. Potter who has experienced time travel, the Patronus is a proof that he has done it, and for Mr. Potter who has not experienced time travel, he 'imagined' his father to save him, but James Potter was already dead in 1981, he couldn't have gone into the future to save his children, the illusion was created because he saw himself in a bright light. I told you about the 'lit castle' before, this image is just An object of attention, what does it remind you of?" Fei Liwei asked.

"The freshman saw it in the boat," Pomona replied.

"I think of the candles floating in the auditorium. We all reproduce something with the same identity on the basis of the 'brightly lit castle', that is to say, every perception has a certain variation that matches it..."

"Slow down," Pomona said hastily.

"Memory is the present of the perception of the past. Perception varies from person to person, but we all build on one foundation."

"A brightly lit castle," replied Pomona.

"Even if you are a student, your answer just now won't give you extra points, Pomona, the 'Past Potter' and 'Future Potter' have mutated the memory of the Patronus, and that Patronus not only contains The present, the past and the future, that's why it's so powerful."

Pomona's mind was full of Quidditch players in Hufflepuff jerseys flying in circles on broomsticks.

"Speaking of my progress, how is your progress?" Fei Liwei asked.

"What do you mean?" Pomona asked wearily.

"The labyrinth." Feliway said.

"I met Random, and he promised to come and help me train the intern's stamina." Pomona said, "I know there are invigorating potions, but I don't want them to rely too much on potions."

Even if there were artificial rem bull's blood that could make the powerful stimulating potion the Aurors needed, Pomona didn't want to use it unless it was an emergency.

Random's training method is very tiring for the body, but it is sufficient exercise, and he will become stronger after recovery, and the potion is easy to cause dependence.

Pomona told Severus that Cedric had the right to choose what was right for him, but Severus was right, he was just a kid.

After Harry put on the sorting hat, he encountered difficulty in choosing whether to go to Gryffindor or Slytherin. Assuming that Harry has some special traits recognized by Slytherin, but he desperately told the sorting hat "not to Slytherin" because of some people's one-sided words, which is also a choice he thinks is good for him.

At that time, he had just arrived in the wizarding world, and he was unfamiliar with everything in this world. He needed to refer to other people's opinions to make his own judgment.

Therefore, Pomona does not approve of the practice of allowing 11-year-old freshmen to choose their own college at Ifamony Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

It is not our abilities that determine our destiny, but our choices. It was a great opportunity to be an intern for the Minister of Magic, and she shouldn't have turned it down so early.

==================================================== ===========

The fire was burning brightly in the fireplace, bringing both light and heat, and it reminded her of Christmas that year, when she and Severus danced in front of the fireplace, and Elvis Presley was playing on the wizard radio s song.

In yoga, there was a pose called cat pose, which imitated the way a cat stretches after waking up, and Georgiana was doing this pose in front of the fireplace now, even though "Albus" was sitting on the sofa watching her.

It was something she would never have dared to do before, but she clearly remembered that Albus was dead and she had worn new robes on the day of the funeral.

People in the Middle Ages believed that poverty was a virtue, and the ascetics often dressed in rags, and Pomona, who was a woman, almost dressed like them.

Albus suppressed himself a lot, no real monk was like him. All the deans he selected were unmarried. Although Minerva was married once, she had never had a child. The teachers who had been parents must have different ideas from those bachelors.

Just as she was taking a breath, she felt someone coming from behind her.

It felt familiar to her, and there had been so many passionate evenings of theirs. He made her forget her duty and indulge in joy, which eventually led to tragedy.

Pomona liked Cedric for many reasons, besides his humility, but also because he could listen to what she had to say.

She read an article written by Muggles about mirrors and reflection of light. To put it simply, light is an electromagnetic wave. There are a large number of free electrons on the surface of the metal coating. When light shines on this material, the electrons vibrate in turn. Secondary waves are generated in the electrons. According to the Huygens-Fresnel principle, these secondary waves will cancel each other, and finally only the waves in the opposite direction to the incident light are left, which are superimposed together to form a "new" wave surface, which is the reflected wave of the mirror.

In other words, the basilisk seen in the mirror is no longer the original basilisk, and Hermione will survive.

Solids don’t disappear because you can’t see them. Gold doesn’t emit light. If it had this property, gold diggers wouldn’t work during the day. At night, it’s dark and follow the light to find it. It’s easy to find it. There is no need to wash slowly in the river.

A lot of "gold" is buried, so it is very lucky to find a "patron saint".

The North American Patronus has mutated, and the European Mandrake also has mutated varieties in North America and the Middle East. The Turkish Mandrake (mandragora turcomanica) is only a little bigger, and it is essentially the same as the European Mandrake. almost. The North American mandrake (podophyllum petaltum) is poisonous, at least according to European potion theory.

If Albus hadn't chosen to believe in Severus back then, thinking that the mandrake potion he configured could "resurrect" the petrified people and send the "patient" to St. Mungo's, Hogwarts might have to close down. up.

She used to think that if Albus and Grindelwald didn't bother with so many nosy things and found a place to live in seclusion, they would be very happy, and they wouldn't be left behind, even if they died, they wouldn't be able to be buried together.

In the Inca creation myth, after Pachacamac created the world, he created a group of people on a whim one day, and then went to rest in a lake with unique scenery. This lake later became a healing place. The effect of the lake, no matter how badly injured the animals are, jumping into it will heal them.

Many years later, Pachacamak decided to travel far away. At this time, the people he created had already lived a life, but they didn't know how to be polite, and they threw stones at Pachacamak, so Pachacamak Kamak turned these humans into stone statues, and then created new humans. This time he became more planned, he created light and darkness first, and gave them to two gods, a man and a woman.

The male god manages the light, including the sun, Venus, and wind and rain, and the goddess manages the dark, including the moon and the seven stars on the throne. There are three days in each month, and the moon goddess can go to the sun palace to perform the duties of a housewife.

Humans can actually do a lot of things if they really want to.

If Harry really wanted to save Severus Snape, he would have remembered that Arthur Weasley had been bitten by Nagini too, that St. Mungo's doctors had found a cure, that herbal alchemy labs There is an antidote.

But Harry had sentenced Snape, and he had "what he deserved".

She couldn't fault a young man, knowing too much could get in the way of happiness, and Harry had chosen to be happy.

If magic and school could not bring him happiness, but boredom and pain, would he still "break out of prison" and drive a flying car to school?

Ordinary children hate school and summer homework.

It would be nice if the holidays didn't end.

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