Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2637 Wind and Flowers (16)

Every spring and summer, water vapor from the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will gather over the North American continent. When thunderstorm clouds gather to a certain extent, there should be rainfall under normal circumstances.

However, there are no terrain disturbances such as mountains and hills on the Great Plains in the central part, which weakens the disturbance of the atmosphere, which leads to frequent occurrence of tornadoes.

Although the thunderbird can attract rain, it is still a fire-type bird. According to the legend of the aborigines, whenever it flaps its wings in the air, there will always be a sudden thunderstorm. Its feathers are also a good wand material, but Aboriginal people prefer to use feathers as accessories, usually worn on the head as a symbol of bravery to show off.

There is a posture called "hero pose" in yoga, which needs to raise your head and chest like a proud warrior. But there is also a posture called "Hero Sitting", which requires people to sit still, which is very suitable for meditation and maintaining inner peace.

This posture is also called Thunder Sit. It is one of the very few yogas that can be practiced after eating. Other yoga postures require an empty stomach. It is not suitable for children who are next to the kitchen and practice yoga for weight loss.

No matter how violent the wind and thunder are outside, you must keep your mind calm and not be affected by it. Use this mentality to view the law of the cycle of everything. This is the way Lao Tzu tells the world to seek the Tao.

If you are not virtuous at the top, you are virtuous; if you are not virtuous at the bottom, you are not virtuous. The upper virtue is inaction but not thought; the lower virtue is inaction but thought. Shangren does it without thinking; Shangyi does it with thinking. If you don't respond to the ceremony, throw your arms and throw it away. Therefore, one loses morality and then one is virtuous, one loses one's virtue and then one is benevolent, one loses benevolence and then one is righteous, one loses righteousness one is one who follows propriety.

It means that people should have the heart to seek the Tao, seek virtue after losing the Tao, seek benevolence after losing the virtue, seek righteousness after losing the benevolence, and seek propriety after losing the righteousness. The product of insufficiency, the person who is polite wants others to obey, and if no one responds, he will forcibly induce others to obey.

Yoga gurus say that when you have a stupid outlook on life that you get from other people, you distort yourself according to what society expects of you.

You are here beating as a being, whether you have a mind without a body, or a body without a mind. When you feel that you are controlling with your mind, do you feel that everything in your mind is what you think? Or was it taught to you by someone else?

When you try to understand this problem, you will find that there are many people, such as father, mother, teacher, friend, lover, etc. A group of people cannot be conscious, only a single person can have it.

In addition to the pain that meditation brings to the body, you can also feel the process of transforming the activity of the mind into life. Are you a life with a mind, or a mind with life?

Thunderbird is very sensitive to danger. When a person wants to attack, he will move, and the movement will bring up the wind, and the wind will blow the feathers. If you continue to sit at this time, you may lose your life. rose up and rebelled.

If you can feel the wind, do you need to open your eyes? Or assuming such a scene, you are in the dark, you can’t see anything when you open your eyes, the visual aid effect is lost, there is no difference between opening and closing your eyes, you can only rely on other ways to deal with the monsters in the dark. Danger.

This is also part of Auror training, especially a step that you must go through when you are not moving towards intelligence searches, but towards warlocks. Like the strings in the dark, they will naturally sound when the wind blows; you can't see the wind, but you can still feel the wind.

Durmstrang is one of the few magic schools still studying physical arts, which is very helpful for Viktor Krum's playing career.

Grindelwald, who also studied at Durmstrang, said that magic only blooms in the soul of a few people.

Thanks to the Restoration Charm, when New York was silently destroyed, it was quickly repaired. However, the life after being burned by the flames caused by black magic is irreversible. In order to prevent Berlin from following in the footsteps of New York and Paris, Albus takes Credence into the world in the mirror.

She had always wondered how Harry had actually found it in his pocket after seeing the Philosopher's Stone in the mirror.

Now that she knows that Albus really understands what the mirror world is, she is not so happy.

The role of this world development is to prevent the real world from being affected by it. No matter what happens inside, the outside will not change.

So in this world, even if she succeeds in preventing the United States from acquiring Louisiana and westward movement, what is the use?

These "seeing is believing" are all illusory.

Things are often not what they seem, no matter what others tell you.

Pomona was breaking free from her old self, thanks to Severus' help, who taught her to rebel, not obey.

It's really easy to just follow orders and do things without using your own brain.

At this moment Georgiana felt sleepy again, but she couldn't sleep. The indigo in the Hope family's warehouse in London was burned, and tomorrow's financial market does not know what shocks will occur, but this is not the reason why she cannot sleep.

"May I know why you can't sleep?" Albus asked, sitting across from her.

"Are you a phantom, or do you appear in my head?" she asked.

"Have you ever seen the photo development process?" Albus asked.


"You know, take the film out of the camera and soak it in the potion," Albus said, gesticulating.

"What are you trying to express?" she asked.

"They call what's on the film a 'negative image,'" said Albus. "If it's black and white, black and white are reversed."

She was silent.

"But if it's a color photo, it's a complementary color to the real thing. You know, Muggles already have color photography, but wizards' photos are still black and white, even though they can move." Albus looked down at the carpet. pattern of "Do you know what the complementary colors of these colors are?"

She was thinking about the world of daisies. If there were not only black daisies and white daisies, but also daisies of other colors on that planet, what the computer had to simulate was not just the difference in temperature between black and white daisies. .

"Color is not only a kind of perception, spiritual, but also physical. I think you have also noticed that only the 'black and white' ghosts can't touch the world like Peeves, and they don't have perception." Albus said .

"You already told me," she replied.

"When?" Albus asked.

"When Voldemort announced the process of his resurrection, when talking about the original body potion." She said slowly.

"Why can't I remember?" Albus said, confused.

"It's all involved in human body training, so there are no taboos that can't be said." She sneered, "When did you become timid?"

"How's your letter going?" asked Albus.

She glanced at the letter that had begun.

The title "My Lion" was so dazzling that she wanted to destroy it.

But she couldn't do it.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to say to him."

"I thought you'd talk about everything," said Albus, "like Merlin and King Arthur."

"Unfortunately, I should have known myself." She said indifferently, "I know I was wrong, and I won't do it again in the future."

"You mean, cheating?" Albus asked.

"No." She shook her head, "It's like you and Grindelwald in the past, trying to reshape the world. This is my poison."

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