Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2620 partake (twelve)

In fact, in addition to dogs, pigeons also have the habit of knowing the way and returning home, and people have also cultivated carrier pigeons to convey information.

Voldemort once possessed a crow. At that time, everyone thought the war was over and he would not come back, just like the last time.

Like Ginny, Pomona had been physically controlled by him, and her memory was completely blank at that time. When she woke up, she found that their temporary residence had become a luxurious palace-according to Slytherin's taste.

Hogwarts was like home to Harry, until he had godfather Sirius and Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, where he spent Christmas in his fifth year, and if it wasn't for safety, he No desire to go back to Aunt Petunia's house, despite their blood relationship.

After graduating from Hogwarts, Voldemort disappeared for nearly 20 years. When he came back, he was quite different from Tom Riddle before. At the same time, his strength had also grown to a level that ordinary people could hardly match.

He became the Dark Lord, had countless followers, and set off a frenzy in Britain in the 1970s.

A man like him would not live in a cave, nor would he live in a house made of animal skins like Aesop, and Pomona believed that Helena would not find a place for herself.

Severus also has her own residence in the "area" of Albania, a bunker left by the Germans during World War II. She has been to Pomona, but she doesn't know where it is.

Perhaps for the convenience of the "Master" summons, "all members" Death Eaters like Severus live near the possible castle. Sybill Trelawney once prophesied that "Master and servant will meet again tonight", assuming she was referring to Peter Pedirou, who was transformed into a mouse and possessed a small animal in the Forbidden Forest Did Voldemort meet, or did he go to Albania to find Voldemort?

Albania held special significance for Voldemort, even more than the old Riddle house in Hangleton, which had once belonged to his father and grandfather.

His sole purpose of "visiting" there was to kill his Muggle father and grandfather and put the blame on his uncle, and the place was not home to him.

In fact, Georgiana may want to trouble, there is a spiritualism that even psychics know, which can call back the soul of the dead, no matter where he died.

Helena was cared for by the seriously ill Rowena Ravenclaw, so Helena and Barrow's souls were recalled by her.

Who else cares about Voldemort? His mother had died shortly after his birth, and then she remembered the snake named Nagini, which was also Voldemort's Horcrux, and it had once been a woman.

There must be a difference between living Horcruxes and those made of "dead objects". The extremely weak Voldemort returned to his "home" in Albania. When he recovered, he left Albania and took Nagini to England to continue His "big plan".

When Sirius' soul is sucked out of the body by the dementor, it appears as a blue point of light, not a pearly white human form like a ghost, and remains the same as they were at the moment of their "death", unlike them The corpse remains the same.

No matter how they die, the remains will be sorted out during burial, and the ghosts will obviously not enjoy that "peace".

Among the four elements, earth is the most stubborn substance. The ghost can pass through the wall without harming itself and the wall, but it can interfere with water, fire and wind. On the contrary, they can also be blown away by the wind, just like Ernie McMillan fanned Nick to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomfrey has nothing to do, she can only heal the living, and she doesn't know how to heal ghosts. Fortunately, the medicine for restoring petrification is not ingested by "drinking".

Although other petrified people have bodies, they cannot swallow because time has stopped on them. This is bad news, but also good news, otherwise a person will die if he does not eat or drink for a month.

The final method used was the "medicated bath", when they used the prefect's bathroom and put the potion for restoring petrification into the pool, because it needed "a lot" of fresh mandrakes to fill the entire pool, due to The previously ripe ones were destroyed, and it took many months of planting in Pomona to accumulate enough.

The petrified people are put into the pool one by one, including Nick, who will move in the current, which means that the water may work on him as well.

The mandrake herb liquid turned blood red at this moment, looking a bit like red wine. To use an inappropriate metaphor, those petrified people look like corpses soaked in water.

About half an hour later, the victims "woke up" one by one, including Nick and Mrs. Loris.

"Partake" is also used to receive communion, even though the actual act at that time was the eating of bread and drinking of wine. In the last supper, the consecrated bread was broken and said "this is my body" and then "this is my blood". Later, when the church held the mass, the original wine and bread became flesh and blood up.

Although kings use rituals to assert their special supernatural status, giving legitimacy to their rule and crown, special powers are also acquired through rituals.

There is a fairy tale that says that the sense of ritual is to make a certain day different from other days, and make a certain moment different from other moments.

Weddings are very important for girls, and if the day is accompanied by a coronation, it will be even more special.

Sometimes in order to wear her favorite wedding dress, the girl will go on a diet for a period of time, and eating and drinking are not the most important thing to her.

There is a painting called "The Wedding of Garner", which is in the Louvre and the Church of Our Lady of Health. In the picture, the groom and the bride are in the inconspicuous position of the picture, and the most prominent place is reserved for more important guests, while the most important part of the picture is The scene depicted is a banquet.

There is an Eastern proverb that goes like this: Hundreds of men know how to set up a camp, but women know how to start a family.

400 years after Caesar invaded Gaul, a Hun named Attila came to Paris. He did not choose to attack the city, but besieged it instead of attacking it. At that time, 27-year-old Genevieve organized some people to deliver food outside the city. Some people said that she spread rumors that there was a plague in Paris and Attila's army was withdrawn. In short, she became the guardian of Paris. City saint.

Louis XV also built a church for her, which later became the Pantheon of France. There was a time when Parisians would carry her coffin out no matter it was a drought, flood or plague. However, during the French Revolution, her remains were burned, and the monks only had time to snatch some of them and carefully preserve them. The thorns of the crown, together in the rooster weathervane of Notre-Dame de Paris.

Georgiana had read a "History of the Goths" written by a scholar of the Byzantine Empire, which also wrote about Attila's invasion of Gaul. Because the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire did not pay enough tribute, Attila decided to blackmail the Alans on the banks of the Loire River. The Visigothic king saw the power of it and sent soldiers to march to support the Alans.

Here Attila, the invincible, was defeated and retreated in disgrace. The Visigoths did not suffer heavy casualties in this battle, but their king fell ill. At that time, the main method of treatment was bloodletting. His subordinates wanted to launch a coup when the king was seriously ill, kill him and replace him. The seriously ill king finally repelled the assassin with his healthy hands and avenged himself.

Except for that book, there is no record of this battle in any history book, but it reminded her of one thing.

Albania is Scotland in Byzantine Greek. It was not until Latin became popular in the Middle Ages that Albania referred to Scotland and the current Republic of Albania.

Was Helena's Albania really that far away?

But Helena lived in the "dark age". After telling Voldemort, she didn't seem to want to tell others where the tree hole where she hid the crown was, and no one cared.

In that "Gothic History" there is such a sentence: Those who lead people to believe heresy must be burned, because they turn the fire of love into the fire of hell.

Fierce Flame would be attached to animal souls, but instead of waving the "whip" to force them to enter the formation, she could summon the demonic fires to them by summoning souls.

And not just Fiendfyre, other elemental black magic will also attach to animal souls, as long as they can be recruited, then the underground fortifications will not only be able to resist Fiendfyre.

Evocations are generally used to make the summoned target enjoy offerings, but there are often delicious baits on the traps.

But the idea is very good, and we still have to try it to see if it works. Just like what they did to the petrifaction, if the potion to undo the petrification doesn't work, I'm afraid it will still have to be sent to St. Mungo for treatment.

Fortunately, it worked, and they all "live", which is great.

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