Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2619 partake (eleven)

In Harry Potter's fifth year, Gryffindor was targeted more than before because Umbridge set up a search party, where members could deduct points arbitrarily, and the search party consisted mainly of Slytherins.

One day the Weasley twins couldn't bear it any longer, and stuffed Slytherin's captain, Montague, head-down into the disappearing cabinet. Montague was trapped in it for a while, and finally decided to use apparition to escape, but he got stuck in the bathroom. U-shaped water pipe, if Draco hadn't discovered it, his life would be in danger.

When he was trapped, Montague could hear the voice of the school for a while, and the voice of Bojin Bokri for a while, but no matter how much he yelled inside, no one could hear his voice.

In the past, Phoebe was trapped in the portrait, and others could still hear her voice, but she couldn't hear other people's voices, let alone see anything. After she escaped from the trap, her personality changed drastically, and she no longer had anything to do with Joey All kept "in sync".

Georgiana put a map of Paris on the table. The current location of the French Ministry of Magic is not an old and quiet residential area. Before the construction of the Palace of Versailles, it used to be a famous market in Paris, because there was the Saint-Germain-des-Prés Abbey nearby, which was once the richest monastery of the Merovingian Dynasty and the cemetery of the Merovingian royal family.

It was located on a deserted beach in the 6th century, and it is now covered by a lot of forests, and it was abandoned after the French Revolution. It is estimated that the royal cemetery inside was also damaged like the Saint-Denis Church.

In the Burgundy tower where Georgiana once lived, she found a strange altar, and then something strange happened that day. Charlie Matt is not only a son of Pepin, he also has an elder brother Carloman, who together with him continued the career started by his grandfather, not only became the only minister of the Merovingian court, but also successfully usurped the crown of the Frankish Kingdom .

But after completing this goal, Pepin drove his brother Carloman to a monastery in Italy, where Carloman died in the end.

Georgiana touched the altar by mistake, and then Carloman's ghost actually appeared in the castle of Burgundy.

The top floor of that tower has stone-carved vines that look lifelike, but that's not the point right now. Now she remembered one thing, Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter Helena once carried the Ravenclaw diadem to Albania. When Rowena was seriously ill, she wanted to see her daughter, so she sent the blood man Baro to find her. In desperation, Helena put the crown in a tree hole, and then she was killed by her fiancé Baro. The two returned to Hogwarts together in ghost form.

Quirrell met Voldemort in Albania. In 1991, Voldemort was defeated again by Harry and had to leave Quirrell's body. Then he met Bertha Jorkins on vacation in Albania. How can there be so many places on the earth? Choose Albania. The cause of all this was the ghost Helena, who told Tom Riddle, a boy she found fascinating, a secret she had kept for centuries, and then Voldemort found the diadem and made it got a Horcrux and hid in the Room of Requirement.

Whether it is from Albania to England, or from Italy to France, it is a long distance in the eyes of human beings, but dogs also have the ability to go home thousands of miles. What caught Georgiana's attention was the tree hole where Helena hid the Ravenclaw diadem. She couldn't have hidden the diadem in the tree hole of a wand tree by chance.

Suppose Hogwarts and Albania have a kind of "passage" that allows the ghosts of Barrow and Helena to travel from Albania to Hogwarts, and for Voldemort's soul to travel from Hogwarts to Albania. This makes the first time Voldemort dies, the soul travels from Godric's Hollow to the Ravenclaw diadem in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts, through it to Albania, the second time it is expelled from Quirrell's body, and again to Albania .

Crowns, trees, horcruxes, vanishing cabinets, all tangled into a tangle of threads that upset Georgiana.

In the Celtic world, stones and trees were both worthy of worship, but they represented completely different meanings.

Sometimes the boulder is not used as a sundial to observe the sun, but to build a tomb. The Celts will seal the top with a boulder, sometimes slightly carved to represent the residence of the dead. Their customs were recorded in Caesar’s Gaul War Records. The Gaul Celts believed that they were descendants of the god Diss. Although Diss corresponded to the Roman Brutal, it was not quite the same as the Roman God of Hades.

At that time, the Celtic day began with the night, and the time was also a few nights, not a few days. The trees, especially holly and oak, are calculated in terms of sunshine hours.

The Celtic master of the underworld, Dis Pater, used to be a hunter. One day, when he was chasing a stag with hounds, he found a red-haired "fairy". Avon, a king of the underworld, was banished from his hometown by his enemy Hagen, so Avon asked Piwel for help, so Piwel accepted the request and became Avon Going to the underworld.

There he encountered an unexpected problem. Avon's beautiful wife regarded him as her husband, and when the sun fell, Piwel lay face to face without saying a word or touching her. When dawn broke he left to rise, hunt and manage the government.

After a year of preparing for the decisive battle, Piwell and Hagen fought against each other on the shallows of the river. As soon as they fought, Hagen's horse was pierced by Piwell's spear, and he was dying. Then Hagen asked Piwell to understand own.

Piwer didn't do that, he replied "It will make me regret it, others may, but I won't." So he let Hagen go, and Hagen let the servant flee with his back. Unified the underground world and became the master of the entire underground world. However, he returned to the above-ground world as agreed with Avon, and the two restored their respective appearances and returned to their respective territories.

Back in the underground world, Avon and others celebrated the victory, but no one except himself found that he was different from the past. But when night fell and Avon kissed his wife as usual, the queen was puzzled by her husband's behavior.

So the queen told Avon after repeated inquiries from Avon, "You and I have not said so much tonight in this year."

"Don't you 'I' never talk?" Avaughn asked.

"Never," said the Queen, "we have never talked or been intimate with each other all year."

Shocked, Avon told the queen the truth, and the queen couldn't help but admire, "You really made a loyal friend."

Piwer returned to his territory, summoned a group of ministers, and asked them about his achievements this year. All the ministers praised him one after another. In the past year, he was extremely wise, discerning right from wrong, being generous, courteous and corporal, and upholding justice. Later, Piwer told the truth to the ministers, and the ministers exclaimed, "It is a blessing to meet such a friend."

Since then, the two kings formed a deep friendship and exchanged gifts. To commemorate this adventure, Dispivel, the king of the earth, has been given the title of "King of the Underworld".

This is the material Georgiana found in the library in Brittany. Celtic myths were passed down orally. A priest around the 4th century visited the locals and recorded these legends.

In the period of Charlemagne, ancient pagan activities such as tree and stone worship began to be condemned. After all, the Carolingian dynasty needed coronation, religious ceremonies, and divine right to determine the legitimacy of its crown.

The Saint-Germain-des-Prés Abbey was originally built because the Frankish king at that time conquered the Visigoths and Germans in Sarduba, but the king died after the church was repaired, so the church was changed into a monastery.

If she can leave this world the way Grindelwald said, can he too?

The key to this is Ravenclaw's crown and the tree hole where the crown is hidden, similar to the key obtained by Pomona, which turns an ordinary wood without magic power into a tree with magic power. How can I say that it has been a thousand years since Helena hid the crown in the tree hole until Voldemort found it, which is enough to turn a small tree into a big tree in the sky.

In front of these ancient trees, the lifespan of human beings is just a fleeting moment, suddenly, like a mayfly, in the eyes of human beings, it is also ephemeral.

In the vicissitudes of life, the Himalayas were still under the sea before.

However, the truth still needs to be verified after she returns to Paris. Logical conjectures are not necessarily true. Voldemort had already made the diary, the resurrection stone ring, the Ravenclaw crown, the Hufflepuff gold cup, and the Slytherin locket. Why not choose anything else, but the Ravenclaw crown, from Gederry Ke Dale to Hogwarts, then to Albania.

Then she thought of the altar, it was marble, and on it was carved a wind rose in gold-like gold thread, and the ancient sailors used to draw maps according to the various winds.

At least she knew that the ghost would be blown away by the wind, almost headless Nick petrified and immobilized, blown by Ernie MacMillan with a fan to the hospital wing.

No one thought it was funny at the time, and it was funny when we talked about it later, but who made Nick a ghost.

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