After grabbing some food, Tina and Pomona left the venue together.

In addition to Janice's perfume, there were many other perfumes in the venue, and they mixed together to form a messy smell, which was as annoying as loud human voices.

"Hagrid!" Pomona yelled.

Hagrid, who was feeding the Thestrals, looked back at them both.

"You must be the student who was expelled like my husband." Tina said, "I heard that you were responsible for bringing the Philosopher's Stone back to Hogwarts."

"She's Tina, Newt Scamander's wife," Pomona explained to a confused Hagrid.

"Thanks to Dumbledore," said Hagrid.

"Newt too, here you are." Tina handed a plate of sandwiches to Hagrid, and after he took it, she also picked up one and began to chew.

"Dumbledore allowed him to stay in the Forbidden Forest, too?" Hagrid asked.

"No, he can keep his own wand," Tina said, chewing. "Not like your umbrella."

Hagrid subconsciously hid his umbrella.

"How do you know?" asked Constable Hagrid.

"I used to work in the Wand Registry, when I was an Auror."

"You must have seen many ways to hide wands." Pomona also took a sandwich and ate it.

"The United States is much stricter about wand management than Europe, and your children can actually take wands out of school." Tina said.

"But we still have juvenile laws, and they have traces," Pomona said.

"Speaking of tracking, were you ever tracked when you delivered the Philosopher's Stone?" Tina asked Hagrid.

"No, that's a secret mission, like Harry's address..."

"Ahem." Pomona coughed, and Hagrid immediately shut up.

"That's a secret mission," said Hagrid, gagging himself immediately with a sandwich.

"Lucky for you, there were other tasks that caught their attention at the time," Tina said.

"They? Who?" Pomona asked.

"The people who broke into Gringotts later, they were tracking a scroll," Tina said.

"What scroll?" Pomona asked.

"A dark scroll found in the cave, which records the formula of some spiritual potions." Tina replied.

"Did they get it?" Pomona asked.

"I've only heard of Aurors who were injured, and they had burns that couldn't be healed with ordinary burn ointment."

At first, Pomona didn't think it mattered, since Auror is a high-risk occupation.

Later, she remembered that these injured Aurors were probably her students, and the older Aurors were gradually retiring, such as Moody.

"Let's change the subject," Tina said.

"I became Professor of Care of Fantastic Beasts last school year," said Hagrid.

"Harry Potter summoned the Patronus." Pomona said with a smile immediately.

She couldn't let Hagrid "pass" that he didn't continue to use Scamander's book as a textbook, and that the Scamander family's hippogriff was almost executed.

"Patron saint?" Tina asked as if she had never heard of it.

"A stag, very pretty," said Pomona, and then looked at Hagrid. "Is that so, Hagrid?"

"Yes, that's right, I saw it all in the cabin." Hagrid replied immediately, "A very powerful Patronus."

"What kind of magic was used to summon it?" Tina asked.

Her question confused both Pomona and Hagrid.

"Certainly a happy memory," Pomona said.

Tina looked at Hagrid's Thestrals.

"It's no ordinary Pegasus," said Tina.

"Only those who have seen death can see it," said Pomora gloomily.

"There is a legend." Tina touched the Thestrals. "One day, an orphan with no father and mother had his legs broken by a bear in the forest. He was terrified. At this moment, a ghost of a horse suddenly appeared. , took him to a hunter's house, where it was warm and safe, the child not only recovered from his injuries, but also became the hunter's child, the ghost horse that saved him has been by his side and accompanied him to grow up, the child slowly There is a deep relationship between Slow and the horse, and their souls have established a connection. The ghost horse is actually the horse of the wind. It cannot leave the child and become the freest wind. Such natural elves make a contract, we must go to the forest to take risks, and usually hire a Ploch as a 'guide', just like the school founders Aesop and William, but some people have not met many times."

"It seems that the Patronus Charm is also a profound magic among you," Pomona said.

Tina shrugged and fed the Thestrals the rest of the sandwich.

==================================================== ==========

Before Lovelock in the 20th century came up with the world of daisies, Native Americans had similar legends.

At first they lived on the earth, thinking that life would be better if there was no night, so they prayed to God to take back the night. However, it didn't take long for them to find that the weather was getting hotter and hotter, people couldn't bear it, their tempers became more irritable, and they quarreled with each other constantly, so they made a wish to God to take back the day and only have the night. The Creator loves humans, feels they are right, and fulfills their demands. But before long, the weather became colder and colder, the plants stopped growing, people were hungry and cold, and many people died. Only then did people realize that they were wrong, so they begged the Creator to let the day and night alternate again, and life was restored to balance. The Creator made a tree and put the souls of people who died in the long night in the tree. This tree is called cedar.

There is also a story that hunting was more than a subsistence activity for Aboriginal people. There was an excellent hunter who was not only excellent at shooting but also agile, but he only hunted the prey he needed and never killed too much. His restraint made a elk guardian sign a contract with him. However, the hunter's temperance was scolded by his father and ridiculed by his companions, thinking that he had no ability.

Later, the hunter killed more and more, and he became richer and richer, but his patron saint was about to leave.

"Don't go!" he said to the Patronus, and aimed his arrow at it, and the elk stood still, and then the solid ground under the hunter's feet became a lake, and the hunter fell into it, and at the bottom of the lake the hunter saw him kill The prey are complaining and howling.

The patron saint said to the hunter, "You have gone astray, and I will no longer be your patron saint."

After the elk disappeared, the hunter fell into a coma, and five days and five nights had passed by the time his companions found him.

From then on, the hunter was no longer favored by the gods, and he became a mediocre hunter.

Although druids and shamans have many similarities, such as loving nature and trying to keep the world in balance, druids are "people who know the oak tree", while shamans worship totems, most of which are animals.

Americans believe that nature has a mysterious internal language and can communicate with it. Human beings have no limitations, their bodies can transform with other living beings, and their strength can be greatly increased by combining with animals.

The druids believed that each tree had unique magical properties, so they took 13 kinds of trees and made a Celtic tree calendar.

In the past, there were many species and materials, and there were many choices for wizards. Later, many animals and plants disappeared, such as the magical animals in Scamander's box, and the olfactory weed that Pomona was thinking about.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade. When the predecessors squandered the inheritance left by their ancestors, sooner or later, Voldemort's injustice will happen.

Buddhism also has mudra, such as the demon seal. According to legend, when Sakyamuni was practicing, a demon king came to disturb him. Sakyamuni touched the ground with his right fingertips to make the earth testify, so the earth god came out to prove that Sakyamuni had become a Buddha. , In the end, the demon king was afraid of subduing, so the demon seal is also called the ground seal.

"Sending ghosts to hell" is not about pulling the toilet after going to the toilet. Fire is used for forging and smelting iron. The high temperature will burn off impurities, and it can also turn Paris into "the gate of hell."

At Hogwarts, if you need help, just ask.

Later Albus' ghost tells her to help those who deserve it.

Buddhism believes that it is karma that promotes reincarnation. The raging fire of karma should have burned the sinners, but it did not expect to burn Rita Lestrange, a "flower" who was not even eligible to be recorded in the genealogy .

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