Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2603 Another Branch

An owl flew out of the owl shack carrying an acceptance letter and disappeared from view.

I hope that the Muggle parents who received the notice will not be too surprised, and the time is too short, and it is a very risky decision for them to decide to send their children to a wizarding school they have never heard of. In fact, the safer way is to send someone to communicate with them, but this rule was abolished after Albus became the headmaster.

Pomona brought Tina to the auditorium.

Normally, going to the auditorium first is the correct way to visit, but Tina said that she has been to Hogwarts before, and it is not the first time for a "freshman". Besides, she is very impressed with the situation in other schools. interest.

"Our hall is circular." Tina said, looking at the rectangular auditorium with floating candles. , and then the freshmen will stand in a circle against the wall, and the person whose name is called will enter the Gordian knot in the center of the hall stone. The crystal on the forehead will shine, the cat and leopard will roar, the thunderbird will vibrate its wings, and Pukeqi will raise the bow and arrow in his hand."

Pomona smirked.

It sounds like some kind of Muggle talent show. A "student" comes on stage, and the chairs of the "mentors" face him or her. Come on, if more than one mentor turns their chairs, it's up to the trainees to choose their mentor. The instructors must find a way to persuade the academy to join their own academy, such as flapping their "wings" or screaming twice.

This is very "American". After all, Ifrmony Academy is the "most democratic" and "most educated" "great" magic academy. It is not as "authoritarian" as the sorting hat. Which college to go to, sometimes even regardless of the student's wishes.

"How are your admissions determined?" Pomona asked.

"Oh, I'm not sure about that." Tina said confusedly.

Pomona didn't get too entangled in this issue. Many people graduated without knowing that Hogwarts has a pen of acceptance and a book of admission.

"I like your sorting ceremony very much. It is not his ability that determines who he becomes, but his choice. By the way, where do you hold the opening banquet?"

"We would be taught how to tie the Gordian knot, which is a very complicated knot, but our school robes are tied with it," said Tina. "Each house has a different charm to tie it, usually The upper grades teach the lower grades how to do it."

"Without enough food?" Pomona asked.

"I think more people are entangled with that knot than entangled with that problem. I have seen a person tied up his whole body. In order to save him, he had to cut the rope."

Pomona couldn't imagine that image.

"So how did you 'transform' the food onto the dining table?" Tina said looking at the empty table of the Fourth Dean.

"Newt didn't tell you?" Pomona asked.

Tina didn't answer.

"He told me a little..." Tina said hesitantly, as if thinking that then Pomona would tell her what was going on.

"I don't know much~" Pomona said imitating Tina. "There are too many things in the academy."

"You're a foodie," Tina said.

Pomona was thinking about how to get away with it.

"You know, not all schools use owls to send admission notices." Tina said, "Our school uses Pukeqi, but this is not the most amazing thing. Waggadu will send dream messengers to sleep when children sleep. Give him a token from time to time, usually a stone with an inscription, and the child will find himself holding it when he wakes up."

Pomona was a little surprised. Is there anyone else who can travel in dreams?

"Speaking of which, it wasn't until the 20th century that Africa began to use the wand as a useful tool. Waggadu cast spells with fingers or gestures." Tina said.

"Do you think the giant stone hand with the devil relief just now has something to do with Waggadu?" Pomona asked.

"Or maybe it came from Africa, where the Egyptians made a lot of huge stone statues."

Pomona was silent.

In fact, there are similar spells in Asia. Japanese wizards call them "handprints". Instead, she saw a Chinese wizard in XZ using a cedar wood sword.

The wand is a European invention. Ollivander started making wands in the 4th century BC. At that time, Britain still belonged to the Celts and the Druids. Legend has it that Stonehenge was built by the Druids.

"How about joining me the next time I go to return that giant stone hand?" Pomona asked.

"You don't want to stay for research?" Tina asked.

Pomona shook her head. She also wanted to ask Remus why he kept it as a display in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Both the children and the school are pure, or let them be less exposed to things that may be related to black magic.

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Tom Riddle.

Georgiana recited the name silently, and couldn't help thinking of a silent person she met in England. Felix Young actually received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, but his mother found that unbelievable and sent him to a Muggle school anyway.

Hogwarts is not the kind of school where parents can come to visit and decide whether to let their children study. Not all the names appearing in the admission book will go to Hogwarts, and some will go abroad to study. Or they are educated at home like Aesop Gunter, so the teachers will not check one by one.

Frustration is a part of the teaching profession, and Remus's class felt fresh to the students because he was a new teacher, who wasn't like that in the first place?

Pomona looked at her beech wand, which was beautiful and had been with her for a long time, but she was about to start learning wandless magic after the sixth grade, and the theft of the bracelet made her realize that it seemed time for her to put it down it's gone.

The difference between breath and breath is very small, and there is not much difference in daily use, but the vocal cords are not used when breathing, while the voiced sound produced by breath uses the vocal cords.

The latter represents exhalation and inhalation through the nose, while the former represents a slight flow. Generally speaking, only life exists when there is breathing, but in mythology, no matter who created human beings, they pinched the human form with soil or other substances, and then If you can blow air, the person made of clay will "come alive". The meaning of the soul is related to "breathing" and "wind". There is a difference between breath and breath.

The regeneration potion does not really blow on the seeds, like a candle that is about to be extinguished, it can be rekindled with gentle force, but it is useless to the brain, brain cells will not regenerate when they die, this is what Severus did Experiments have proved that whether he bought it from Toots or made it after improving the formula himself.

Even if plants inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like animals at night, they will not become animals. Animals simply say they can run, jump and swim, and a tree is "stationary" unless the wind blows it, and it shakes its branches and leaves. Animals cry when they are hurt, but plants don't when they are hurt.

The aborigines of North America believe that in this complex composition of coexistence of all things, human beings are not a special existence above all things, and it has become their way of thinking not to be separated from nature. To them it would drive them mad not to associate themselves with the sun and the stars and with the animals and plants and with all of nature, while for others it would drive them crazy to identify themselves with the sun and the stars and with the animals and plants. go Ape.

Tina is an Auror and grew up in the city, while Scamander is more suitable for living in the wild, and he lives more comfortably in nature.

They have to adapt to each other, and there are many couples who can't do this. If James Potter is not so good at "transfiguration" and he has changed so much for Lily, how can this family survive?

There is always one side to compromise, no matter how much two powerful people love each other, neither side will give in in the end, Severus insists on letting Lily accept himself who learned black magic, and Lily also hopes that he will give up black magic, the two of them really come together It's a good show to watch when you go there.

Being in it or being persistent, he felt that Lily would definitely be changed and tolerated. She is a woman, isn't she? Women should be tolerant.

But the Sorting Hat sorted her into Gryffindor. She is a Gryffindor girl, because justice always reverberates in her heart. Laitlin".

When Snape joined Death Eaters and black magic in pursuit of power, power, etc., Voldemort said that power can change people's morality, and poor Quirrell not only became a victim, but his "standard" was changed by Voldemort up.

Ravenclaw's diadem is hidden in the Room of Requirement. Maybe Crabbe just wanted to put a Fiendfire to scare Harry at first, but he didn't expect the fire to spread rapidly in the Room of Requirement. The little Fiendfire wouldn't Causes animal spirits to attach to it.

Or maybe Crabbe wasn't the second-grade kid who unsuspectingly ate a cake when he saw it floating in the air.

Severus hasn't fallen so completely, he still has some moral bottom line, but with the persecution of Albus Dumbledore, he doesn't know where he slipped.

The fire was not as powerful as that set by Grindelwald in Paris, and Crabbe's strength could not set off such a large fire, but with the "accelerator", the effect was completely different.

When Grindelwald summoned his followers to the Pere Lachaise Cemetery, he once spread black banners all over Paris.

It looked like black silk, but Muggles couldn't see it, otherwise such a big battle would have caused a commotion.

They are spread all over Paris, looking like black flames.

The flame color of protego diabolica was originally black, but if there were "accelerators" at that time, the color may have changed.

Grindelwald told everyone to calm down at the meeting at the beginning, not to attack the Aurors who got in, that is, not to develop the situation into an uncontrollable situation, but the subsequent things were completely uncontrollable.

Was it an accident, or premeditated?

The point is that it wasn't the first time Nicolas dealt with an "emergency". There was another time two hundred years ago. Who would have done it?

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